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Obama's India trip could tip power balance: Pak


Dec 5, 2009
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Obama's India trip could tip power balance: Pakistan officials

Washington: The delicate balance of power between nuclear-armed neighbours India and Pakistan faces the risk of being upset by US President Barack Obama's four-day visit to India beginning Saturday, Pakistani officials have warned. Obama's decision to visit India while bypassing Pakistan has sparked anxiety among government officials in Islamabad, The Washington Post reported. The officials have warned that the trip risks upsetting the delicate balance of power between the two countries.

Pakistan's main concerns are the Obama administration's apparent unwillingness to get involved in the long-standing dispute over Jammu and Kashmir, the blossoming US-India civil nuclear partnership, and the symbolism of Obama starting his visit at the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, site of the 2008 terror attack that has been blamed on Pakistani militants, the Post said Friday.

Although the US has recently announced a $2 billion aid package for the Pakistani army and last year signed off on a $7.5 billion civilian aid deal, government officials in Islamabad said the US has yet to prove itself a reliable partner.

"Unfortunately, on core issues, the US continues to stick to its traditional anti-Pakistan policies - whether it is our nuclear energy programme, the Kashmir dispute, our relations with India or our position vis-a-vis Afghanistan," the Post quoted a senior foreign ministry official as saying. "So long as Washington does not revisit these issues, it will continue to be very difficult for Washington to make any headway on winning hearts and minds in Pakistan," the official added.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi requested several times that Obama should also stop in Pakistan during this trip, according to Pakistani officials, but the president declined and instead promised to visit Islamabad next year. The Pakistani ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, said: "Pakistan looks forward to President Obama's visit to our country in 2011 and hopes that his trip to India will help bring lasting stability to our region."

Still, the decision could prove risky for Obama, whose popularity here is lower than it is in any other Muslim country. A recent poll found that just 8% of Pakistanis expressed confidence in Obama, down from 13% in 2009, the American daily said. Pakistani officials say they are particularly interested in seeing Obama push India to do more to settle the Kashmir issue.

"We expect America to use its influence to nudge India in the direction of initiating a peaceful dialogue on the Kashmir situation," said Tariq Fatemi, a former Pakistani ambassador to the US. "And if that is difficult, then at least use your position to point out to India that the interest in human rights is deep and broad-based in America and you cannot have daily violations of human rights," Fatemi said.

Pakistani officials said at least they expect Obama to avoid the confrontational stance taken by British Prime Minister David Cameron, who said during his India visit in July this year that Pakistan is promoting the "export of terror". The officials also fear that the president will seek to enhance the civil nuclear partnership with India. That, they said, could disturb the military balance in the region, the report said.

"If there is an effort to build India up as a regional influence, a country that is assigned the responsibility for security in the region, that is unacceptable for Pakistan," said Maleeha Lodhi, another former ambassador to Washington. "Clearly, for deterrence to work, we need the minimum threshold of conventional balance."

Source: IANS

Obama's India trip could tip power balance: Pakistan officials -  International News ? News ? MSN India
i think all us apologists need t understand this

while we are spilling our blood india is getting ALL the breaks.

its time we stop pretending that pak and us are allies, not only are they sucking us into a war they are strengthening our enemies

what a deal!!!!
i think all us apologists need t understand this

while we are spilling our blood india is getting ALL the breaks.

its time we stop pretending that pak and us are allies, not only are they sucking us into a war they are strengthening our enemies

what a deal!!!!
But Dear, then India did not force you in to this deal! It was and still is, your own choice. Hail the leadership of Pakistan, if you really need to! :pakistan:

i fundamentally disagree. A state visit is just a state visit. These ants act as if something major is about to go down. I don't know why theyy bother making these statements. Just shows their insecurity. Definitely doesn't mirror the sentiments of mass majority
But Dear, then India did not force you in to this deal! It was and still is, your own choice. Hail the leadership of Pakistan, if you really need to! :pakistan:


i am not blaming india in this - i am blaming the politicians of pakistan who thought for one second that the US have pakistan's long term interests in heart.

they do not care for pakistan and they do not want a strong thriving pakistan as per the US vision for the world and how to maintain american hegemony
i am not blaming india in this - i am blaming the politicians of pakistan who thought for one second that the US have pakistan's long term interests in heart.

they do not care for pakistan and they do not want a strong thriving pakistan as per the US vision for the world and how to maintain american hegemony

Yes. You are right here.

officials also fear that the president will seek to enhance the civil nuclear partnership with India. That, they said, could disturb the military balance in the region, the report said.

BS -- what has always been known is that the nuclear deal between the US and India holds the "potential" of allowing India to use nuclear material from plants not covered by the agreement to accrue greater quantities of fissile material, but even this is problematic -- so I think we should read these "unnamed sources" as a just an attempt to create a tempest in a teapot.
There is no balance of power anymore, it's been destabilized and any attempt at playing a zero sum game will only backfire to US. Even US knows this.
this visit marks more of a policy change
defense deals may follow later..
DRDO,BDL,ISRO off the BAN list..Dual use agreement gone..
support in NSG,MTCR and Australia group membership...

Nothing remarkable if you ask me...Just business as usual between companies of two countries..
i think BRC is still under restrictions.
they took the sanctions from isro.
does it mean that it will have access to cryogenic engine???
oh !!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont see why this so much ******* hype all about ? ok he landed and some of indian delagates showerd billons of goodies but where obama commitment ??? supporting india's UNSC seat as i repubulican shouting and crying all about ???? its time to support palin lol,aint she sweeter than michele ?
this statement shows Pakistan's Official stance, Pak does not like such unilateral approach adopted by US in regard to South Asia. but they are crying to late. they had not played their cards wel enough in recent 5yrs. Pakistan is fighting a war which ensure the security for the rest of the world yet it is blamed and despised. Pak is bleeding for last 3 years instead of helping and strengthing Pak, US and West looks to India for regional stability.

Pakistani diplomates and Defense official should have elaborated their case to US and the rest of the World that it is Pakistan who can ensure stability and peace in the region around Pakistan both by actions and diplomacy but unfortunately we did not do tht rather we chose a policy of imbiguity vis a vis Afghanistan Taliban, Iran and Arabian sea issues. what is happening now is the result of our mistrust and imbigous policies. So Pakistan can only enjoy the ride as It come. Pakistan itself forced the US and west to that 'point'.
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