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Oh dear Pakistanis/Turks: Look at the game being applied on Iran

Rothschild - get rid of bank/imf loans. British created a Saudi regime which is just another brown Rothschild cuzins serving their interest. Other side you got ayatollah getting off a french plane with full western camera coverage. both serve western interest in some ways. Iraq wouldn't not been that easy but it was iran lusting for revenge help usa/nato take it down. shah was some wat puppet but he knew economics and industrialization so he had to go westerners cant have iran that is self sufficient.

you see you can have secular system maybe any system but as soon as you throw out the banks and ban usury and start to print your own currency or mint gold and silver and barter trade that triggers western dogs. you are boycotting their dominated system.
Wa alaikum Assalam.

Great post and excellent analysis. I agree with everything you stated.

Iranians are still dragging their feet on this issue of alliances due to sectarianism and because they have also been infiltrated.

Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Malaysia, and other sympathetic countries need to form an alliance to counteract the forces of chaos in the region and vow to support each other unflinchingly.

Agreed Bro.
Wa alaikum Assalam.

Great post and excellent analysis. I agree with everything you stated.

Iranians are still dragging their feet on this issue of alliances due to sectarianism and because they have also been infiltrated.

Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Malaysia, and other sympathetic countries need to form an alliance to counteract the forces of chaos in the region and vow to support each other unflinchingly.

For the Turks they need a real nationalists in power for that to happen
Wa alaikum Assalam.

Great post and excellent analysis. I agree with everything you stated.

Iranians are still dragging their feet on this issue of alliances due to sectarianism and because they have also been infiltrated.

Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Malaysia, and other sympathetic countries need to form an alliance to counteract the forces of chaos in the region and vow to support each other unflinchingly.

Not possible. Very unfortunate. US, West and Israel have succeeded in creating deep fissures in the Muslim world. Now, in my view, the only way out is that Iran shall somehow arrive at a compromise with US and avert this conflict, at least for the time being.
Not possible. Very unfortunate. US, West and Israel have succeeded in creating deep fissures in the Muslim world. Now, in my view, the only way out is that Iran shall somehow arrive at a compromise with US and avert this conflict, at least for the time being.

Agreed with OP here most likely we will see a compromise of sorts that will kick the can down the road tbh
The West does this via ''Islamic'' groups, for example, Israel runs over 70 ''Islamic'' groups in the world.

It is very interesting, so how should Muslims move forward from this, obviously religious inspired government like Iran or Saudi are not way to go.

There are also 300m Muslim in Sub-Saharan Africa that are overlooked time & again and that is also a great strength for Islam in the future but no really been included in the wider debate ever
It is very interesting, so how should Muslims move forward from this, obviously religious inspired government like Iran or Saudi are not way to go.

There are also 300m Muslim in Sub-Saharan Africa that are overlooked time & again and that is also a great strength for Islam in the future but no really been included in the wider debate ever

True but the problem you have is the "Persians" "Turks" "Arabs" think in a more nationalistic mindset the main reason Turkey is in Somalia is not to help the Somali brothers but to counter the Saudi/UAE alliance setup in East Africa
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Name me any other country who can actually put up a fight militarily against hegemonic designs of west....
What planet are you living on my friend,:crazy:bizarro world:crazy: perhaps?,but it surely cant be earth.
For a start turkey is a NATO nation and has been dating back to the beginning of the 50s,it is a part of the western military whose job it is is to ensure continued western hegemony.
Pakistan for its part is also a western vassal/client state dating back to the early 50s[remember SEATO?],not to mention that since 2004 pakistan has allowed western drones to operate virtually at will in its airspace killing its citizens.Neither of these two nations are going to stand up to the west,thats just the worst sort of deluded wishful thinking.:tsk:
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Asalam Alikum,

May the peaceful/respectful Muslims live long and become strong.

For last few days, read a lot on what is going on.

Pakistan and Turkiye - YOU are the TWO pillars of Muslim world - Powerful ones who can actually fight.

I didn't include Iran because she lost all her worth after becoming childish, sectarian and dirty by divulging in sectarian wars all across Middle East. They don't deserve to be called a sensible MUSLIM power... They are actually Sensible PERSIAN power who really knows how to use Shias for its own benefit and creating chaos here and there.

That's all their worth in larger Muslim world. They failed to get integrated in Muslim world. They hijacked Shia religion since 1979 and created chaos here and there. Instead of building relations with governments, bastards always tried to create relations with sectarian Shia militias/organizations in nearby countries in order to create unethical/violent influence in countries so that they can get mileage out of them and pressurize them. They built their 1.5 inch mosque and I think we should let them live inside it. Decades of sanctions and isolation will definitely have some grave effects and one notices it when see Iran playing evil.

But what do we say? - when you try to become too smart, you are bound to fail after certain time. You manipulate others but end up manipulated yourself. This is exactly what's happening with Iran now.

Look Turks, you are great fighters. You fought crusaders. We Pakistanis will always respect you for that. You are loyal nation and has never betrayed Pakistan. We care about you. We will stand with you in your hour of grief.

Once again, looks like another country, IRAN, bordered right next to us, may about to fall.

But are we seeing what's happening to her? The same game can be replicated against us as well. So, we need to study it.

EU and US both played against Iran very intelligently. Plan/Action was coordinated and may be scripted together....

EU pretended to be neutral and somewhat sympathetic to Iran...What we didn't know that Iran was being played...Iranians were being kept confused and paralyzed while Americans kept hitting hard. That's what cunning Europeans did to Iran...folded the hands of Iran against her back while allowed the Americans to continue hammering Iranians.

Iranians are trapped now. Boat has missed.

NEVER trust EU, EVER......Lesson learnt.

If Iran gets fail, there are serious implications for Pakistan and Turkiye. We both are already hosting a lot of refugees/burden.

Refugees will try to pour in...Not to mention, Yanks would be sitting in Iran right next to us and more closer. We would be quite surrounded.

Americans/west are not happy with both of us.....They don't like Turkiye/Erodgan...They don't like strong Pakistan with NUKES as well. What are the chances that a great destabilization plan is already in the making how to push Pakistan and Turkiye down the drain and make them weaker? hitting 3 birds with one stone? West will destabilize Iran OFFICIALLY while we will get screwed UNOFFICIALLY.

Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria did become our headache and still somehow pushes us back.

So, why should we not coordinate our actions regarding this all possible mess? What are waiting for? Why don't we prepare joint plans/strategy to deal with all this?

Russians and Chinese must be watching all of this...Chinese thinking about OBOR while Russians getting worried about security in CARs region. They know what this game is all about. If all medium power countries got taken out, they are next in line.

I believe, this is high time Russians, Chinese, Turks and Pakistanis jointly formulate a strategy and share with world. This is our region and we will not be cowards to allow any jerk do whatever it wants in our region. Not anymore.

This Iran is still somewhat manageable than Yankee or Destabilized Iran.

Our region needs a VOICE - a big and collective one. Time to make it.

@Nein @vostok @Oscar @Feng Leng @all others.
I don't know enough about your conflict with Iran. I can only say my thoughts. You can not create stability in the region without Iran. For now - Iran is the only country that fight the West with arms not with talks or thoughts. So if you wnat to think about the future of the region - count Iran at first place.
Iranian Pakistan relations are better then this forum. though coming to this forum has significantly changed my views on Pakistan and the Pakistan india war.

Im now beggining to see India as a far better partner for Iran. Relation with India comes with Indian investment and business. Iran Pakistan relationship comes with Saudi terrorism, and a lack of respect.

there are rumours the Indians offered the shah a grand deal. Indian and Iran could once again have a border and finish off the newly born country of "Pakistan". an all out indian attack from the east, plus an all out Iranian attack from the west. with an understanding that Iran would get to reclaim its baloci lands and India takes the rest. Followed by 2 allied border nations.

The shah rejected this outright, and though maintaining good relations with India was actually pro-Pakistan. Perhaps that was a mistake?
Iranian Pakistan relations are better then this forum. though coming to this forum has significantly changed my views on Pakistan and the Pakistan india war.

Im now beggining to see India as a far better partner for Iran. Relation with India comes with Indian investment and business. Iran Pakistan relationship comes with Saudi terrorism, and a lack of respect.

there are rumours the Indians offered the shah a grand deal. Indian and Iran could once again have a border and finish off the newly born country of "Pakistan". an all out indian attack from the east, plus an all out Iranian attack from the west. with an understanding that Iran would get to reclaim its baloci lands and India takes the rest. Followed by 2 allied border nations.

The shah rejected this outright, and though maintaining good relations with India was actually pro-Pakistan. Perhaps that was a mistake?

Most of the guys on this forum were pro Iran until at least February. Your regime's actions have changed their opinions.

You threaten Pakistan whilst we were in the midst of a crisis with India, you send target killers to our country to kill our shaykhs and other people, you recruit our shia to fight your wars & you make it difficult for us to fence the border to prevent attacks... All these things turned opinion on here against Iran.

I have honestly been anti Iran for years and I found it so annoying when these Pakistanis on here would defend you guys or support you. But your regime literally changed all these guys opinions against you. These guys aren't to blame, your regime is to blame for the anti-Iranian attitude that is spreading throughout the region. When will you guys realise that we aren't the problem, that man called Khameini and his gang are the problem.
Iranian Pakistan relations are better then this forum. though coming to this forum has significantly changed my views on Pakistan and the Pakistan india war.

Im now beggining to see India as a far better partner for Iran. Relation with India comes with Indian investment and business. Iran Pakistan relationship comes with Saudi terrorism, and a lack of respect.

there are rumours the Indians offered the shah a grand deal. Indian and Iran could once again have a border and finish off the newly born country of "Pakistan". an all out indian attack from the east, plus an all out Iranian attack from the west. with an understanding that Iran would get to reclaim its baloci lands and India takes the rest. Followed by 2 allied border nations.

The shah rejected this outright, and though maintaining good relations with India was actually pro-Pakistan. Perhaps that was a mistake?

When exactly did ‘India’ share a border with Iran that wasn’t a British created entity in the recent history. Even India is a word invented by British to consolidate their territory under ‘British India’.
And in any case Afghanistan also thinks it has historical claims to Balochistan. And then you have Baloch rebel with Western backing who even want to take on your Sistan-Baluchistan away.

But you think this grand plan would have been so simple and would solve everything nicely
I always wonder
Asalam Alikum,

May the peaceful/respectful Muslims live long and become strong.

For last few days, read a lot on what is going on.

Pakistan and Turkiye - YOU are the TWO pillars of Muslim world - Powerful ones who can actually fight.

I didn't include Iran because she lost all her worth after becoming childish, sectarian and dirty by divulging in sectarian wars all across Middle East. They don't deserve to be called a sensible MUSLIM power... They are actually Sensible PERSIAN power who really knows how to use Shias for its own benefit and creating chaos here and there.

That's all their worth in larger Muslim world. They failed to get integrated in Muslim world. They hijacked Shia religion since 1979 and created chaos here and there. Instead of building relations with governments, bastards always tried to create relations with sectarian Shia militias/organizations in nearby countries in order to create unethical/violent influence in countries so that they can get mileage out of them and pressurize them. They built their 1.5 inch mosque and I think we should let them live inside it. Decades of sanctions and isolation will definitely have some grave effects and one notices it when see Iran playing evil.

But what do we say? - when you try to become too smart, you are bound to fail after certain time. You manipulate others but end up manipulated yourself. This is exactly what's happening with Iran now.

Look Turks, you are great fighters. You fought crusaders. We Pakistanis will always respect you for that. You are loyal nation and has never betrayed Pakistan. We care about you. We will stand with you in your hour of grief.

Once again, looks like another country, IRAN, bordered right next to us, may about to fall.

But are we seeing what's happening to her? The same game can be replicated against us as well. So, we need to study it.

EU and US both played against Iran very intelligently. Plan/Action was coordinated and may be scripted together....

EU pretended to be neutral and somewhat sympathetic to Iran...What we didn't know that Iran was being played...Iranians were being kept confused and paralyzed while Americans kept hitting hard. That's what cunning Europeans did to Iran...folded the hands of Iran against her back while allowed the Americans to continue hammering Iranians.

Iranians are trapped now. Boat has missed.

NEVER trust EU, EVER......Lesson learnt.

If Iran gets fail, there are serious implications for Pakistan and Turkiye. We both are already hosting a lot of refugees/burden.

Refugees will try to pour in...Not to mention, Yanks would be sitting in Iran right next to us and more closer. We would be quite surrounded.

Americans/west are not happy with both of us.....They don't like Turkiye/Erodgan...They don't like strong Pakistan with NUKES as well. What are the chances that a great destabilization plan is already in the making how to push Pakistan and Turkiye down the drain and make them weaker? hitting 3 birds with one stone? West will destabilize Iran OFFICIALLY while we will get screwed UNOFFICIALLY.

Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria did become our headache and still somehow pushes us back.

So, why should we not coordinate our actions regarding this all possible mess? What are waiting for? Why don't we prepare joint plans/strategy to deal with all this?

Russians and Chinese must be watching all of this...Chinese thinking about OBOR while Russians getting worried about security in CARs region. They know what this game is all about. If all medium power countries got taken out, they are next in line.

I believe, this is high time Russians, Chinese, Turks and Pakistanis jointly formulate a strategy and share with world. This is our region and we will not be cowards to allow any jerk do whatever it wants in our region. Not anymore.

This Iran is still somewhat manageable than Yankee or Destabilized Iran.

Our region needs a VOICE - a big and collective one. Time to make it.

@Nein @vostok @Oscar @Feng Leng @all others.
If you wear a green glasses you'll see around & things green .. if you enjoy a sectarian mindset you'll take everything as sectarian ...
For example Iran's presence in Iraq has been due to the Iraqi government direct request which means Iraqi government asked us to go there to get mileage out of them and pressurize them?? PMU was outcome of Iraqi Shia grand Ayoutallah Sistani fatwa that mobilized masses to fight against isis while others were sitting on their fat a$$es ... a Salafi group created by those whom poured Syria with weapons for their own regional agenda , and those whom fed extremists in Afghanistan ... which clearly all of it make Iran sectarian even if PMU is made up Shia,Sunni, Christians and Yazdi ... and here is not important to mention whatsoever that Iran helped Sunni Arbil too which again makes Iran sectarian ... Iranian blood shed to stop these monsters created by some well-known countries in the region directly or indirectly and we now are called "bastard" ..
Don’t know about the others, but both Turkey and Pak will come out stronger from this crisis....
In shaa Allah. Agreed.

iran could've avoided all of this had they just kept their damn mouth shut about their nuclear weapons program that Pakistan had gone out of its way to help them with...I mean, the tech was practically HANDED to iran and they STILL managed to blow it outta their behinds! now they are stuck with using conventional guerrilla tactics with no nuclear threshold to scare the enemy with!!! If iran had succeeded in properly following the instructions we gave them to make nuclear weapons over 20 friggin' years ago, right now, the u.s. would've been threatening iran from the OTHER side of the atlantic ocean instead of having two of its fleets and b52s breathing right down their arrogant necks! IDIOTS! :hitwall:
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