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Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

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I am in tears reading the stupidity of this forum everyday.

Where are my human rights?
Of course we can beat india,,,

We will keep south asia on a knife's edge if needs be, but the issue of kashmiri freedom will not be forgotten

The people of kashmir are muslim and just like their brothers and sisters elsewhere they do not give up

It seems that the last decade was not enough for you people. It is more of keeping Pakistan on knife edge :lol:. For India, Pakistan has a nuisance value.
Monkey trap is operational and working perfectly.
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in the meantime we burst out your posterior with Shaheen

Any misadventure by Pakistan, would result in no Pakistan. Think before any thoughts of using even one Shaheen
Any misadventure by Pakistan, would result in no Pakistan. Think before any thoughts of using even one Shaheen

Lol,who will press the launch button?

Even if all warheads are mated with missile,target locked and only the launch button is to be pressed.i am sure Atleast till now non in india is born with enough guts to even press the launch button even if Pakistan alrready has emptised its nukes arsenal

Though i am not sure but if someone is imported from israel or russia.he will be able to do so
Yes, but also in reality

How many times do you need Kashmiri's to raise the pakistani flag or shout any india slogans before you get it

That's why the militants Pakistan trained to fight in Kashmir turned against Pakistan. :woot:
Lol,who will press the launch button?

Even if all warheads are mated with missile,target locked and only the launch button is to be pressed.i am sure Atleast till now non in india is born with enough guts to even press the launch button even if Pakistan alrready has emptised its nukes arsenal

Though i am not sure but if someone is imported from israel or russia.he will be able to do so

India is pacifist country. We don't start wars, so no need to fear India. But if Pakistan starts one, it will be India that finishes. Make no mistake on that.
India is pacifist country. We don't start wars, so no need to fear India. But if Pakistan starts one, it will be India that finishes. Make no mistake on that.

let it be our mistake than
lol ya'll acting like Pakistan is some sort of exemplary place in south asia where women are treated equally. Be honest with your selves brotas, South Asia as a whole region has one of the worst records for human rights violation.
If Pakistan is so concerned about Kashmiris and their Army is so brave, they should send Army.
India is pacifist country. We don't start wars, so no need to fear India. But if Pakistan starts one, it will be India that finishes. Make no mistake on that.

Of course you have started war,

You are occupying kashmir and that is an act of war,

No peace will come to the sub continent until you end your occupation

Pakistan has always been prepared to end india
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