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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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:lol: we can also see how much you Hindus are tolerant by reading some of you people's comments on Indian Actress Monica converted to Islam thread.

They are not true Hindus. A true Hindu does not say that. Hinduism means peace. You love the word fuckkkk I think.
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
Hey kid...Sorry to hear that Pakistan's situation made you change your mind....

I agree the situation isnt the best...But I guess I have fond memories of that country and people that I cant change that quickly...

Everyone is free to choose but just as a reminder Pakistan was and is far from Islamic Pakistan...However, 1 thing is for sure it is also far from liberal or secular and democratic...however, wish you luck in whatever you choose ;)

:what: what happened to real RazPAk?
he retired...this one is trying so hard to sound like him that it even sounds funny :rofl:
Well, the PDF mullahs didn't ask for reasons, they simply abused or admonished him. It's the non mullahs who are interested in devilish things like reason.
secularism is more of a state policy not really a personal thing ,you can call it tolerance not probably secular character ,he can be tolerant but not a secular in pakistan simply bec the state isn't
The reason I am pissed off with you is because you labeled our entire nation as extremist. You are in favor of secularism over Islam.
I'm not choosing secularism, islam is my religion.
secularism is how i want my government to be run.
where there is separate of church and state.

When has Islam taken away the rights of non-believers?
I'm not discussing islam here.
but what i do know is that
when we have governments that are not secular
the governments always end up abusing islam.
i am yet to see a country that implemented islam in a way that it should be.
because we implement what we like and ignore what we don't.
pakistan needs to be secular for these reasons.

1- blasphemy laws are abused every other week by mullahs.
2- people simply get arrested for leaving islam in some muslim countries they get killed.
3- lack of freedom of speech, every person should be allowed to say what ever they want. weather its against islam or not.
the prophet muhammed tolerated it and didn't start attacking people, we should be following his example. islam will always exist weather people talk crap about it or what ever, after all god promised to safe guard the quran himself, he didn't tell us to save it.

Ahmedis are discriminated against because chuttiya's like @forcetrip that supported Bhutto PPP.
well thats fucked up.
they shouldn't be discriminated against for nothing, doesn't matter what they did. they should still have the same rights as any human being.

All this sectarian discrimination is because of these dynastic politicians rather than Quaid's vision.

thats has nothing to do with islam or secularism its a whole another subject,
Your OP was venom to me and every other Pakistani. You are concluding that secularism is superior to Islam.The tell me how?

" have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry."

so what part of this was venom? what did i say that was against islam?

Cite some examples..

Like innocent Muslims didn't get picked up after 9/11 in the US. Fuk outta here niggeh.
innocent muslims might have gotten picked on but the government still protected them, it wasn't the government that picked on those muslims it was angry americans
We gave more rights to Sikhs than the Indians ever did. So now, based on a certain political party you are concluding our nation on a specific track. Utterly retarded.
bro where I'm from in pakistan sometimes people call each other "sikhs" to insult them.
its got nothing to do with any political party.
i just don't want islam to be shoved down people throats, you just don't understand how the human mind works.
when something gets shoved down our throats we reject it. when its taken away we want it more.

i want pakistan to be a country where ever kid could be a muslim by choice! not because his parents are muslims.
i want every muslims could to taught in school about every religion instead of just islam and let them decide what they want to follow, its their lives they should be able to choose.
the way things are right now , just imagine how many closet atheists there are in our country.
people should be able to live in pakistan without having to worry about being discriminated against simple because they don't want to follow islam, what would you rather have? a fake muslim like @Imran Khan pretending to be a muslim while he in fact a atheist or would you rather have him reveal himself as an atheist and be allowed to live freely how he wants to? the way people interpret sharia these days would mean they would have to kill imran khan for simply not choosing to follow islam, thats too much for me bro.

You basically spit on every Pakistani shaheed ever in history with your arbitrary remarks. Have some shame.
I'm not spitting on anybody, i want what is best for the people of my country. i want them to have freedom and option to live their lives how they choose to.

All these "TT's" and other special needs members on this forum accuse of being of being abusive. They are right, I am. But I have enough reasoning to back it up.
why do you need to be abusive to begin with?
what do you think you are? the guardian of islam? or pakistan? without you god isn't capable of protecting islam?
its not your job to do anything besides simply give people an invitation to islam. the rest should be up to them.

I give more respect to people like Zarvan, than these chamari hindu *** kissing geo tv watching types. And I do so for a reason.
you give more respect to a man who rejoices with people who slaughter our soldiers!
who is spitting on pakistan me or you?

lol razfag and his insecurities. Bitch has got some serious mental issues. Most probably due to that inbreeding
well if you say so..but just by reading some of the comment islam does seem scary..to me...
hinduism seems crazy to me as well but I'm not gonna start talking crap about it. its non of my business.
@RazPaK you got a mascot and he is soo damn funny when he is trying his level best to sound like ya! :enjoy:
i read all this stuff bro lolwhat you trying to make me a atheist? lol
Habit of some Mullah atheist...like Mullahs try to make you extra religious mullah atheist try the extra mile to make people accept their concept so they can feel better about themselves...

Real atheist I respect coz they do no such things!
:lol: we can also see how much you Hindus are tolerant by reading some of you people's comments on Indian Actress Monica converted to Islam thread.


no sane hindu would object to her decision it's her choice nobody cares about a b grade actress converting from hindusim to islam i say good riddance i guess that's where she truly belongs !

and please do not use such obscene language since these words are considered to be foul and is believed to be belonging to the devil according to Islam

“A slave (of Allah) may utter a word, which pleases Allah, without giving it much importance, and because of that Allah will raise him to degrees (of reward): a slave (of Allah) may utter a word (carelessly) which displeases Allah without thinking of its gravity and because of that he will be thrown into the Hell-fire” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
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