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OIC Health related initiatives and Alternative/Herbal/Natural treatment


Jan 4, 2009
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United States

The success and sustainability of our efforts in addressing the health-related challenges facing the member states will require integrated and multi-sectoral approach rather than sporadic interventions. We need to ensure that our efforts are pursued in the framework of comprehensive national health strategies and plans which provide for the strengthening of health infrastructures, improving access to health services, capacity-building of health professionals at all levels as well as self-reliance in producing vaccines and medicines. This will entail cooperation and collaboration between member states and institutions in various disciplines. I invite you to formulate concrete proposals for promoting such cooperation including the strengthening of the SESRIC health capacity building programme and health related activities of COMSTECH.

Among other things, I would request you to consider networking of medical universities, health education and medical research institutions. The networking arrangements can also include agreements on exchange of faculty members and joint training programmes. Exchange of best practices in hospital management is another area where Member States can benefit from each other. I would also like to encourage the Member States with expertise to extend scholarships in the medical fields to students from the OIC countries.

I have noticed in recent years that increasingly people in developed countries are turning away from Modern medicine towards Alternative treatment, specially for Chronic degenerative diseases. These Alternative treatment systems include:

- Traditional Herbal treatment such as:
Unani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ayurveda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- New Herbal treatment such as:
Dr Morse's Herbal Health Club!
- Diet and Nutrition based treatment regimes such as:
The Gerson Therapy : Gerson Institute
Sedona Wellness Retreat
- Other treatment regimes:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hydrotherapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I personally came to know about all of the above from a friend of mine who trained as a Naturopathic doctor and is currently practicing as one. What he described is that big Pharmaceutical companies along with Medical establishment such as AMA (American Medical Association), Hospitals etc. create tremendous pressure against such alternative practice to take place in the US. So despite having significant benefits, due to limited profit potential (no patented medicine and no high hospital surgical bills), these treatments do not get funding, research, approval from Health regulatory agencies and thus acceptance by the public.

I think the above has tremendous potential in OIC member countries, as we can easily circumvent any pressure from Medical establishment in these countries, set up research and educational institutions, so we can train a new generation of Naturopathic doctors as well as hospitals and clinics and provide better healthcare in a more cost effective manner.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani @kobiraaz @Pakistanisage @Sinan @T-123456 @Indos

Your kind opinion please.
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The Western lifestyle with its Fastfood poisoned the rest of the world,thats why the increase of many ''western''diseases and health problems.
You can use whatever Herbal treatments you want,if you do not stay with your cultures/country's diet you will get many new health issues.
Many of these treatments mentioned are allready in use for centuries by certain cultures,its just new for others.
You should also consider the financial situations of the people(affordability of some treatments).
The Western lifestyle with its Fastfood poisoned the rest of the world,thats why the increase of many ''western''diseases and health problems.
You can use whatever Herbal treatments you want,if you do not stay with your cultures/country's diet you will get many new health issues.
Many of these treatments mentioned are allready in use for centuries by certain cultures,its just new for others.
You should also consider the financial situations of the people(affordability of some treatments).
Dude, as if Turkish cuisine is so much healthier. :lol:
Having heart attack is our national sports.:lol:
But one thing is for sure, it tastes better than fast food crap.



Well, ok the food in villages are much more healthier, everthing is self made without any hormones. :tup:
when i come to Turkey i am always impressed many women eat sooooo much in restaurants. here and in my country they do everything to keep thin.
@T-123456 fast food is US thing, not European (you said western)
new fast foods in Paris include healthy fast foods: fruit juice, salad, vegetables ...


take a soup :) doesn't look wonderful but it is : ash reshteh
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when i come to Turkey i am always impressed many women eat sooooo much in restaurants. here and in my country they do everything to keep thin.
@T-123456 fast food is US thing, not European (you said western)
new fast foods in Paris include healthy fast foods: fruit juice, salad, vegetables ...

take a soup :) doesn't look wonderful but it is : ash reshteh

Well, food has a important place in our Culture, we Turks love eating, its not just eating, its a lifestyle. :lol: :super:

BTW: do you wanna say our womans are fat? :pissed:
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Dude, as if Turkish cuisine is so much healthier. :lol:
Having heart attack is our national sports.:lol:
But one thing is for sure, it tastes better than fast food crap.



Well, ok the food in villages are much more healthier, everthing is self made without any hormones. :tup:
Our diet allways contains yoghurt or ayran,and vegetables(cooked or fresh) with evry Turkish ''Fastfood''?
Btw,Doner used to be Yaprak doner(only natural fat)with layers of just meat.
Now a days they use chopped meat(who knows whats in there)because its cheaper.
What has OIC got to do with herbal treatment..
only thing common is neither of them actually work.. its just name :rofl: ... @Yzd Khalifa
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when i come to Turkey i am always impressed many women eat sooooo much in restaurants. here and in my country they do everything to keep thin.
@T-123456 fast food is US thing, not European (you said western)
new fast foods in Paris include healthy fast foods: fruit juice, salad, vegetables ...


take a soup :) doesn't look wonderful but it is : ash reshteh
Pommes frites(Dutch,Belgium,French),braadwurst(German),Fricandelle(German,Dutch)hamburger(german)many more things i cant think of now.
Btw,English breakfast,ever heard of?:rofl::rofl:
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What has OIC got to do with herbal treatment..
only thing common is neither of them actually work.. its just name :rofl: ... @Yzd Khalifa
The OIC sets various committees and commissions including a medical one.
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What has OIC got to do with herbal treatment..
only thing common is neither of them actually work.. its just name :rofl: ... @Yzd Khalifa

I guess at any gathering these OIC leaders talk about their weight, girth,belly,bum, etc. OIC itself is the sick-est grouping of nations.
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Dude, as if Turkish cuisine is so much healthier. :lol:
Having heart attack is our national sports.:lol:
But one thing is for sure, it tastes better than fast food crap.


What is the name of this dish.
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