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Oliver Hazard Class Frigate Acquisition by Pakistan

The Ka-27 is armed with one homing torpedo, one torpedo rocket and twelve bombs
KA 27 will be good option for the navy i feel but the probleum is it is russian and we are getting american ship i know russia will not sell us this becoz of india but Ukraine will sell it and china also got its threee from russia they can re engineer it and sell us as they did it in Z9 case which is french panther design.
The F-22P or Sword class frigate is a 2,500t multi-mission, conventionally powered frigate built for the Pakistan Navy. Design and construction of the F-22P started after a $750m deal was signed in 2005 between Pakistan's Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) and China Shipbuilding Trading Co (CSTC).

The deal involved an order for construction of four F-22P frigates for the Pakistan Navy's fleet. The deal included an order for four to six Harbin Z-9EC helicopters and ammunition for the frigates. The first of the frigates, PNS Zulifqar, was delivered in September 2009.

The second and third frigates are currently under construction at Shanghai's Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard, where PNS Zulifqar was built. The second frigate was launched in October 2008. The frigate will be named PNS Shamsheer and is scheduled for delivery in January 2010.

The third frigate was launched in May 2008 and is expected to be delivered in the third quarter of 2010. It will be named PNS Saif. The fourth unnamed frigate is being built at Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works under a technology transfer agreement signed with China. It is expected to be delivered by 2013.

"The F-22P frigates will bolster the Pakistan Navy's fleet and improve its fighting capabilities."The addition of the F-22P frigates will bolster the Pakistan Navy's fleet and improve its fighting capabilities. The fleet already includes six Amazon-class frigates and Karachi-built Jalalat-class guided missile patrol craft. However, the fleet does not include destroyers and the limited number of ships has stopped the navy providing a safe environment for maritime activity.

The main roles of the frigates will include air defence of a force operating at sea or in convoy, interdiction of hostile surface combatants, commerce raiding, patrolling, protection of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and undertaking heliborn operations.

The F-22P frigates are also expected to improve the country's indigenous shipbuilding potential, as the fourth ship is being built at Karachi Shipyard.


The F-22P frigate is an updated model of the type 053H3 or Jiangwei-class frigate built by China since the 1990s. The F-22P's hull contains China's type 054 frigate's radar cross-section reduction, which helps prevent detection by radars mounted on other ships, aircraft and anti-ship missiles.

The frigates can operate in multi-threat environments and are equipped with long-range surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles, which are capable of attacking multiple targets simultaneously. They are also equipped with under-sea sensors that can detect nuclear and conventional submarines at long range. Powered by four main diesel engines, the F-22P frigate can accommodate about 200 personnel.

The frigates have long-range sensors, navigational radars and trackers, sonars, electronic warfare systems, counter measures (ESM/ECM) systems and advanced command and control systems.


F-22P frigates are equipped with a single 76.2mm main gun, eight C-802/CSS-N-8 sub-sonic Saccade anti-ship missiles, an eight-round FM-90 surface-to-air missile (SAM) and two hangar-top type 730B 30mm close-in weapon system (CIWS) units. They also feature RDC-32 anti-submarine rockets, two triple ET-52C torpedo tubes, state-of-the-art homing weapon systems and depth charges.

"Powered by its four main diesel engines, the F-22P frigate can accommodate about 200 personnel."The main gun was developed in China and is based on the Russian AK-176M. The Chinese variant contains a redesigned stealth turret to reduce radar cross-section. The gun can engage other ships and aircraft and defend against anti-ship missiles.

The anti-ship C-802 subsonic surface-to-surface missiles are carried in two containers with four cells each, installed between the main deck and the hangar. The two containers can also carry CY series anti-submarine rockets and be loaded with anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons.

The FM-90N SAM system is installed between the main deck and main gun. The system has eight cells containing one missile each. The system is set up on a mount that can be lifted in the direction of the threat. The FM-90N can engage different targets by using different guidance modes. These targets can even include supersonic and sub-sonic sea-skimming missiles. The system is also designed to engage small targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

The 730B CIWS is fitted on the aircraft hangar and contains two seven-barrel Gatling guns of 30mm calibre. The CIWS employs type 347G radar and an OFC-3 electro-optic director. It can also be equipped with the FL-3000N fire-and-forget missile system by fitting up to two single-round FL-3000N launchers on each CIWS gun mount.


Each of the F-22P frigates will carry Z9EC anti-submarine helicopters. Two Z9EC helicopters have already been delivered to Pakistan. The helicopters are fitted with surface-search radar, Doppler navigation systems and radar warning receivers. They also features low-frequency dipping sonar and torpedoes. Small aerials on their roofs provide over-the-horizon targeting for C-802 anti-ship missiles
Yesterday, from 12:36 PM to 02:23 PM you made 23 posts. That is 1 post every 4.7 minutes, for a period of 107 minutes. This included with double postings, single line posting, postings clearly containing copied materials without source reference, and many things already discussed extensively earlier in this thread. Meanwhile, there was no clear point or argument and, moreover, there were no other posters whatsoever. Which could lead some to ask 'what were you trying to do?'
seems like penguin has serious probleums with me if u can't provide info dont bother other not to do so and do what ever u want
A Perry for Pakistan: USS McInerney

On Feb 19/10, the US DSCA announced Pakistan’s official request to buy the Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigate USS McInerney [FFG 8], plus refurbishment, onboard spares, spare and repairs parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, and U.S. Government and contractor support. The prime contractor is unknown at this time, but the estimated cost of the initial transfer plus refurbishment and support is $78 million. Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Pakistan.

In 2009, USS McInerney trialed the naval MQ-8B Fire Scout helicopter UAV in counter-drug operations around the Caribbean. It’s one member of a popular but declining ship class…

Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates still serve with the US Navy, but American ships have had their bow-mounted Mk.13 launch systems for SM-1 Standard air defense and RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles removed. Those changes leave just torpedoes and a 76mm naval gun for offense, and the 20mm Phalanx CIWS as the ships’ main defensive weapon. Barring further contracts, the dollar amounts and lack of contractor assistance strongly suggest that McInerney is being transferred to Pakistan “as is.”

Perry class frigates also serve in the navies of Australia, Egypt, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey. Most of these ships retain their original missile launching systems, and Australia’s ships have just finished an expensive set of deep upgrades.

Aug 31/10: The frigate USS McInerney is slated for inactivation.

Feb 19/10: US DSCA announces [PDF] Pakistan’s official request.

Oct 18/08: Pakistan’s The Nation reports that President George W. Bush has approved the transfer of USS McInerney [FFG 8] to Pakistan. Cost is expected to be $65 million, and the ship is intended to monitor Pakistani territorial waters.
displacement of F-22Ps is 3,140 tons and not 2,500 tons as mentioned above.
So is the ship coming as it is as said in this article? meaning with the missile sys?
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