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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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No one can become as secular, or liberal like me. :D
Did lightning strike you and when you woke up you were like I am secular liberal Indian! Survivor of God's wrath? :unsure:

There can be many more.

Similarly hinduism and christianity also have their share of fallacies. So better not to bank upon one religion in forming policies.

The extremist will want each word of their religion to be implemented since an inch of diversion will lead them to hell where they will be roasted in boiling oil.

Enough of this religious talks. Its really takes a toll on ones mind.

@JonAsad I have got 2 BDeshi to troll and one of them has called me stupid and other want me to get my dhoti tied up.
Over and out.
hahahah....go rest your mind on that dhoti :sarcastic::sarcastic:
hahahaha...would they? they actually point to you...

Thanks for calling "peacemaker"- no one thought of that before- :pakistan:-

:astagh: <=== for future similar situations against other people refer to this emoticon- :tup:-
Thanks for calling "peacemaker"- no one thought of that before- :pakistan:-

:astagh: <=== for future similar situations against other people refer to this emoticon- :tup:-
ok uncle tharki babu!
3. i say both Conservative Extremists and Secular Extremists both are a threat to humanity.
That is the biggest bull$hit line I have ever heard.

When did Secular "extremists" blow up a school to force kids to their views?
When was the last time Secular "extremists" used a gun to enforce their views?

All they ever do is talk and reason and explain and criticize. They never use physical violence - which is a trait of extremists - the only ones in town - your conservative extremists.

Those who use this line that Conservative extremists and Secular "extremists" are actually closet Islamists.
@JonAsad I have got 2 BDeshi to troll and one of them has called me stupid and other want me to get my dhoti tied up.
Over and out.

You just cant handle praises hurled at you- you demented freak- :dirol:-
Why should minority be treated according to islamic or any religion law and why not by their own religion law?
Because Islamic law is swift and will deliver justice to minorities.
Very accurate explanation...... though, I don't agree with point four...... people change all the time.........
he guys that are mad are simply confused on what secularism is lol.
And this is my question to you folks.

Why is it that in Pakistan, Secular means Liberal + Atheist ?
Almost 90% of the Pakistani's I have interacted on this forum seem to have this line of thought.

Secularism has nothing to do with the either Liberalism or Atheism.

I mean you can be a very dedicated Hindu/Muslim and be Secular. You can live your life by your religious code and still be Secular.
And this is my question to you folks.

Why is it that in Pakistan, Secular means Liberal + Atheist ?
Almost 90% of the Pakistani's I have interacted on this forum seem to have this line of thought.

Secularism has nothing to do with the either Liberalism or Atheism.

I mean you can be a very dedicated Hindu/Muslim and be Secular. You can live your life by your religious code and still be Secular.
Can you?
Read what Secularism is about.

You can be a devout Muslim and be Secular.

Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people. Another manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and/or practices.

I can only agree with the 2nd one...

The problem why many of us dont agree with this is because Islam is a deen meaning it is in every part of our daily life...from us sneezing to what we eat how we dress and what punishment is just enough for a criminal offender....
Secularism is wrong expression , a better word could be pluralism, ok we can forget about nationalism but secularism as an ideology has no future. In the future perhaps Atheism may replace notions of secularism/pluralism which makes more sense. From inside so-called secularism champions are atheists but they put a cover on their atheism under the notion of secularism. There is no such thing as secularism, it is a fancy expression used by potential atheists.
waah ,,,kya baat hai.....:p:
aapne toh,,,,,,, secular=atheist ,,,,,bana Dia...
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