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Featured On India-US agenda, a plan to share defence intel from Ladakh to South China Sea

Please worry about yourself. Don't over analyze our motivations. Chinese should stop lecturing us about our foreign policy, you have yours and we have ours. Gobar times does it so often. It seems it is a cultural trait. It's annoying.
is this the same foreign policy thats now controlled by USA?

Modi g nay toh lanka he dooba di!

wah Modi g wah! waahhhhhhhhhh!!! GENIUS!
define fine please?

Modi g standard sab changa sii or ground reality fine?
India's definition of FINE is 7.6 million Covid cases, GDP at Negative growth, Losing 1000 SQ KM to PLA, 20 soldiers dead by jumping off cliff, Modi not happy and his beard untrimmed. :lol:
India's definition of FINE is 7.6 million Covid cases, GDP at Negative growth, Losing 1000 SQ KM to PLA, 20 soldiers dead by jumping off cliff, Modi not happy and his beard untrimmed. :lol:
sab changa sii as siri Modi g says!

bakhts are so easy to tame! even dogs can be difficult but not bakhts!
Please worry about yourself. Don't over analyze our motivations. Chinese should stop lecturing us about our foreign policy, you have yours and we have ours. Gobar times does it so often. It seems it is a cultural trait. It's annoying.
Please, delete your account on a defense forum and stick to cow urine therapy, if plain fact based common sense commentary and analysis of defence affairs, affecting the world and China at the end of the day, hurts you so much. You have your own Hindutva and American echochambers dedicated to delusional circlejerk. Dont try to push your annoying culture on us. What a usually dumb and useless comment.
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The problem is how does SCS intel benefit India in Ladakh? Surely whatever happens over 1000 thousand to the southwest would have extremely little bearing on Chinese movements in Ladakh ... as usual, merely a symbolic gesture.
Talking about the SCS with India is just political eyewash for the US regimes profileration in East Asia for internal propaganda. They are so desperate to put "allies" on the table for the fallacious justification of troublemaking in the SCS they have to reach out to naval amoeba half a globe away. Most countries in the region are developed and independent enough to reject and at least shy away from the US regimes efforts to start trouble because they know at the end of the day its a lose-lose for everyone in the SCS and depending on the peace in the SCS, while that terror regime on the other side of the world laughs away profiteering from war and exported suffering.
The US is closely monitoring the border row between India and China and does not want the situation to escalate, a senior Trump administration official has said.
The official told the reporters during a conference call on Friday, ahead of the next week's 2+2 India-US Ministerial in New Delhi, that the Trump administration was providing support to India through defence sales, joint military exercises and information sharing.

"We as a government are covering the situation in the Himalayas closely, and understandably. We certainly want to ensure that the situation doesn't escalate," the official said.

"These are all areas where we cooperate with the Indians on, and not just as it relates to the tensions in the Himalayas," the official said.

India and China are locked in a bitter border standoff in eastern Ladakh since early May that has significantly strained the bilateral ties. Both sides have held a series of diplomatic and military talks to resolve the row. However, no breakthrough has been achieved to end the standoff. China unsuccessfully attempted to occupy Indian territory on the southern bank of Pangong Lake in the last week of August.

In response to a question, the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that the US was having an ongoing dialogue with Indian about increased cooperation in Southeast Asia, and not simply about the South China Sea.

"And we encourage their involvement. That cuts across development investments, it cuts across security cooperation, and then it also involves presence. So, we welcome greater Indian participation in Southeast Asia across all three of those areas," said the official.

The senior official's remarks came in the midst of a growing global concern over China's expansionist behaviour. The evolving situation in the Indo-Pacific region in the wake of China's increasing military muscle-flexing has become a major talking point among leading global powers.

The US has been favouring making Quad a security architecture to check China's growing assertiveness. China is engaged in hotly contested territorial disputes in the South and East China Seas. Beijing has also made substantial progress in militarising its man-made islands in the past few years.

Beijing claims sovereignty over all of the South China Sea. But Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan have counterclaims. In the East China Sea, China has territorial disputes with Japan. The South China Sea and the East China Sea are stated to be rich in minerals, oil, and other natural resources. They are also vital to global trade.

Although the US lays no claims to the disputed waters, it has challenged China's growing territorial claims in the South China Sea by deploying warships and fighter jets to assert freedom of navigation and overflight patrols in the strategically vital region.
The US can't do anything. Keep sharing intel LOL Pakistan and China will do the rest. We are going to corner America's bitch.

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