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On Insulting Muslims

What people don't understand is that Muslims do not take religion as a joke. It baffles them that for some reason we get offended when someone degrades our religion because they themselves do not take their religions seriously so why should they be expected to respect ours. I saw that video or whatever to and I was pissed probably would've decked the dude as well but killing people is going overboard. Also if the blogger has no problem with someone calling his mom a ***** than I feel bad for his Mama whose son wouldn't even defend her honor. LOL

Forget Hollywood trying saying that on the streets see how fast you get labelled an anti-semetic (in US of course).
And believe it or not....if I ran down the street yelling we needed to burn muslims....I would probably not get invited out much...
You have a very heavy chip on your shoulder.

In a Jewish dominated Hollywood, there are more Jew jokes than any other, what a george carlin could say on stage about christianity in america or an incumbent CM in India could say about Ram without people trying to kill them or India's architect of constitution's views on hinduism - is there to see. Your spiel only shows the victim mentality that leads to such weird displays of anger.

What a moronic clue less post.

Why the hindus killed 20000 Sikhs in 1984, why they just didn't let the law take its course ?

I am not sure why the modi loving muslim killing indian hindus are getting all worked up.
Instead of blabbering incoherently with stock phrases to hide your ignorance, perhaps you can show me an instance in mainstream media where a non-Jewish person insulted Jews and Judaism and did NOT get censored for it, but was instead lauded as a champion of free speech.
Are you serious? I've heard plenty of jew jokes...and so have you...far more than any about muslims. Well before 9/11 I remember all the jesus killers, drink the blood of christian babies etc....there are whole groups here with compounds whos only goal in life is antisemitism. Parroted it myself sometimes. Muslim stuff has only become popular in the last few decades. But it will grow...while anti-semitism doesn't. Why? Because muslim brought it on themselves...and are so darned amusing when riled up. (ps...how was copper wire invented?) And as far as why holocaust deniers don't get "lauded" for free speech? Same reason the guy yelling at the corner that the CIA is stealing his thoughts doesn't.
USA has to put things right because its them who always attract trouble for themselves..

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/207468-insulting-muslims-2.html#ixzz26Pho2Vuj

Now how goofy is this...the US is the cause of their own US Ambassador and 3 other US nationals at the Consulate being
murdered by al Qalida like terrorist bums. The radicals initiated 911, not the US. The UK has homosexuals openly in their military for years and radical Muslims hate this you can be sure.

It is typical of people the world over to place blame always on the offended, you are not unique. But all who practice such warped non-logic are wrong and no one is fooled.

The alleged crazy film, which I refuse to ever see for ethical reasons, claims Muslims are blood thirsty murderers. So, some Muslims go out and validate that nasty claim from the movie and "are bloody thirsty murderers!"
Instead of blabbering incoherently with stock phrases to hide your ignorance, perhaps you can show me an instance in mainstream media where a non-Jewish person insulted Jews and Judaism and did NOT get censored for it, but was instead lauded as a champion of free speech.
Censorship? Legal or not? If I do not allow a Klansman to use my front yard to spew his hatred, is that censorship? You bet.

Now see if you can figure out the difference between me and the US government.
More than Jewish jokes or anti-semetism, it's the denial of the holocaust or saying the numbers of dead were fudged which will draw extreme reaction from the Jewish and the west altogether. You will get censored on the media, you will be labeled an extremist, a nazi lover, Muslim radical. Whichever race, religion, color you come from, you would be considered an extremist of that group if you question the holocaust.

I would even go as far as to say the denial of the holocaust is as offensive to the Jewish and those under their financial and social influence as a caricature of prophet Mohammed to muslims.
There is no censorship in America, I'll file that in the ignorance section.

My typo. I meant censured, not censored.

When you censure high profile people appropriately (Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson, Helen Thomas), there is no need for explicit censorship. The message is delivered loud and clear as to what is acceptable public speech and what is not.

The reverse logic also applies. When anti-Islam bigots (Salman Rushdie, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Jyllens-Postens people) are lauded as heroes of free speech, that message also permeates throughout society that this particular speech is acceptable.

About lauding people for free speech, why is that even necessary. Free speech is available to you and those who will criticize you, thats simple actually, if one is not addicted to jews.

So, more empty rhetoric, but no actual examples to refute my point, eh? :whistle:

yer point?

My point, unrelated to the example you gave, is that the Jewish example is admirable and the one to emulate. The Jewish people have channeled the anger of persecution and turned the tables on their erstwhile persecutors. Beautifully done!

Hold 'em by the balls and they will behave.

Are you serious? I've heard plenty of jew jokes...and so have you...far more than any about muslims. Well before 9/11 I remember all the jesus killers, drink the blood of christian babies etc....there are whole groups here with compounds whos only goal in life is antisemitism. Parroted it myself sometimes.

If you read my first post, I specifically said that anti-semitism exists. My whole point, stated clearly there, is that such trash is confined in private situations. Anyone who spouts such nonsense in public is censured (got it right this time!).

Muslim stuff has only become popular in the last few decades. But it will grow...while anti-semitism doesn't. Why?

Because the dominant West has made it acceptable to be an anti-Islam bigot. By lauding, knighting and otherwise celebrating every two-bit anti-Islam bigot who comes along.

Because muslim brought it on themselves...

Funny. That's exactly what the anti-semites say about the Jews.

And as far as why holocaust deniers don't get "lauded" for free speech? Same reason the guy yelling at the corner that the CIA is stealing his thoughts doesn't.

It's not just about Holocaust denial, but any vile abuse of Judaism or Moses, the way we hear about Islam and Christianity. The reason we don't hear it is because it is considered very bad taste to do so in public. That stigma is not attached to abuse of Christianity or Islam.

Censorship? Legal or not? If I do not allow a Klansman to use my front yard to spew his hatred, is that censorship? You bet.

Now see if you can figure out the difference between me and the US government.

No one is blaming the US government. As I have stated before, in a democracy, the politicians are mere puppets. The real power lies with the media barons.
What a moronic clue less post.

Why the hindus killed 20000 Sikhs in 1984, why they just didn't let the law take its course ?

I am not sure why the modi loving muslim killing indian hindus are getting all worked up.

The "moronic post" seems to be evident for every one here. Sikhs were killed not specifically by Hindus but for retaliation of Indira Gandhi's assassination by a Sikh bodyguard for Operation Blues star she ordered. There is no case of similarity here, ur post was an evident troll.

The Chief Minister of Tamilnadu openly asked if god Rama ever existed a clear shot at Hindu sensitivity but how many were killed

This is what he is talking about. Please apply brain some times atleast.
The "moronic post" seems to be evident for every one here. Sikhs were killed not specifically by Hindus but for retaliation of Indira Gandhi's assassination by a Sikh bodyguard for Operation Blues star she ordered. There is no case of similarity here, ur post was an evident troll.

The Chief Minister of Tamilnadu openly asked if god Rama ever existed a clear shot at Hindu sensitivity but how many were killed

This is what he is talking about. Please apply brain some times atleast.

Please go and read biography of Indian PM MMS, during those riots against Sikhs by Hindus, the house of MMS was also under attack and the attackers only spared them when Hindu son-in-law of Manmohan Singh went outside and assured them he was a Hindu and it was his house.

As far as your statement that killing of Sikhs was reaction to assissanation of Indira by a Sikh bodyguard , very true but amazingly the killeres were HINDUS who targeted own Sikhs as a community and many were burnt alive by Hindu mobs on streets of Delhi.

its disgusting but its a fact that Hindu extremists in the history always burnt non-Hindus alive on many such ocasions
More than Jewish jokes or anti-semetism, it's the denial of the holocaust or saying the numbers of dead were fudged which will draw extreme reaction from the Jewish and the west altogether. You will get censored on the media, you will be labeled an extremist, a nazi lover, Muslim radical. Whichever race, religion, color you come from, you would be considered an extremist of that group if you question the holocaust.

I would even go as far as to say the denial of the holocaust is as offensive to the Jewish and those under their financial and social influence as a caricature of prophet Mohammed to muslims.

You may be right, but there are tons of holocaust denial blogs and youtube videos - Robert Faurisson, David Irving, David Duke, Ernst Zundel etc. They do get thrown into jail from time to time, but the videos are still viewable from the US, if not from Europe.
Please go and read biography of Indian PM MMS, during those riots against Sikhs by Hindus, the house of MMS was also under attack and the attackers only spared them when Hindu son-in-law of Manmohan Singh went outside and assured them he was a Hindu and it was his house.

As far as your statement that killing of Sikhs was reaction to assissanation of Indira by a Sikh bodyguard , very true but amazingly the killeres were HINDUS who targeted own Sikhs as a community and many were burnt alive by Hindu mobs on streets of Delhi.

its disgusting but its a fact that Hindu extremists in the history always burnt non-Hindus alive on many such ocasions

I have read that and please understand that the popular sentiments were delibarately whipped up by Congress Leaders who shamefully have not been prosecuted till date and i think one of the leader recently got a ticket to contest from the secular congress too.

I never said that we don't have skeletons in our closet. Babri demolition, godhra riots, gujarat riots and the riots on sikhs etc are a blot on this nation yes. But the case at hand the topic is not similar in nature is it? show me where people were killed for making fun of our gods and goddesses??

Its more disgusting when any body kills other humans in the name of religion.
What a moronic clue less post.

Why the hindus killed 20000 Sikhs in 1984, why they just didn't let the law take its course ?

I am not sure why the modi loving muslim killing indian hindus are getting all worked up.

What a lungiwala logic, first of all you are exaggerating the death toll by more than 30 times, second 1984 riots was not motivated by Hinduism.
What people don't understand is that Muslims do not take religion as a joke. It baffles them that for some reason we get offended when someone degrades our religion because they themselves do not take their religions seriously so why should they be expected to respect ours. I saw that video or whatever to and I was pissed probably would've decked the dude as well but killing people is going overboard. Also if the blogger has no problem with someone calling his mom a ***** than I feel bad for his Mama whose son wouldn't even defend her honor. LOL

Forget Hollywood trying saying that on the streets see how fast you get labelled an anti-semetic (in US of course).

Aaah, i am very happy that i dont belong to a religion, where i need to go on rampage for defending my God or any other religous symbols. My God dont neeed my protection, but i got protection from him. My religon has taught me that if someone spit towards sky, it falls on them, so i dont need to worry about those bunch of loosers and burn my enrgy on them. I belive my God is many times more powerfull and resorcefull, that i dont need to get provoked by such silly things. Not sure about the religion of those killers who kills innocent peoples on the name of religion, I think.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2012
On Insulting Muslims

This morning, in response to the news that people were killed because someone somewhere made a movie that supposedly insults our Prophet (PBUH), I wrote the following tweet:

I think we need more, not less cartoons and videos that “insult” Muslims. We need once and for all to be desensitized & grow thick skins​

As you might have imagined, I got a few, ehm, colorful responses, many of which by otherwise reasonable people who seemed to have missed the point of the tweet. Considering that this is a sensitive topic, I think the idea deserves a little bit of elaboration.

First, I want to make it clear that I don’t approve of the movie which, judging from the parts I saw online, appears to be tasteless and crass drivel. But the point is not whether the movie is good or bad, tasteless or poignant. The question we all need to ask ourselves as Muslims is: Do people who make movies/cartoons/art that “insult” Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) deserve to die?

To me, the answer to that question is an absolute, unqualified “No”

my question to the author is that dont the jews need to grow think skins for the holocaust criticism, the topic which jews face is not a very personal question such as religion but a very general topic of the holocaust, attacking muslim's personal belifs and muslims should grow thick skin, while jews dont need to because its about holocaust??
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