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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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firstly tell me what is aql :unsure: I may know a number of things but there is no way I know everything :undecided:
It is the practice By which a Shiite Mujtahid(Lawmaker) is empowered to establish a law by use of intellect (common sense whatever suits you) only without finding any similarity or relation in Quran and Sunnah.
true that..

btw my observation is that desis cant be true liberals.
anyway why d fuss?,,,,,,OP had an epiphany or whatever,,its his choice.

Why desis (both Indians and Pakistanis) should be forced to convert into "Liberals" according to definition of others?

I always say gradual transformation is long-lasting than forced and abrupt one. West did not become "liberal" in a day.

This liberal extreme has started showing its colors too in shape of RACISM (which by the wya is another way to abuse and discriminate people from other religion but they gave it a cover up of Racism ) :)
It is the practice By which a Shiite Mujtahid(Lawmaker) is empowered to establish a law by use of intellect (common sense whatever suits you) only without finding any similarity or relation in Quran and Sunnah.
that is where flexibility comes in...It is permissible in Sunni who told you it is not?

Do you think every single Musibat on the planet is written in the Quran? Not every musibat on the planet happened during the life of the Prophet SAW....he did how much he faced, he was an example for whatever befell him but there are lots of things that he didnt need to face and sahabi faced it and they used "aql"

Plus Islam is until judgement day so how can it not be flexible? If it were not flexible, the Quran would not over and over ask people to think and ponder! Koi hai jo soochay and samjhay?!
islam has politics but people like you can't seem to decide what sharia is!
what is sharia?
nobody knows because everybody has their own definition.
if being secular makes me a kafir ill take my chances.
I'm pretty sure that allah will not send me to hell for simply not forcing islam onto other people living in pakistan, and advocating for the right of people to choose how they want to live their life instead of being forced to fast during ramadan ect.

when you mix religion with politics the result will end being bad.

This sound so noble and human. Do you think Allah/God/Bhagwan is so cruel that he will punish you for letting people live and respecting other's point of view? Certainly not.
your version of sharia is also kufr.
Lady Shariah is clear and those who want to stand with RASOOL SAW on day of judgement they choose and try to implement shariah and those who want to stand among enemies of RASOOL SAW they choose and try to implement Secularism @qamar1990
Welcome my fellow man...there is much hatred about securalism because of the rampant misuse of this term by oppurtunistic parties.Secular doesn't mean giving discriminatory benefits or welfare to minorities,criticizing religion or whole lot of confusing ideas.. to me its just this....judge a dude on his actions and not his beliefs.Simple.

One can be secular and religious like u,or one can be secular and irreligious.You are in the USA -a cool country to live in any fashion u see fit...but south asia is long way from this..and probably rightly so due to cultural factors..i just hope the interreligious hate dies out oneday.

I started out in my childhood as quite religious actually,my father and mother are devout.But as i grew up i found mostly an emptiness in these rules and regulations of organized religion....then for a time i was a hardcore atheist..now i changed a bit,sort of agree that religious people have right to believe in faith...i kinda turned agnostic deist.In the end its best not to get too worked up abt other people's belief and just enjoy life i guess,its short.Am 25 now..so got maybe another 25 to really do something.
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Exactly !!!!

He's a secular by choice and I appreciate that. I myself am an Islamist by choice.

He's evolving just like we all do. this isn't necessarily his absolute form.

If you respect and appreciate his choice, you too automatically becomes secular. :)
Lady Shariah is clear and those who want to stand with RASOOL SAW on day of judgement they choose and try to implement shariah and those who want to stand among enemies of RASOOL SAW they choose and try to implement Secularism @qamar1990
Shariah is clear but people encouraging/ implementing it are worse than a monkey trying to enforce it!

If you respect and appreciate his choice, you too automatically becomes secular. :)
:rofl: and such mentality is what makes people not want to accept it...or let anyone accept it!
that is where flexibility comes in...It is permissible in Sunni who told you it is not?

Do you think every single Musibat on the planet is written in the Quran? Not every musibat on the planet happened during the life of the Prophet SAW....he did how much he faced, he was an example for whatever befell him but there are lots of things that he didnt need to face and sahabi faced it and they used "aql"

Plus Islam is until judgement day so how can it not be flexible? If it were not flexible, the Quran would not over and over ask people to think and ponder! Koi hai jo soochay and samjhay?!
Nope you see this is where the flexibility meets a crossroads , According to Sunnis an injunction not mentioned in the Quran or Sunnah has to be decided by Ijma or Qiyas , Shias may use a substitue to Qiyas that is "Aql" . the laws established by the use of different methods may not be parallel and contradict one another ?
Lady Shariah is clear and those who want to stand with RASOOL SAW on day of judgement they choose and try to implement shariah and those who want to stand among enemies of RASOOL SAW they choose and try to implement Secularism @qamar1990

YES sharia is clear but NOT your version of mullas version
Why desis (both Indians and Pakistanis) should be forced to convert into "Liberals" according to definition of others?

I always say gradual transformation is long-lasting then forced and abrupt one. West did not become "liberal" in a day.

This liberal extreme has started showing its colors too in shape of RACISM (which by the wya is another way to abuse and discriminate people from other religion but they gave it a cover up of Racism ) :)
at my work ,I've met conservative ppl(real conservative),,,,what can i say,,,difficult to get alongwith,,never open to new ideas,,,only way is there way...
but they r easy to manipulate,which is a relief.
Nope you see this is where the flexibility meets a crossroads , According to Sunnis an injunction not mentioned in the Quran or Sunnah has to be decided by Ijma or Qiyas , Shias may use a substitue to Qiyas that is "Aql" . the laws established by the use of different methods may not be parallel and contradict one another ?
Differentiate Aql and Ijma and Qiyas...
YES sharia is clear but NOT your version of mullas version
Shariah if the not different Mr you want to abuse Islam and Shariah by using indirect terms like Mullah its your choice but those who love Islam and want to be with RASOOL SAW have chosen Shariah and will keep choosing Shariah and enemies of RASOOL SAW choose secularism and other kinds of kufr
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