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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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Exactly it isn't Islam to begin with .
Because in this world corrupt and power hungry people will to continue to exist , that is reality and they will use any means possible to justify their cause including religion , they will never spare it and in doing so they won't even stop at corrupting their own religion . That is the primary reason not to mix religion with politics because power corrupts.By Bringing religion into politics you risk corrupting your religion to extremes the kind we see in Pakistan today .

My Friend!!! ^_^

Exams over??? I was hoping to catch up with you. And ask your opinions on some issues. :-)
Exactly it isn't Islam to begin with .
Because in this world corrupt and power hungry people will to continue to exist , that is reality and they will use any means possible to justify their cause including religion , they will never spare it and in doing so they won't even stop at corrupting their own religion . That is the primary reason not to mix religion with politics because power corrupts.By Bringing religion into politics you risk corrupting your religion to extremes the kind we see in Pakistan today .
Well I have a different view point...If you would like to listen I would share otherwise I will not waste my time :enjoy:
@Spring Onion @Zarvan @qamar1990

Let us understand 1 thing ...current state of Pakistan is far from purity of Islam...we have more corrupt then good people, we have a big difference between the rich and poor (which is far from Islam's requirement) we have people without basic needs, we have violence against other religion and women (far from what Islam preaches) so if someone wants to disconnect themselves from this doesnt mean they are bad but they realize it isnt right and for sure it isnt coz it isnt even Islam to begin with!

:) and hence we are NORMAL State like others . We are NO MODEL Neither they are .

So painting entire Nation in a black is not at all acceptable.

West has own issues we have own.

The day real meaning of Secularism are applied there we will follow, the day real meaning of an Islamic welfare state is applied then they might follow it.
My Friend!!! ^_^

Exams over??? I was hoping to catch up with you. And ask your opinions on some issues. :-)
Yup done , fingers crossed for the result :D
Well I have a different view point...If you would like to listen I would share otherwise I will not waste my time :enjoy:
I am always open to new and different views (Liberalism) :D
i swear indians need to stop being assholes and so do some pakistanis on here.
we seriously need to work together as a people.
just imagine what our countries could achieve if we become a a union like europe?
india, pakistan bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal , burma, and Afghanistan.
we could rule the whole world if we work together.
:) and hence we are NORMAL State like others . We are NO MODEL Neither they are .

So painting entire Nation in a black is not at all acceptable.

West has own issues we have own.

The day real meaning of Secularism are applied there we will follow, the day real meaning of an Islamic welfare state is applied then they might follow it.
I can agree with this :agree:
hindustanis are not secular when it comes to vegetables :omghaha:...

This word secularism is in itself an escape route to banish other faiths simple as THAT.

interestingly indian Hindus can produce their gods as witness in Babri Mosque case in Indian courts and they say oh we are SECULAR .
secular and liberal,,,,,,this two words have been used n abused so mch on this forum,,,,
wtf is secular extremist??
i agree with you 100 percent bro.
for simply stating I'm not a secular person i got attacked.
it is that mentality that actually pushed me away from these people.
without even hearing what secularism is to me they started calling me kufr.
with that mentality pakistan is done and over with.

Well, I remember a time when I would get into fights with Indians here all the time :lol:

I know next to nothing about Islam, and this is going to sound ignorant. But in the end, you will have only one person to justify your choice to.

It's the god you believe in.
@Spring Onion @Zarvan @qamar1990

Let us understand 1 thing ...current state of Pakistan is far from purity of Islam...we have more corrupt then good people, we have a big difference between the rich and poor (which is far from Islam's requirement) we have people without basic needs, we have violence against other religion and women (far from what Islam preaches) so if someone wants to disconnect themselves from this doesnt mean they are bad but they realize it isnt right and for sure it isnt coz it isnt even Islam to begin with!
once again, I'm not blaming this situation of pakistan on islam.
I'm blaming it on our government for mixing religion with politics.
even if they wanted islam as a state religion they still should've had liberal laws that guaranteed other peoples rights ect.
they messed it up. they screwed pakistan turned it into a shit hole. and at least as long as we don't have 99 percent literacy we should be secular because these uneducated bafoons will abuse it again.

Well I have a different view point...If you would like to listen I would share otherwise I will not waste my time :enjoy:
what are your views bro
i swear indians need to stop being assholes and so do some pakistanis on here.
we seriously need to work together as a people.
just imagine what our countries could achieve if we become a a union like europe?
india, pakistan bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal , burma, and Afghanistan.
we could rule the whole world if we work together.

Not in this forum I am afraid.

I don't know about a union, but not going at each other's throats would be enough.

Man, you really changed! I wonder if this is a troll job :D
Yup done , fingers crossed for the result :D

I am always open to new and different views (Liberalism) :D
Well, Islam is a deen rather than just another religion...It has 2 important things because it was sent till judgement day

1) set of laws flexible and applicable in all situations (not what Mullah teaches you ...)

2) Set of rules of life from ethics to morals (bribery, raping, murder and so on)

Now why are these 2 not working out:

1) Mullahs who have no proper schooling (knowledge passed from daddy to son) are trying to be teachers and end up teaching BS..if they thought the real Islam, it would include being self sufficient to at least learn the basics of human life and once you know these you dont need a Mullah, hence no income for the crazy people...No one will fund them if everyone is knowledgeable in the field

2) Laws are flexible there are soo many different laws different fikhs - each derived from similar hadith hence common source but different environment led to different understanding but all are still laws which are applicable and people can use whichever fits their situation...

This area flexibility is at stake...People have started doing biddah under the name of flexibility and accepting cultural shit (honor killing, blasphemy for everyone not agreeing with you and so on) over using the flexibility clause to be flexible in the evolving environment...The Quran only gives soo many laws (dont drink, dont gamble, dont steal, be patient, be kind, pray and be thankful, be god conscious, remember ALLAH, give charity...which are actually enough for a daily living however laws of inheritance, laws of divorce and all that are complex laws which even if you dont know you still are Muslim but people differentiate in to schools of thoughts based on these complex laws!

3 Stupid ego! When someone asks a question and a Mullah cant answer he makes up his own answer from his own limited thinking resulting in something new which others may or may not agree with and some calling it biddah others accepting it...Instead of saying ALLAH didnt mention it or I dont know so let me look it up they just feel the need to answer on the spot!
Yup done , fingers crossed for the result :D

I am always open to new and different views (Liberalism) :D

Not here, it will be OT. I will ask in BIMARU corner or whatever thread.

It's fun chatting with you :-)
once again, I'm not blaming this situation of pakistan on islam.
I'm blaming it on our government for mixing religion with politics.
even if they wanted islam as a state religion they still should've had liberal laws that guaranteed other peoples rights ect.
they messed it up. they screwed pakistan turned it into a shit hole. and at least as long as we don't have 99 percent literacy we should be secular because these uneducated bafoons will abuse it again.

what are your views bro
cant even say Bismillah or Al-fatiha and you want them to diffuse Islam into politics its like Well, when a chimp doesnt know how to use a computer is given a laptop, what do you expect? :azn:
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