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Oliver Hazard Class Frigate Acquisition by Pakistan

Pakistan to get US guided-missile frigate on Aug 31

WASHINGTON: Pakistan and United States signed a contract for the transfer of the guided-missile frigate USS McInerney here on Tuesday.

The contract will enable Pakistan to take over the USS McInerney at the US Naval station Mayport, Florida on August 31 this year, after which it will be commissioned as PNS Alamgir .A comprehensive refurbishment of the ship will be undertaken under the supervision of US Navy, which will be completed by January 2011.

Defence Procurement AttachÈ Captain Abdur Rehman inked the contract on behalf of Pakistan Navy. The successful culmination of this contract will also pave way for acquisition of more vessels of same class for the Pakistan Navy to raise a squadron of eight Perry-Class frigates. This will greatly enhance operational readiness of Pakistan Navy.

USS McInerney is the second ship of the Oliver Hazard Perry-Class of guided-missile frigates. In September 2008, the US Congress had approved provision of the frigate to Pakistan with a delivery date of August 2010. Citing the Foreign Assistance Act and the Arms Export Control Act, Pakistan is considered a major non-Nato ally and is able to receive older unneeded US military equipment. Additionally, the 32-year-old frigate will be given a $ 65 million refurbishment, including anti-submarine capability paid for with foreign military aid provided by the US to the friendly countries. Pakistan will pay $78 million for the frigate

Pakistan to get US guided-missile frigate on Aug 31

We knew that USS McInerney is coming this year.....there is no news story.

I am waiting the contract of other refurbished 7

Pakistan to get US guided-missile frigate on Aug 31

Are there any Misguided missile Frigates too??? ;)
Here is detail of these eight ships

Pakistan to receive first of eight US decommissioned frigates in August news
21 April 2010

Washington: Pakistan is due to receive a refurbished American frigate USS McInerney by 31 August this year. The transfer is part of a $65 million deal signed with the United States government in October 2008.

USS McInerney Image: US NavyThe contract for the "hot transfer" of the USS McInerney, a Perry-class guided missile frigate, was signed by senior officials of the two countries here on Tuesday. As part of the agreement the Pakistan Navy takes over the vessel on 31 August and subsequently commissions it as PNS Alamgir sometime next year.

''Hot transfers'' take place immediately after a ship decommissions, that is when it is still floating. This, as opposed to ''cold transfers'' which take place long after a ship has been docked at a storage facility for any length of time.

Commissioned in 1979, this old frigate has now been substantially refurbished as an anti-submarine platform. On full completion of the refurbishment programme in January next year, the vessel then sails to Pakistan to join the country's naval fleet.

Pakistani officials described the deal to acquire the warship a major "milestone" towards further strengthening the wide-ranging Pakistan-US relationship.

"The successful completion of this contract will pave the way for acquisition of more vessels of the same class for the Pakistan Navy to raise a squadron of eight Perry-class frigates," a spokesman for the Pakistani embassy said.

"This will greatly enhance the operational readiness of the Pakistan Navy," he added.

The frigate is being transferred under the Foreign Assistance Act and the Arms Export Control Act. Though equipment received from the US under the Excess Defence Article (EDA) arrangement are free, Pakistan has had to bear the expenses for the refurbishing.

Pakistan was designated a "major non-NATO ally" in June 2004 and became eligible to receive surplus defence equipment from the US military.

The Perry Class Frigate

The Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates were designed primarily as anti-aircraft and anti-submarine warfare guided-missile warships that would provide open-ocean escort of amphibious warfare ships and merchant ship convoys in moderate threat environments in a potential war with the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries in the 1970s and '80s.

The addition of the Naval Tactical Display System, LAMPS helicopters, and the Tactical Towed Array System (TACTAS) provides these warships a combat capability far beyond what they were originally designed to do. They are well-suited for the littoral regions.
If I were to be the one making decisions on the configuration I would go with four Anti submarine centric units (Towed Array & Helos with limited anti-ship capability) with strong CIWS and Rolling Airframe Missile System.

The other four should be Anti-ship centric units with the same anti aircraft suit. Limited ASW capability should be based around shipboard Helo's.

My observations are based upon the Brooks/Garcia mix (Same eight units with four Anti Aircraft and four anti submarine centric) that PN had in the late eighties.

Today the Air-wing of PN is much stronger and the capability to project airpower up to 300 to 400 miles is there.

Along with the four F-22P, the fleet can raise at least two squadrons of six ships each and two hunter killer groups per squadron.

Ideally I would have liked to see at least four more major surface units to account for transit and refitting cycle and have at least two full squadrons on station.
If our perry class are to be equipped with SM-1 R or ER, we already have them in service for at least 15 years but if we are going for the new versions i.e. the SM-2, then it makes sense. Source of SM-1 presence in our navy.

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info
As far as I know and if my memory does not fail me and if we are talking about the same thing, SM-1 were phased out with the return of Brooks/Garcia frigates. So they might appear there but are not operational in any of the surface combatants.
Are there any Misguided missile Frigates too??? ;)

There may be UNguided missile frigates: Chinese Jianghu conversions for shore bombardment (refitted with several MLRS)
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Pakistan to get US guided-missile frigate on Aug 31

Are there any Misguided missile Frigates too??? ;)

UN-guided missile frigates ... blue helmets at sea.
of course not.
Do you even know what ESSM is?
Since PN OHP will be fitted with BlockII Harpoons the MK-13 launchers will be upgraded like in the case of RAN OHP upgrade plan and eventually adopted more capable medium range air defence missile the SM-2.
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