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Oh dear Pakistanis/Turks: Look at the game being applied on Iran

Pakistan is in a phase I am optimistic compared to most doom and gloom pessimists I think the young gen which is more exposed to the world will change the direction of course there will he bumps but equally I don't want Pakistanis to wholesale adopt decadent western materialism hence why I prefer well rounded nationalist ideology

Pakistan has a long way to go until we get to the "decadent western materialism" which i wouldn't mind to be perfectly honest

Hopefully we get our sh@t together sooner rather than later cuz things are getting heated
Pakistan has a long way to go until we get to the "decadent western materialism" which i wouldn't mind to be perfectly honest

Hopefully we get our sh@t together sooner rather than later cuz things are getting heated

I prefer Mussolini style fascism over Western decadence anyways After 18 years of bombings,constant negative propaganda, the clerics gone crazy its duh moment that the young gen will understand better we underestimate the potential in the next decade of deep societal change its expected we are in a phase

What Pakistani need is a hyper nationalistic ideology our nationalistic ideology is meh cmon look at the Iranian,Chinese,Turkish or Russisn nationalist songs heck even the 90s Yugoslav war songs sound bad a...s enough of this brotherhood stuff with complete strangers[Turks,Chinese,Iranians,Gulf Arabs,] we need hyper nationalistic Pakistan
Why didn't Saudi Arabia use the money to develop science and technology?
they had the chance every Muslim country had the chance in the beginning

but they chose muh Islam good sir and every one us paying the price
they had the chance every Muslim country had the chance in the beginning

but they chose muh Islam good sir and every one us paying the price

Question are you Muslim still Saudi before the 80s wasnt that bad it was actually quite better but after Faisals murder in 75 it went downhill tbh the Americans and Anglos prefer less Nationalistic Islamic countries as they are geo strategic threat to Anglo American interests in the Mid East
Why can't we say no to both the Gulf Arabs and Iranians do we have to sacriface ourselves as another ping pong ball here as always
Oh just replied to certain Iranian fanboys who was going to attack Pakistan with help of India.
a question from iranian members, you guys witnessed the recent issues between us and US, and you know that we sacrificed many things for the islamic cause, if we did different choices in past our economy would have be three times bigger than turkey. so a question for you guys, considering the reactions of members of PDF does it worth it??
a question from iranian members, you guys witnessed the recent issues between us and US, and you know that we sacrificed many things for the islamic cause, if we did different choices in past our economy would have be three times bigger than turkey. so a question for you guys, considering the reactions of members of PDF does it worth it??

You guys can do great but if you just tone down a little and think for goodness with nearby countries...you will do great.

But don't know what your government is actually thinking? Pissing off people here and there and ending up alone in about to happen conflict....

You need to replace your government
That was mistake,US and KSA is asking us for an alliance to destory Tehran for once and all,I guess not joining that alliance is blunder.

And that Govt was formed by USA:lol:
Iraqi Gov voted by Iraqi people in an election a government which is recognized by the UN as representative of Iraqi people in international community. In fact it enjoys much more legitimacy than your Arab allies ,which even have no constitution or have never seen any election, due deriving its legitimacy from its own people.

a question from iranian members, you guys witnessed the recent issues between us and US, and you know that we sacrificed many things for the islamic cause, if we did different choices in past our economy would have be three times bigger than turkey. so a question for you guys, considering the reactions of members of PDF does it worth it??

Well it's not just all about Islam ... we pay 8 billion $ annually as we host 3.5 million (some says 5 millions) Afghan refugees in our country .. as 468000 Afghan children are getting educated free of charge which cost us 600 euro for each of them or 23000 Afghan students in Iranian universities each 15000 euro ...
Fighting drugs and insecurity in our eastern borders which we have paid with 3500 Iranians police, board guard blood and .... the money we've spent to seal our borders ....
Which all this is direct result of stupidity of our neighbors and foreign powers that feast over these dictators desire to stand in power ...
But one the other hand I agree with you ... others wouldn't look at the Islamic cause as we do .. for example israel has just accepted american regime invitation to a ceremony which is holds at the end of next month over deal of century in Bahrain ... sometimes I think the grave we cry over it has no dead in it so why bother ourselves but at the end Iranian have been always looked out for others otherwise hosting 5 million Afghans is stupid ...
Iraqi Gov voted by Iraqi people in an election a government which is recognized by the UN as representative of Iraqi people in international community. In fact it enjoys much more legitimacy than your Arab allies ,which even have no constitution or have never seen any election, due deriving its legitimacy from its own people.

Well it's not just all about Islam ... we pay 8 billion $ annually as we host 3.5 million (some says 5 millions) Afghan refugees in our country .. as 468000 Afghan children are getting educated free of charge which cost us 600 euro for each of them or 23000 Afghan students in Iranian universities each 15000 euro ...
Fighting drugs and insecurity in our eastern borders which we have paid with 3500 Iranians police, board guard blood and .... the money we've spent to seal our borders ....
Which all this is direct result of stupidity of our neighbors and foreign powers that feast over these dictators desire to stand in power ...
But one the other hand I agree with you ... others wouldn't look at the Islamic cause as we do .. for example israel has just accepted american regime invitation to a ceremony which is holds at the end of next month over deal of century in Bahrain ... sometimes I think the grave we cry over it has no dead in it so why bother ourselves but at the end Iranian have been always looked out for others otherwise hosting 5 million Afghans is stupid ...
i think it does not worth it, arabs abandoned the palestinians, sunnis don't care about them, now we iranians, we shias gonna save them while they hate our guts. and the worst part is they blame us for palestine and other countries lol while they are sitting in a chair scratching their back. the other day one of these people were saying iran gonna attack mecca. man i'm saying this is not worth it.
i think it does not worth it, arabs abandoned the palestinians, sunnis don't care about them, now we iranians, we shias gonna save them while they hate our guts. and the worst part is they blame us for palestine and other countries lol while they are sitting in a chair scratching their back. the other day one of these people were saying iran gonna attack mecca. man i'm saying this is not worth it.

Dont use Islam for you games, you did nothing for Islam nor Wahhabi Arabia, Your Mullah and their Mullah did for their personal glory. Stop your funny circle jerk here.
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