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Official: Chinese vaccines’ effectiveness low

The problem with the coversation you are having with the poster is 2 fold:

1. Will want to "big-up" China as China is Pakistan's most important ally.

2. Pakistan has brought a whole load of the same Chinese vaccines.

Saying that nearly 60% efficacy after 2 doses is not bad for the Chinese but the problem is that vaccines from US and Europe are in the mid-90s.

It is not a tech thing per se as AstraZeneca is not mRNA based and also gives the mid-90s effectiveness from hospitalisation as both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, although only around 70-80% effective from symptomatic infections.

Big problem the guy dbc lacks is, that look at the number of cases and deaths in UK, USA, Europe now, it is 100 times more than China, Pakistan, Mideastern states, these western countries where Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are only given to and the effect on different variants is too less.

Big problem the guy dbc lacks is, that look at the number of cases and deaths in UK, USA, Europe now, it is 100 times more than China, Pakistan, Mideastern states, these western countries where Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are only given to and the effect on different variants is too less.

That is to be expected as North America and Europe are colder and have old and fat populations.

"Cases" in S Asia seem low as they do not test as much per capita as the Western countries of Europe and N America and so a lot of the virus is never detected,

You can have high virus circulation in S Asia but have hardly any deaths as the weather is warmer, sunnier and people are young/slim.
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The problem with the coversation you are having with the poster is 2 fold:

1. Will want to "big-up" China as China is Pakistan's most important ally.

2. Pakistan has brought a whole load of the same Chinese vaccines.

Saying that nearly 60% efficacy after 2 doses is not bad for the Chinese but the problem is that vaccines from US and Europe are in the mid-90s.

It is not a tech thing per se as AstraZeneca is not mRNA based and also gives the mid-90s effectiveness from hospitalisation as both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, although only around 70-80% effective from symptomatic infections.

where is the proof of 60% efficacy vs. hospitalizaiton?

“So from the Brazilian slides on this Sinovac vaccine trial, it appears that the numbers of infected/symptomatic COVID-19 cases in the trial were stratified into mild (85 in the vaccine arm vs. 167 in the placebo arm), moderate (7 vs. 31), and severe (0 vs. 7).

“With vaccine efficacies calculated as 1 – relative risk (RR) of the vaccine (Sinovac) being able to prevent mild (50%), moderate (78%), and severe (100%) symptomatic COVID-19 cases.

“The mild, moderate, severe disease end-points used here may differ slightly from the other vaccine trials but the overall range of efficacy values for the mild/moderate/severe COVID-19 endpoints may actually not differ that much from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine efficacy range of 60-90%, with their low and standard dose formulations.”
Big problem the guy dbc lacks is, that look at the number of cases and deaths in UK, USA, Europe now, it is 100 times more than China, Pakistan, Mideastern states, these western countries where Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are only given to and the effect on different variants is too less.
Are you sure you are not mixing up reports?

AMERICAN monitoring statistics

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination

To date, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.
  • FDA requires vaccination providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.
  • Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.
  • CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.
  • CDC, FDA, and other federal partners will continue to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Over 167 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through April 5, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,794 reports of death (0.00167%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.

BRITISH monitoring statistics

Further evidence against this criminally slanderous reporting and twisting of Dr. Gao's words:

“The reporting of the Sinovac trial of Coronavac (an inactivated whole virus vaccine) is very confusing. The revised 50.4% efficacy rate from the Brazilian clinical trial includes those who had ‘very mild’ cases of COVID-19 whereas original reports indicated an overall efficacy of 78% for mild to severe cases. The same vaccine has been trialled in Turkey (reported efficacy 91.25%) and Indonesia (reported efficacy 65.3%).

The latest figures for China's coronavirus vaccine show just how difficult it is to compare vaccines.
On the face of it, the 50% effectiveness figure isn't as good as Oxford's 70% or Pfizer and Moderna's 95%. But trials are run very differently in different countries - the numbers of volunteers enrolled varies wildly, as do the criteria used to test how much protection the vaccines offer.

A figure for efficacy is reached by looking at how many people developed Covid after being given the vaccine, compared with how many were affected when given a dummy injection. Normally, that is based on people developing obvious symptoms but in this Brazilian trial, people with no symptoms also appear to have been included.
Big problem the guy dbc lacks is, that look at the number of cases and deaths in UK, USA, Europe now, it is 100 times more than China, Pakistan, Mideastern states, these western countries where Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are only given to and the effect on different variants is too less.

You are assuming China, infamous worldwide for faking and suppressing numbers on data that shows them in an unfavorable light is actually putting out the factual number of deaths. This is a country that hid the deaths of their children when they had a huge 'tainted milk' scandal. Suppressed number of their citizens died during an earthquake...
The most important point for most developing countries today is that the Chinese vaccines are available today, safe to use and that it requires less complicated infrastructure to store and distribute... The US/West can brag all they want that their vaccines are so much better than the Chinese ones, but as long as they continue to hoard it for themselves and unwilling to share, then it will mean nothing for most of the rest of the world... A vaccine, even with somewhat lower efficacy in hand today, is still so much better than having a vaccine with a 95% efficacy but only available in another 6 months or in the next year...
RNA vaccines offer specific advantages over traditional protein vaccines.[5][4] Because RNA vaccines are not constructed from an active pathogen (or even an inactivated pathogen), they are non-infectious. In contrast, traditional vaccines require the production of pathogens, which, if done at high volumes, could increase the risks of localized outbreaks of the virus at the production facility.[5] RNA vaccines can be produced faster, cheaper, and in a more standardized fashion (with fewer error rates in production), which can improve responsiveness to serious outbreaks.[4][5] For example, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine originally required 110 days to produce (before Pfizer began to optimize the manufacturing process to only 60 days), but this was still far faster than traditional flu and polio vaccines.[62] Within that larger timeframe, the actual production time is only about 22 days: two weeks for molecular cloning of DNA plasmids and purification of DNA, four days for DNA-to-RNA transcription and purification of mRNA, and four days to encapsulate mRNA in lipid nanoparticles followed by fill and finish.[76] The majority of the days needed for each production run are allocated to rigorous quality control at each stage.
I think there needs to start being lawsuits filed against slanderous news organizations. it is clear that they have not only spread fake news but do so with the intent of causing grevious financial harm and obstructing critical medical supply distribution.
There are different types of COVID vaccines.


Independent statistics of efficacy in following source:

Results are informed by limited data in the present. Further updates would provide a more clear picture.

The whole-virus types are less effective and more likely to cause adverse side-effects which are not well-documented in some countries.

Valuable information in the following link.

Choose your dosage wisely and/or seek professional input in relation. Do not buy into rhetoric.
I think there needs to start being lawsuits filed against slanderous news organizations. it is clear that they have not only spread fake news but do so with the intent of causing grevious financial harm and obstructing critical medical supply distribution.

I completely agree, the Global times for example ran a series of articles back in January attcking the Pfizer vaccine with false allegations linking it to deaths in Norway.

Chinese media criticise Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, tout local shots

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese state media outlets have run a series of articles criticising Western COVID-19 vaccines in the past week, including Pfizer's, while touting China-made vaccines as safer and more accessible.

a close up of a sign: Vial and sryinge are seen in front of displayed Pfizer logo
© Reuters/DADO RUVIC Vial and sryinge are seen in front of displayed Pfizer logo
The reports have come as China's vaccines, which are being rolled out to countries including Brazil, Indonesia, and Turkey, have faced criticism in the West for insufficient data disclosure.

The Global Times, a tabloid published by the People's Daily, the official newspaper of China's ruling Communist Party, has published more than ten reports in the past week critical of vaccines and inoculation schemes in the West.

About half of them have referred to reported deaths of some highly frail patients in Norway after being inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine developed Pfizer and its partner BioNTech.

In a Jan. 15 editorial, the Global Times accused mainstream U.S. and British news outlets of "deliberately downplaying the deaths" and "using propaganda power to promote the Pfizer vaccine and smearing Chinese vaccines."

"Those major Western media will immediately hype any unfavourable information about Chinese vaccines and try to amplify their impact on public psychology," it said.

Norwegian authorities have not established a causal link between the deaths and vaccination and said on Jan. 18 they were not changing their policy on using the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

Liu Xin, an anchor with CGTN, China's English-language state TV channel, on Jan. 16 tweeted screenshots of an unverified report of 10 deaths after vaccinations in Germany.

"Can't independently verify but it's concerning," she tweeted. "What about following it up? Hello??? @BBCWorld @CNN @AP @Reuters."

A Global Times report on Tuesday cited Chinese experts saying Australia should consider halting regulatory procedures for Pfizer's vaccine until the investigation of the deaths is over.

It also said Australia should purchase Chinese-developed vaccines, "which are relatively safer due to their mature technology".

The Global Times has also argued that Chinese vaccines are cheaper and easier to transport, and portrayed Pfizer as an unreliable supplier, sacrificing need in other countries to prioritise supply for the United States.

"Reports of adverse events outside of clinical studies are a very important component to our pharmacovigilance activities," a Pfizer representative said in an email.

The U.S. drugmaker said last week it was temporarily slowing supplies of its COVID-19 vaccine to Europe to make manufacturing changes that would boost output.

Final stage clinical trials showed the vaccine was 95% effective, with no major safety concerns.

(Reporting by Beijing Newsroom and Yew Lun Tian. Editing by Mark Potter and Louise Heavens)

I completely agree, the Global times for example ran a series of articles back in January attcking the Pfizer vaccine with false allegations linking it to deaths in Norway.

The global times article you linked calls out a known issue with the Pfizer vaccine that was widely reported worldwide by multinational media. Truth is a defense against libel.


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