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Oh dear Pakistanis/Turks: Look at the game being applied on Iran

Iran has shot itself in its foot.

I can't forget what Irani regime backed people did in Haram in 1987 during hajj. I am not including common innocent Iranis, but the current regime. I was there as a child during that Hajj. I can still remember blood soaked walls of the masjid. Many Pakistanis and other nationals died in that incident at the hands of Irani backed terrorists mercilessly. Still don't know why they did that.

I have met Irani businessmen in uae who are nice people. My perception about Iran started changing after so many years but then I started getting news of RAW network being operated from Iran, terrorists and target killers having second Irani passports and most of all, my views about this country changed and became the same when they started threatening Pakistan during the time of our need i.e. in February this year...
Disagree completely.

Iran has not:

instigated wars in the Muslim world

Created sectarian outfits to commit genocide against Sunni or any other group

On the other hand, Saudi regime is central to the destruction of Muslim world through its wahabi idealogy, a tool to control minds across Sunni world.
Yes,if there is any "sectarian" conflict it seems to be within sunni islam itself.
In shaa Allah. Agreed.

iran could've avoided all of this had they just kept their damn mouth shut about their nuclear weapons program that Pakistan had gone out of its way to help them with...I mean, the tech was practically HANDED to iran and they STILL managed to blow it outta their behinds! now they are stuck with using conventional guerrilla tactics with no nuclear threshold to scare the enemy with!!! If iran had succeeded in properly following the instructions we gave them to make nuclear weapons over 20 friggin' years ago, right now, the u.s. would've been threatening iran from the OTHER side of the atlantic ocean instead of having two of its fleets and b52s breathing right down their arrogant necks! IDIOTS! :hitwall:
Pakistan didnt "hand" iran sh!t,a.q.khan sold iran and several other countries second hand centrifuges and the plans/production data for them and he did this without the knowledge of the pakistani government because he was a stupid greedy ba$tard who didnt give a damn if it came back to bite his own country in the arse,which of course it did.
If iran had wanted the bomb then it could`ve had it at literally any time in the last 10-15 years,there would`ve been no need for something like the massive scale of irans civilian nuclear power program with almost 25,000 ir1+ir2m centrifuges in natanz alone,all it would`ve required would`ve been one fordow with maybe 5000 ir1s.
Of course I cant help but notice that pakistan having the bomb didnt mean an end to pakistans vassal/client status as far as the americans were concerned,after all they went right on taking out pakistani citizens with their drones,oh and how could we possibly forget the bin laden assassination which was carried out without any prior warnings to pakistans government.So it seems pretty obvious that even with nukes pakistan still doesnt get much respect,still thats only to be expected if you continue to act like a vassal......even a nuclear armed one.
However I do now believe that iran should go nuclear,because at this point it really has little left to lose economically and politically,unlike say 20 years ago for instance.But that doesnt mean that iran was wrong to attempt to try and negotiate a compromise with the west,far from it in fact.
I doubt iran is going to have to resort to "conventional guerrilla tactics" when it has the largest stocks of ballistic missiles in the mena region,not to mention irans stocks of antiship weapons and sea mines.....,oh and control of the strait of hormuz of course.
Don’t know about the others, but both Turkey and Pak will come out stronger from this crisis....

I am sorry, but I don't agree with you. This schism and rift, between Iran an KSA, which is fueled and fired by sectarian, racial and ethnic hatred, is being used by US, West and Israel, to break the neck and back of the whole Muslim world. We all, including Pakistan and Turkey, would ultimately become the fuel of this fire, and would be tuned into ash. End result would be total subjugation of the the Muslim world.
I am sorry, but I don't agree with you. This schism and rift, between Iran an KSA, which is fueled and fired by sectarian, racial and ethnic hatred, is being used by US, West and Israel, to break the neck and back of the whole Muslim world. We all, including Pakistan and Turkey, would ultimately become the fuel of this fire, and would be tuned into ash. End result would be total subjugation of the the Muslim world.
As for the Muslims, HIS Rahmet wins over HIS Azazb as per Hadis-I Sherif!! Both Turkey and Pak are getting prepared for their original roles as seen from the 1000 years old history!! Others are just flukes!! They'll be gone with the wind...
Pakistan hates Mullah terrorist regime for their recent behavior and their crude decisions, their interference in Pakistan via sectarian fifth column not bcoz of Saudi.

Iranian Pakistan relations are better then this forum. though coming to this forum has significantly changed my views on Pakistan and the Pakistan india war.

Im now beggining to see India as a far better partner for Iran. Relation with India comes with Indian investment and business. Iran Pakistan relationship comes with Saudi terrorism, and a lack of respect.

there are rumours the Indians offered the shah a grand deal. Indian and Iran could once again have a border and finish off the newly born country of "Pakistan". an all out indian attack from the east, plus an all out Iranian attack from the west. with an understanding that Iran would get to reclaim its baloci lands and India takes the rest. Followed by 2 allied border nations.

The shah rejected this outright, and though maintaining good relations with India was actually pro-Pakistan. Perhaps that was a mistake?

Pak Iran relations were never better but neutral, You were always allies with India. starting from jointly supporting northern alliance Bacha baz warlords with India against Pakistani Pashtun proxies in 90s, you gave port Chahbahar to india near Baluchistan border (is this how you take care of sensitivities of Pakistan by giving port to its biggest sworn enemy on its other border), we shared proofs with your govt that Indian intelligence is operating from there to guide terrorism in Baluchistan, you have yet to show any Saudi, but we have Indian naval/intel officer in our custody who was operating from Chahbahar..

This was just rumor, Pakistan and Shah both were in US block and India was main ally of Soviets. We respect Shah and people of Iran, but not this sectarian terrorist regime who recruit thousands of Pakistanis for terrorism in Syria and Iraq and bark on Pakistan in its difficult times in same tone as India and accuse other of terrorism. who is bigger terrorist then a sectarian regime who is interfering in our country with sectarian tools and has created a class who is openly more loyal to Iran then Pakistan.

Marg bar Mullah terrorist regime.
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Asalam Alikum,

May the peaceful/respectful Muslims live long and become strong.

For last few days, read a lot on what is going on.

Pakistan and Turkiye - YOU are the TWO pillars of Muslim world - Powerful ones who can actually fight.

I didn't include Iran because she lost all her worth after becoming childish, sectarian and dirty by divulging in sectarian wars all across Middle East. They don't deserve to be called a sensible MUSLIM power... They are actually Sensible PERSIAN power who really knows how to use Shias for its own benefit and creating chaos here and there.

That's all their worth in larger Muslim world. They failed to get integrated in Muslim world. They hijacked Shia religion since 1979 and created chaos here and there. Instead of building relations with governments, bastards always tried to create relations with sectarian Shia militias/organizations in nearby countries in order to create unethical/violent influence in countries so that they can get mileage out of them and pressurize them. They built their 1.5 inch mosque and I think we should let them live inside it. Decades of sanctions and isolation will definitely have some grave effects and one notices it when see Iran playing evil.

But what do we say? - when you try to become too smart, you are bound to fail after certain time. You manipulate others but end up manipulated yourself. This is exactly what's happening with Iran now.

Look Turks, you are great fighters. You fought crusaders. We Pakistanis will always respect you for that. You are loyal nation and has never betrayed Pakistan. We care about you. We will stand with you in your hour of grief.

Once again, looks like another country, IRAN, bordered right next to us, may about to fall.

But are we seeing what's happening to her? The same game can be replicated against us as well. So, we need to study it.

EU and US both played against Iran very intelligently. Plan/Action was coordinated and may be scripted together....

EU pretended to be neutral and somewhat sympathetic to Iran...What we didn't know that Iran was being played...Iranians were being kept confused and paralyzed while Americans kept hitting hard. That's what cunning Europeans did to Iran...folded the hands of Iran against her back while allowed the Americans to continue hammering Iranians.

Iranians are trapped now. Boat has missed.

NEVER trust EU, EVER......Lesson learnt.

If Iran gets fail, there are serious implications for Pakistan and Turkiye. We both are already hosting a lot of refugees/burden.

Refugees will try to pour in...Not to mention, Yanks would be sitting in Iran right next to us and more closer. We would be quite surrounded.

Americans/west are not happy with both of us.....They don't like Turkiye/Erodgan...They don't like strong Pakistan with NUKES as well. What are the chances that a great destabilization plan is already in the making how to push Pakistan and Turkiye down the drain and make them weaker? hitting 3 birds with one stone? West will destabilize Iran OFFICIALLY while we will get screwed UNOFFICIALLY.

Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria did become our headache and still somehow pushes us back.

So, why should we not coordinate our actions regarding this all possible mess? What are waiting for? Why don't we prepare joint plans/strategy to deal with all this?

Russians and Chinese must be watching all of this...Chinese thinking about OBOR while Russians getting worried about security in CARs region. They know what this game is all about. If all medium power countries got taken out, they are next in line.

I believe, this is high time Russians, Chinese, Turks and Pakistanis jointly formulate a strategy and share with world. This is our region and we will not be cowards to allow any jerk do whatever it wants in our region. Not anymore.

This Iran is still somewhat manageable than Yankee or Destabilized Iran.

Our region needs a VOICE - a big and collective one. Time to make it.

@Nein @vostok @Oscar @Feng Leng @all others.
I agree with every sentence. perfect post. thanks.
True but the problem you have is the "Persians" "Turks" "Arabs" think in a more nationalistic mindset the main reason Turkey is in Somalia is not to help the Somali brothers but to counter the Saudi/UAE alliance setup in East Africa

Turkey was there before and so were we (in peacekeeping missions.) Somalis have positive opinions of both of us from a long time ago.

Iranian Pakistan relations are better then this forum. though coming to this forum has significantly changed my views on Pakistan and the Pakistan india war.

Im now beggining to see India as a far better partner for Iran. Relation with India comes with Indian investment and business. Iran Pakistan relationship comes with Saudi terrorism, and a lack of respect.

there are rumours the Indians offered the shah a grand deal. Indian and Iran could once again have a border and finish off the newly born country of "Pakistan". an all out indian attack from the east, plus an all out Iranian attack from the west. with an understanding that Iran would get to reclaim its baloci lands and India takes the rest. Followed by 2 allied border nations.

The shah rejected this outright, and though maintaining good relations with India was actually pro-Pakistan. Perhaps that was a mistake?

Sometimes it’s better not to open your mouth.

Maybe find an Indian forum for your hate.

You are not going to get far here with those views.

Yes,if there is any "sectarian" conflict it seems to be within sunni islam itself.

That’s a uniquely new thought, come up with that yourself?

Pakistan didnt "hand" iran sh!t,a.q.khan sold iran and several other countries second hand centrifuges and the plans/production data for them and he did this without the knowledge of the pakistani government because he was a stupid greedy ba$tard who didnt give a damn if it came back to bite his own country in the arse,which of course it did.
If iran had wanted the bomb then it could`ve had it at literally any time in the last 10-15 years,there would`ve been no need for something like the massive scale of irans civilian nuclear power program with almost 25,000 ir1+ir2m centrifuges in natanz alone,all it would`ve required would`ve been one fordow with maybe 5000 ir1s.
Of course I cant help but notice that pakistan having the bomb didnt mean an end to pakistans vassal/client status as far as the americans were concerned,after all they went right on taking out pakistani citizens with their drones,oh and how could we possibly forget the bin laden assassination which was carried out without any prior warnings to pakistans government.So it seems pretty obvious that even with nukes pakistan still doesnt get much respect,still thats only to be expected if you continue to act like a vassal......even a nuclear armed one.
However I do now believe that iran should go nuclear,because at this point it really has little left to lose economically and politically,unlike say 20 years ago for instance.But that doesnt mean that iran was wrong to attempt to try and negotiate a compromise with the west,far from it in fact.
I doubt iran is going to have to resort to "conventional guerrilla tactics" when it has the largest stocks of ballistic missiles in the mena region,not to mention irans stocks of antiship weapons and sea mines.....,oh and control of the strait of hormuz of course.

Let me summarize this post.

Ungratefulness for Pakistan’s help in nuclear tech and also during Iran-Iraq war

Extreme aggression against Pakistan, and for what? Why are you Iranian posters so arrogant? Where does it come from?

Belittling your only real friend and ally neighboring country who has always stood by you.
Iranian Pakistan relations are better then this forum. though coming to this forum has significantly changed my views on Pakistan and the Pakistan india war.

Im now beggining to see India as a far better partner for Iran. Relation with India comes with Indian investment and business. Iran Pakistan relationship comes with Saudi terrorism, and a lack of respect.

there are rumours the Indians offered the shah a grand deal. Indian and Iran could once again have a border and finish off the newly born country of "Pakistan". an all out indian attack from the east, plus an all out Iranian attack from the west. with an understanding that Iran would get to reclaim its baloci lands and India takes the rest. Followed by 2 allied border nations.

The shah rejected this outright, and though maintaining good relations with India was actually pro-Pakistan. Perhaps that was a mistake?
Iran has alienated every country in the region with there Persian Chauvinism they bragged about controlling Arabs capitals and building an empire blah blah blah well you want an empire your gonna face resistance what did you expect the Arabs to just roll out the red carpet while you interfere in there internal affairs?
Pakistanis are so desperate for friends these days that they think anyone who looks at them right as there friends from Iranians to Turks to Russia china whoever even though they look down on us and stab us in the back and treat us like crap but even they are starting to look through you crap from sending Pakistani shia for your stupid wars from uzair baloch and kulbushan yadave and lets not forget the icing on the cake giving india a port
what hapapnes at the height of Iranians tension Pakistan give Saudis a port of the Americans right next to the Iranian border im sure Iran would find nothing wrong with that :rolleyes:

i have no sympathy for any government in the region but to ignore the stupidity of you own government smells of duplicitous behavior

and to answer your original question maybe it was a mistake but it was not the most fatal one its not Pakistan or Pakistanis you should be worrying about cupcake
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Turkey was there before and so were we (in peacekeeping missions.) Somalis have positive opinions of both of us from a long time ago.

Sometimes it’s better not to open your mouth.

Maybe find an Indian forum for your hate.

You are not going to get far here with those views.

That’s a uniquely new thought, come up with that yourself?

Let me summarize this post.

Ungratefulness for Pakistan’s help in nuclear tech and also during Iran-Iraq war

Extreme aggression against Pakistan, and for what? Why are you Iranian posters so arrogant? Where does it come from?

Belittling your only real friend and ally neighboring country who has always stood by you.

Does it matter what the Somalis think I dont think so besides in the 90s it wasn't just Turkey,Pakistan but China and other regional powers sent in peace keepers the main reason Turkey is there is not for the Somali people but for geo strategic interests to counter the Saudi-UAE axis in the semi recognized Somaliland and Djiobouti plus it's the horn of Africa which is a pretty important strait that was plagued by piracy in the 2000s ask any Turk would they want millions of Somalis in their country all the whole hoopla will come to end from there

Pakistanis are so desperate for friends these days that they think anyone who looks at them right as there friends from Iranians to Turks to Russia china [/QUOTE]

I agree The Chinese,Turks,Iranians,Gulf Arabs, or whatever friends or " brothers" we have are allied for Pakistan cause they like us or unique but for geo strategic purposes all of these people I mentioned are hyper nationalistic hyper arrogant fools who think they are better than anyone and kinda pity us for what we become go to any airport in Istanbul,Ankara,Riyadh,Guangzhou, Urumqi,Tehran or Beijing with Green Pakistani Passport tell how what type of "brotherly" treatment man fourm members espacilly the Pakistanis are kids in geo politics anyways what ever problems the Turks,Saudis,Iranians,Chinese have with themselves is not our problem we should maximize our special relationship with them to further our geo-strategic and economic goals
I agree The Chinese,Turks,Iranians,Gulf Arabs, or whatever friends or " brothers" we have are allied for Pakistan cause they like us or unique but for geo strategic purposes all of these people I mentioned are hyper nationalistic hyper arrogant fools who think they are better than anyone and kinda pity us for what we become go to any airport in Istanbul,Ankara,Riyadh,Guangzhou, Urumqi,Tehran or Beijing with Green Pakistani Passport tell how what type of "brotherly" treatment man fourm members espacilly the Pakistanis are kids in geo politics anyways what ever problems the Turks,Saudis,Iranians,Chinese have with themselves is not our problem we should maximize our special relationship with them to further our geo-strategic and economic goals
I know im opening up a hornets nest with this but the implementation of political Islam in our everyday society and this Pan Islamism crap has let us into this mess as soon as islam left the mosque and into our politics we were doomed we need an Ataturk but i dont wanna digress

Getting back to Iran the mullah regime must come to its senses and give up its imperial ambitions and help its people with all that oil wealth
I know im opening up a hornets nest with this but the implementation of political Islam in our everyday society and this Pan Islamism crap has let us into this mess as soon as islam left the mosque and into our politics we were doomed we need an Ataturk but i dont wanna digress

Getting back to Iran the mullah regime must come to its senses and give up its imperial ambitions and help its people with all that oil wealth

Pakistan is in a phase I am optimistic compared to most doom and gloom pessimists I think the young gen which is more exposed to the world will change the direction of course there will he bumps but equally I don't want Pakistanis to wholesale adopt decadent western materialism hence why I prefer well rounded nationalist ideology

Getting back to Iran the mullah regime must come to its senses and give up its imperial ambitions and help its people with all that oil wealth[/QUOTE]

I kinda have a pro Iranian tilt here than most folks however I am frankly disappointed with their overtures to India but we cannot let Iran fall it will be another Afghanistan on our frontier contrary to many folks besides our frontier with Peoples Republic of China our border with Iran has lot less issues than let's say Afghanistan or India
But seriously enough butt kissing to the Turks,Chinese,Iranians here no Sultan Erdogan nor Emperor Xi will send their people on the LOC grow up

Why didn't Saudi Arabia use the money to develop science and technology?

Cause their oil sheikhs propped by the Anglos and Americans basically gas station however King Faisal who was sadly assassinated in 1975 had vision for Saudi to make a hub of growth in the Islamic world plus he nationalized Aramco too

Plus King Faisal wanted to reign in the more radical clerics too

That was mistake,US and KSA is asking us for an alliance to destory Tehran for once and all,I guess not joining that alliance is blunder.

And that Govt was formed by USA:lol:

Why can't we say no to both the Gulf Arabs and Iranians do we have to sacriface ourselves as another ping pong ball here as always
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