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Oh Dear ! India Has Inflicted 700 Casualties on PLA !

From the land of gospel truth, another achievement by the supa powa.

They inflicted 700 casualties on 600 PLA soldiers that attacked the Indian soldiers. Bearing in mind the 600 PLA soldiers is from an Indian source.

Only in India can the Indian Army inflict more casualties on their enemy, when the enemy sent less than the casualty figure. Wow
They inflicted 700 casualties on 600 PLA soldiers that attacked the Indian soldiers. Bearing in mind the 600 PLA soldiers is from an Indian source.

Only in India can the Indian Army inflict more casualties on their enemy, when the enemy sent less than the casualty figure. Wow
Keep in mind, same Indians, sitting far away on the other side of the border, were able to count 350 casualties at night inside a building in Balakot.
Maybe the other 100 were PLA soldiers dressed in Indian uniforms but they didn't smell right so Indian army was able to flush them out.
They inflicted 700 casualties on 600 PLA soldiers that attacked the Indian soldiers. Bearing in mind the 600 PLA soldiers is from an Indian source.

Only in India can the Indian Army inflict more casualties on their enemy, when the enemy sent less than the casualty figure. Wow
The other 100 were yeti..
From the land of gospel truth, another achievement by the supa powa.

More cow dung news and analysis from subedar GD Bakshi.

They inflicted 700 casualties on 600 PLA soldiers that attacked the Indian soldiers. Bearing in mind the 600 PLA soldiers is from an Indian source.

Only in India can the Indian Army inflict more casualties on their enemy, when the enemy sent less than the casualty figure. Wow
The other hundred were indian army soldiers. They had a 100% track record of killing their own just like in panic they shot down their own helicopter on 27 Feb.
Keep in mind, same Indians, sitting far away on the other side of the border, were able to count 350 casualties at night inside a building in Balakot.
Maybe the other 100 were PLA soldiers dressed in Indian uniforms but they didn't smell right so Indian army was able to flush them out.
They were also able to manufacture a special upgrade for their spice2000 bombs which tweaked the warhead using special vedic technology, so they can explode but not cause any sorts of damage to any of the buildings they supposedly hit
Pakistanis finding it difficult to cope

Meanwhile in Chaman Pakistan fighting an enemy its own size.
Actually after your half brothers suffered some dozen casualties, their masters have offered to apologise.
BTW, we hear red corridor is still costing cobras blood... hell, the Naxals must be more than a match for the Yeti hunters.
Last time they tried to beat few Chinese they ended up parading a whole line of beaten up Indian soldiers, do this clown even realize that killing 600 Chinese soldiers will bring a 1962 on Steroids' on them, They can't even kill more than 10 Pakistani soldiers in a single clash and get away with it, they expect to get away with killing 600 PLA soldiers ? I think the Indian media and Generals thinks very low of Indian Awaam, that is why they put out some chawal stuff and know that their awaam will believe it.
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