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Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

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Why ur grandpa migrated from my province? Rapistian kid ops Indian kid.
Rajasthani Rajput hun....my grandfather didn't convert due to Islamic invaders unlike....hehehe...you got my point.

You can use these words too. After all its Pakistani forum :haha:

dude, hindus are known to rape their sisters and mothers...heck, they rape their own girls and put rods in their vaginas...it is very expected of them to act like this.
Oh boy, you too. You always surprise me. :haha:
Bangladesh is a majority muslim nation

Your occupation has ensured their will never be peace in the sub-continent

We will be your enemy and continue to be your enemy aslong as you occupy Kashmir

We will look to hurt you and aid and support any other state or land that wishes to hurt you whether it be China or Zimbabwe as long as you occupy Kashmir

This dosent end until you or Kashmir is free
AYE AYE SIRE. :super::super::super:

Rajasthani Rajput hun....my grandfather didn't convert due to Islamic invaders unlike....hehehe...you got my point.

You can use these words too. After all its Pakistani forum :haha:

Phir tou meray dost k distaydar laga Tu ... He's a Mughal ... Jodha bai?
Our forefathers left a shameless pagan caveman belief system and converted to islam, like the arab pagans, the persian fire worshippers, the african animists, the hindu pagans had had enough and came to the light to worship the one true God

We are muslim, deal with it.

Kashmir is also a majority muslim state and it will eventually be part of Pakistan there is no way around this
If the bold part is true then why do u need a INDIAN VISA to visit Srinagar???:azn:

He won't get visa to visit Srinagar because Pakistanis can never get visa to visit Kashmir. :sarcastic:
BTW what is Hindu Indian Army, wasn't highest no. of Muslim Soilders in IA from Kashmir n r stationed in Kashmir....:)
He won't get visa to visit Srinagar because Pakistanis can never get visa to visit Kashmir. :sarcastic:

All the muslims in Kashmir are all defacto Pakistani's, they raise our flag and spit on your religion so they must be
BTW what is Hindu Indian Army, wasn't highest no. of Muslim Soilders in IA from Kashmir n r stationed in Kashmir....:)

Haha yeah total Indian Muslims in IA: 2-3 percent... Mr Pathological shameless liar.
Haha yeah total Indian Muslims in IA: 2-3 percent... Mr Pathological shameless liar.
Imagine 98 % non-Muslim Army saving 150 million Muslims in India. :D

Muslim population % have always increased in India.
Yeah we are shameless. Your country sent terrorists in Kashmir, train terrorists which wreck havoc all over the world.

Entire world knows about Pakistan. Shout and curse all you want, I am shameless. I know the reality of Kashmir.

Indian Army invaded Kashmir, Kashmiris are fighting for their freedom, while Indian foreign invader Army is RAPING Kashmiris. How typical of Indians to rape people, India is the rape capital of the world. nothing less is expected from Indians than rape.
Only in your dreams. :lol:

Yes, but also in reality

How many times do you need Kashmiri's to raise the pakistani flag or shout any india slogans before you get it
and muslims were so good hearted and benevolent that they killed thousands of kashmiri pandits and raped their women in 1990s, mutherfucker hypocrites moslems, coward assholes, cant beat us in war so they are trying to run a smear campaign against us. one more thing, kashmir belong to India only and not even an inch of it will be given away to any country.
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