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Oh dear Pakistanis/Turks: Look at the game being applied on Iran

Dont use Islam for you games, you did nothing for Islam nor Wahhabi Arabia, Your Mullah and their Mullah did for their personal glory. Stop your funny circle jerk here.
you think what we gain from all the proxy games in ME?? we are investing billions with one goal to liberate palestine. how we gonna regain what we invested??
you see that's why i say it does not worth it.
a question from iranian members, you guys witnessed the recent issues between us and US, and you know that we sacrificed many things for the islamic cause, if we did different choices in past our economy would have be three times bigger than turkey. so a question for you guys, considering the reactions of members of PDF does it worth it??
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
you think what we gain from all the proxy games in ME?? we are investing billions with one goal to liberate palestine. how we gonna regain what we invested??
you see that's why i say it does not worth it.

I am not arguing on what you are saying. But see the comments, on this and similar threads, by different posters from Iran, Turkey, GCC and Pakistan and you cannot escape the conclusion that US, West and Israel have amply succeeded in dividing, splitting and breaking the Muslims, to the hilt, and that also, without much of endeavor. They must be very happy with such a level of success.
i think it does not worth it, arabs abandoned the palestinians, sunnis don't care about them, now we iranians, we shias gonna save them while they hate our guts. and the worst part is they blame us for palestine and other countries lol while they are sitting in a chair scratching their back. the other day one of these people were saying iran gonna attack mecca. man i'm saying this is not worth it.
The thing is, What i and you and the rest of the Iranian idiots think doesn't matter, The owners of this country are gonna do what they want period, They're openly driving the car and we're all in the back seat.
If i was Iranian and seeing the hate these racist arabs have for me i would have left islam. Made peace with west and fucked these arab upside down with help of israel and Enjoyed peace and proseperity with my people. I say this with alot of sadness but arabs have lost their islamic way...their hate for Shias is disgustingely high!
It wasnt Iran fault mostly its caused by Saudi Arab money flowing in courupting the minds of Muslims around the world Iran acts like a reactionary tbh, however I both see Iran and Saudi on road to suicide
Definitely both are on a suicide mission ... One sitting right next to them is going to be benefited
Iran just needs honest leaders to come back like Ahmedi Nejad. The Shia-Sunni policy has isolated Iran further in the region and resulted in conflict with both traditional natural allies: Turkey and Pakistan.

The recipe for a way out of this situation is very easy.

Drop Armenia, drop India, drop Serbia, and fully embrace all Non-Arab Muslim neighboring countries (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Taliban.)

As for proxy wars in Syria and Yemen, establish a ceasefire with Saudi Arabia and spend the money which would be spend on weapons to aid those poor human souls suffering the thick of it.

Iran needs to be seen as a hero and a force for justice in the region. More importantly a defender of all Muslims (Sunnis too.)

The Syria fiasco has cost Iran much needed PR and support, similar to how KSA lost face from Yemen and Qatar issues.

A lot of missed opportunities have passed Iranians by.

Ignoring obvious blunders in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

When India trespassed over Pakistan to Balakot, Iran should have been Pakistan’s most vocal supporter. India should never have been welcomed into Chahbahar, and you can’t show more disrespect to your neighbor than what Soleimani did.

Pakistanis are understandably furious at Iran.

As for Turkey, Iran should be very careful about the PKK and should curtail it in any way possible with influence in Syria and Iraq.

It’s not too late to do right with your neighbors and allies.
US, West and Israel have amply succeeded in dividing, splitting and breaking the Muslims, to the hilt, and that also, without much of endeavor. They must be very happy with such a level of success.

Why Do you say US? The division came much earlier than us got world power..

There are two horns of Satan and an maniac on the right side they work together and are the main cause for that
Don't blame the west don't blame the US they are there because of invitation and permission

Blame the devils who walk free in our reigns who are loved who are naked who are drunken or just devilish
The West always uses Theocratic or Totalitarian system and people via the religion that shapes everyhing in the lives of citizens of those countries. If smart enough, you will see it and reasons behind this. Only can National countries survive dut to their national values and culture otherwise no Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc would be in this condition today.
Consistent truths detected.

Mullahistan is another project waiting for the due, who will rule, how many pieces should or should not be dividened etc. just like Syria, Iraq or Saudi Arabia.
Mullahistan has the best chance today to prevent disintegration because it has matured and invested in preventing that for a long time, while at the same time western police state enforcers are in a time trap- they've left the "Iranian problem" mutate too long. Genie is out of the bottle.

many years ago i watched documentary with ayatollahs admitting to helping USA.
Where's the evidence? No link, no evidence, no context. You're BSing.
Why Do you say US? The division came much earlier than us got world power..

There are two horns of Satan and an maniac on the right side they work together and are the main cause for that
Don't blame the west don't blame the US they are there because of invitation and permission

Blame the devils who walk free in our reigns who are loved who are naked who are drunken or just devilish

I am not blaming them. One should never blame his enemies. They are doing, whatever they are doing, in their own interests. I am merely stating the facts. If you read between the lines, I am lamenting ourselves, how easily they have succeeded in splitting and hunting us, on sectarian, racial and ethnic lines. Though, I refrain from putting this blame on any specific country or nation; since that thing is already being done, on this and similar threads, by different posters from GCC, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan, and they are spewing venom against each other, and by doing so, they are amply fulfilling their agenda. May Allah have mercy on us.
you think what we gain from all the proxy games in ME?? we are investing billions with one goal to liberate palestine. how we gonna regain what we invested??
you see that's why i say it does not worth it.

You gain nothing, Mullah's are insane and they should invest those billions in Iran instead of spending on terror proxies, if they can they should leave Iran.

Your Mullah did shit for Palestine and you will be able to do shit to Israel if Next war start. The terrorists you recruited in Lebanon in the name of Palestine are now being used for protecting killer al Assad dynasty, Your other Proxy in Yemen are busy with Saudis, Your Mullah are recruiting terrorist and proxies even from Pakistan and Central Asia to increase influence of your Mullah theocracy which got nothing to do with Palestine, most of us here are not low IQ Mullah retard.. Few months ago your Generals were bragging about ruling Arab Capitals.

As i said this is not about Islam or Muslims, this is about personal glory and ideology which is against interests of Muslims and Islam.

Plz sell your Mullah Palestine love story to brain dead Pakistani, Afghani and Iraqi extremists. it wont work here.
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