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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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razfag dont hate. just because all pakistanis abroad don't have that mentality of living in a free land while propagating their sharia crap, doesn't mean u gotta make an account to change qamar's mind lol. you and your butt lover zarvan are burning out of your asses
Habit of some Mullah atheist...like Mullahs try to make you extra religious mullah atheist try the extra mile to make people accept their concept so they can feel better about themselves...

Real atheist I respect coz they do no such things!
So in the midst of the war over who is a real muslim and who isn't, now Pakistanis have opened a new front about who is a real atheist and who isn't?:p:
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.

Welcome to the club my brother in secularism.

There is a lot of religious bigotry in our region (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh)

Good luck bro :-)
So in the midst of the war over who is a real muslim and who isn't, now Pakistanis have opened a new front about who is a real atheist and who isn't?:p:
well we dont need to open something...its obvious

I call a man mullah when he preaches some shit and expects me to blindly accept it...If an atheist does the same...How different is he from the definition of a Mullah? He is literally the same on the opposite side of the spectrum!
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.

Hi dear,

You are well come to secular club. I hope your change of heart is out of a mature and well thought of decision and irreversible.
So in the midst of the war over who is a real muslim and who isn't, now Pakistanis have opened a new front about who is a real atheist and who isn't?:p:

why can't we all just get along bro.
stop with all the bs.
never really hated you guys but now I'm more for friendship between us because we are the same people in the end we shouldn't let religion divide us.

We too extend our hand of friendship.
why can't we all just get along bro.
stop with all the bs.

qamar sit back and think over what is best for you :)

we are nobodies to criticise your personal decision BUT i feel we do have right to comment on things when our faith and nation is talked about

why can't we all just get along bro.
stop with all the bs.

Indian version of secularism demand that you should abuse Islam :)
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.

@qamar1990 what led you to this decision? Sorry if I seem too nosy :yes4:
qamar sit back and think over what is best for you :)

we are nobodies to criticise your personal decision BUT i feel we do have right to comment on things when our faith and nation is talked about
i didn't say we shouldn't
i mean i still believe in freedom of speech lol.
I'm all for defending our religion and country.
qamar sit back and think over what is best for you :)

we are nobodies to criticise your personal decision BUT i feel we do have right to comment on things when our faith and nation is talked about

Unfortunately he has been corrupted by the West. They seperate religion from public affairs i am afraid. :)
ehhh as if Hindus can be secular.
Despite many shortcomings, India is still a country where not only all the sects of Islam can practice their faiths freely(which is not even possible in Islamic theocratic countries) but people of all communities can do theirs. India is still a SECULAR country not because of its minorities but because of the majority Hindus want it to be like this. Insecurities do not prevent us from allowing people from minority communities to be Presidents, PMs, Army Chiefs, Chief Justice of India etc.
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