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On Insulting Muslims

^^ That begs the question - what about Muslims living in non-Muslim countries ?

Well in UK nobody is allowed to create Public order situation by provocation and that includes disrespecting other peoples religious icons or religious place,so we are ok here..
and you didn't see any attack on UK interest anywhere in Muslim world?

USA has to put things right because its them who always attract trouble for themselves..

Do you think every Muslim who protested was a subscriber to the Jyllends Posten ?

Unless there is a change in the mentality, nothing will improve. The more you people violently react, the more people will make fun of you. The less you take things in your stride, the less the provocations would be.

We have zero tolerance for insulting our religious icons and that's that..
Although i am not in favor of violence..and regret the loss of life in this particular incident
laughing at you to be honest. The US attacks Muslim countries to eliminate radicalism and extremism according to them but on the other hand we see radicals and extremists coming from your side not only this time but also from the past, starting drawing pictures, pissing over dead bodies, burning Quran, drones attack on civilians wether in Iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, yemen ending by making anti-Islam film. what kind of reaction you wanna get out of it. barking all the time about humans' rights, tolerance.. etc when the reality on the ground is saying the opposite.

Extremist making movie is not killing others, you can ignore him. There are tonns of such material against every religion.
Extremist making movie is not killing others, you can ignore him. There are tonns of such material against every religion.

Yup and that's why the best way to "Ignore" is to scrutinize their media content coming into Muslim majority countries and Block any Inflammatory content...

They can enjoy their "Right of free speech" as much as they want..We wont be able to know....simple solution
I will see how many americans can ignore a film making fun and mockery of say....9/11 victims.

not that i will want to do so...just an example.
I agree that the Muslim reaction to "insults" is the wrong approach. We need to learn from our Jewish brothers: when you hold 'em by the balls, they won't even think of insulting you in public, regardless of what they may say in private.

Sacha Baron Cohen can be blatantly racist about various ethnicities, but God help anyone who does the reverse. Jewish authors and comedians routinely trash Christianity and Islam, but the reverse would never be tolerated. Danish authorities blabber on about freedom of speech, but when Arabs insult Jews, these very same authorities charge them with inciting racial hatred.

Some, it seems, are more equal than others.

You have a very heavy chip on your shoulder.

In a Jewish dominated Hollywood, there are more Jew jokes than any other, what a george carlin could say on stage about christianity in america or an incumbent CM in India could say about Ram without people trying to kill them or India's architect of constitution's views on hinduism - is there to see. Your spiel only shows the victim mentality that leads to such weird displays of anger.
As a muslim i was pissed and still want to slap the weasal that made the film.

What people don't understand is that Muslims do not take religion as a joke. It baffles them that for some reason we get offended when someone degrades our religion because they themselves do not take their religions seriously so why should they be expected to respect ours. I saw that video or whatever to and I was pissed probably would've decked the dude as well but killing people is going overboard. Also if the blogger has no problem with someone calling his mom a ***** than I feel bad for his Mama whose son wouldn't even defend her honor. LOL

You have a very heavy chip on your shoulder.

In a Jewish dominated Hollywood, there are more Jew jokes than any other. Your spiel only shows the victim mentality that leads to such weird displays of anger.

Forget Hollywood trying saying that on the streets see how fast you get labelled an anti-semetic (in US of course).
Forget Hollywood trying saying that on the streets see how fast you get labelled an anti-semetic (in US of course).

And people calling someone anti-semetic would also be freedom of speech. However if mobs tried to kill you or some other people from your country, hmmm now that would be a comparison. And your claim that anyone who does not form a mob and tries to burn down stuff and kill some random people are people who take their religion lightly is a very uneducated claim. There may be religions evolved way beyond such trivial cr@p, but a supremacist would not agree.
And people calling someone anti-semetic would also be freedom of speech. However if mobs tried to kill you or some other people from your country, hmmm now that would be a comparison. And your claim that anyone who does not form a mob and tries to burn down stuff and kill some random people are people who take their religion lightly is a very uneducated claim. There may be religions evolved way beyond such trivial cr@p, but a supremacist would not agree.

Except I never claimed that so I do not see where you are getting that from. I said Muslims get angry because they take religion more seriously although killing people and getting violent is going overboard. BTW being called an anti-semetic in America is not something one should be fond of and would probably find the person getting locked up but you wouldn't know anything about that.
Except I never claimed that so I do not see where you are getting that from. I said Muslims get angry because they take religion more seriously although killing people and getting violent is going overboard. BTW being called an anti-semetic in America is not something one should be fond of and would probably find the person getting locked up but you wouldn't know anything about that.

Nobody gets locked up for anti - jew comments. People get locked up for hate speech - but thats against everyone, not just jews. May be you need to read the local laws more carefully.

You clearly said others who ignore criticism or protest peacefully did not take their religion seriously. To say only uneducated angry hate filled idiots are capable of religion is just unfair, but an apologist would not see that. An apologist would offer an apology by spinning uncouth violent behaviour to mean seriousness with religion - what a joke.
What people don't understand is that Muslims do not take religion as a joke. It baffles them that for some reason we get offended when someone degrades our religion because they themselves do not take their religions seriously so why should they be expected to respect ours. I saw that video or whatever to and I was pissed probably would've decked the dude as well but killing people is going overboard. Also if the blogger has no problem with someone calling his mom a ***** than I feel bad for his Mama whose son wouldn't even defend her honor. LOL

Forget Hollywood trying saying that on the streets see how fast you get labelled an anti-semetic (in US of course).

Are you serious? You are making it sound as if islam is insecure among world religions. As if it need its followers to defend its honor. What a shame.
You have a very heavy chip on your shoulder.

In a Jewish dominated Hollywood, there are more Jew jokes than any other, what a george carlin could say on stage about christianity in america or an incumbent CM in India could say about Ram without people trying to kill them or India's architect of constitution's views on hinduism - is there to see. Your spiel only shows the victim mentality that leads to such weird displays of anger.

Instead of blabbering incoherently with stock phrases to hide your ignorance, perhaps you can show me an instance in mainstream media where a non-Jewish person insulted Jews and Judaism and did NOT get censored for it, but was instead lauded as a champion of free speech.
The writer is an idiot.

It is actually impractical to expect same kind of reception in a foreign land from where the movie is made such as USA. I didn't know about this movie, my friends and relatives here didn't know about this movie. Now we all do, yet I and the people that I know don't care.

I doubt same can be said about the run on the US Embassies. Perhaps these folks are too sensitive about their faith, and wanted their voice heard. Protests and a run on the US Embassies is nothing new, it is rather routine, happens all over the world. What is not is attack with assault rifles and RPGs in a military style professional attack. The elite rescue team was also ambushed.

This is the conclusion of the Obama Admin which IMO is acurate.
I agree that the Muslim reaction to "insults" is the wrong approach. We need to learn from our Jewish brothers: when you hold 'em by the balls, they won't even think of insulting you in public, regardless of what they may say in private.

Sacha Baron Cohen can be blatantly racist about various ethnicities, but God help anyone who does the reverse. Jewish authors and comedians routinely trash Christianity and Islam, but the reverse would never be tolerated. Danish authorities blabber on about freedom of speech, but when Arabs insult Jews, these very same authorities charge them with inciting racial hatred.

Some, it seems, are more equal than others.
And you can killa few hundred Christians in Pakistan and the government does nada...yer point?

I will see how many americans can ignore a film making fun and mockery of say....9/11 victims.

not that i will want to do so...just an example.
There are plenty...heard of You Tube?

What people don't understand is that Muslims do not take religion as a joke. It baffles them that for some reason we get offended when someone degrades our religion because they themselves do not take their religions seriously so why should they be expected to respect ours. I saw that video or whatever to and I was pissed probably would've decked the dude as well but killing people is going overboard. Also if the blogger has no problem with someone calling his mom a ***** than I feel bad for his Mama whose son wouldn't even defend her honor. LOL

Forget Hollywood trying saying that on the streets see how fast you get labelled an anti-semetic (in US of course).
Muslim don't take religion as a joke? ...Oooh...I see...they are different than all the other people who take their own religion as a joke! That explains it...I here I thought it because the religion taught no form of self-control (or actively discouraged it...it's not your fault you raped her...she wasn't under a sheet!)
Instead of blabbering incoherently with stock phrases to hide your ignorance, perhaps you can show me an instance in mainstream media where a non-Jewish person insulted Jews and Judaism and did NOT get censored for it, but was instead lauded as a champion of free speech.

There is no censorship in America, I'll file that in the ignorance section.

About lauding people for free speech, why is that even necessary. Free speech is available to you and those who will criticize you, thats simple actually, if one is not addicted to jews.
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