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Obama warns China

The fact that the US has nothing to do with the SCS/ECS yet still managed to make the Asia neighbourhood welcome it into the dispute means that China has made some really big blunders.

Just compare the SCS/ECS situation from what it was in 2008 and earlier to how it is now. That's what I'm asking you.

No, because of American involvement, the Filippines and Vietnam as two independent nations have trend that lost the independent attitude. I am not sure the two nations work for themselves or work for America.
Read all my posts from the beginning. The Ah Q are the Chinese members in this thread who still insist that China is not losing to the US in the SCS/ECS dispute. And I haven't even mentioned how things have significantly changed in northeast Asia when Japan has now managed to modify its pacifist constitution.

But yes, I do believe that China itself has revealed some Ah Q behaviour. Bully the weak like Philippines, but doesn't act this way against stronger resistance like Viet Nam in the Oil rig dispute. You guys withdrew the rig earlier than declared, drove VN closer to the US, then now trying to speak some warm words to Viet Nam in order to bring VN back. Do you know how weak and embarrassing this look? China Should have just stood firm like it initially did in the oil rig incident and tell VN #### you, go away we don't care who you cozy up to.

Similar thing happened in the ECS. China did some really tough political posturing, declared ADIZ and even did some aggressive manoeuvring with its naval vessels/plane. This allows Japan to have an excuse to modify its pacifist constitution, and now China seems to have back tracked its aggressive posturing and stayed quiet with the ECS dispute.

Similar thing when facing Taiwan-US. Don't act so tough against this strong partnership, but act really tough against softer opponents like the Philippines, or Norway with that Nobel prize dispute.

It looks like an Ah Q character to me. Bully the weak, but back down when facing tough opponents. Then some Chinese members come up with some strawman arguments on how China was always winning all along.

With your military power its the same. Backed down when facing tough resistance from VietNam in 1979, didn't dare to grab more islands back in 1988 when they were all wide open, cancelled a road construction work along the Vietnamese boarder because the fear of the Viet military using it for an attack, didn't do much when Myanmar bombed your own territory. But has no problem bullying your own weak civilians in the Tiananmen square. There's no point having a strong economy and military when you still possess an Ah Q mentality and constantly make political blunders.

LOL.. Yes yes, China is losing. Scarborough shoal in Chinese hand sinces Pinoy decide to play with Chinese. Chinese demonstrated US will not help their so called Vietnam when Chinese oil rig place directly at around paracel island.

Chinese island in spratly island is enlarging with no resistance and concrete action taken by complain countries. Soon the island will serve as airbase and serving military warship to continue our control of Spratly island. Worst of all when demonstrated despite with conflict interest in territories dispute. Vietnam and Philippine continued to work with China in organisation like AIIB which China can easily control loan to this countries in time of critical situtation since China is the largest share holder. The final blow is US directly warn allies against joining but in vain.

Everybody can see who is the Ah Q other than this vietnames Yorozuya. :lol:
Everyone knows that the Oil Rig placement was a political posture. Your article even mentioned sources from both the US and from inside China admitting that they don't expect that much gas around the Parcels (you've also deliberately omitted the rest of the article where the author gave his political interpretation). The fact that your oil company no longer talks about starting a operation in that area (despite the fact that one official claim they've made a big discovery) confirms that it was nothing more than a political gesture. Unless you can show me concrete evidence that the oil company is returning to the paracels to extract those big gas "discovery."

So the question remains, what did that political posturing achieved other than driving VietNam and the Philippines closer to the US?
Well, oil and gas prospecting is not an exact science. You never know until you actually drill the well.
So you think China would send an oil rig that cost hundreds of thousand USD per day to operate, just for political gesturing? Isn't there a cheaper way?
Now China know what oil and gas is there or not there.
And you think China would announce what their future plan is, for everyone
else benefit? why would they? It would not win them anything.
China has a history of dealing with Vietnamese not only going well back in history, and also in recent territory dispute as well.
Is the reaction from Vietnam or Philippine a surprise to Chinese? You want to believe it is so?
You seem to want to believe Chinese government is run by stupid people. You can keep Ah Q yourself in that believe.
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Well, oil and gas prospecting is not an exact science. You never know until you actually drill the well.
So you think China would send an oil rig that cost hundreds of thousand USD per day to operate, just for political gesturing? Isn't there a cheaper way?
Now China know what oil and gas is there or not there.
And you think China would announce what their future plan is, for everyone
else benefit? why would they? It would not win them anything.
China has a history of dealing with Vietnamese not only going well back in history, and also in recent territory dispute as well.
Is the reaction from Vietnam or Philippine a surprise to Chinese? You want to believe it is so?
You seem to want to believe Chinese government is run by stupid people. You can keep Ah Q yourself in that believe.

History is cheap especially almost all Asian nations were once colony of Europe. Ability speaks.
So many states are warning each other. There should be an international organization to organize all the warnings so that no one is lost in the crowd.

International Warning Agency (IWA).


Yes but who would be the members that would issue those powerful warnings? And what about the 'we strongly urge' and 'we condemn'?

What if we can make an organization that would combine strong warnings with strong urges and robust condemnations. We can call it the hissy fit club. :lol:
LOL.. Yes yes, China is losing. Scarborough shoal in Chinese hand sinces Pinoy decide to play with Chinese. Chinese demonstrated US will not help their so called Vietnam when Chinese oil rig place directly at around paracel island.

Chinese island in spratly island is enlarging with no resistance and concrete action taken by complain countries. Soon the island will serve as airbase and serving military warship to continue our control of Spratly island. Worst of all when demonstrated despite with conflict interest in territories dispute. Vietnam and Philippine continued to work with China in organisation like AIIB which China can easily control loan to this countries in time of critical situtation since China is the largest share holder. The final blow is US directly warn allies against joining but in vain.

Everybody can see who is the Ah Q other than this vietnames Yorozuya. :lol:

Dude I've refuted all of your points in my previous reply to you but you have totally ignored it and now you're just repeating the exact same points without addressing my previous refutation. Your Ah Q spirit is too strong.

P. S. Ah Q was a fictional character created by Lu Xun as a personification of the Chinese social ethos. Ah Q is Chinese, and Lu Xun's caricature seems to be spot on. Now you're twisting the Ah Q character and trying to attribute it to another ethnic group. But ago ahead, keep denying and rationalizing.

Well, oil and gas prospecting is not an exact science. You never know until you actually drill the well.
So you think China would send an oil rig that cost hundreds of thousand USD per day to operate, just for political gesturing? Isn't there a cheaper way?
Now China know what oil and gas is there or not there.
And you think China would announce what their future plan is, for everyone
else benefit? why would they? It would not win them anything.
China has a history of dealing with Vietnamese not only going well back in history, and also in recent territory dispute as well.
Is the reaction from Vietnam or Philippine a surprise to Chinese? You want to believe it is so?
You seem to want to believe Chinese government is run by stupid people. You can keep Ah Q yourself in that believe.

Yea yea you can entertain yourself with the thoughts that it was purely for the oil business. But even the article you've posted gave it a political interpretation. I guess all those analysts were wrong and only you are right. Another symptom of an Ah Q mentality.

No, because of American involvement, the Filippines and Vietnam as two independent nations have trend that lost the independent attitude. I am not sure the two nations work for themselves or work for America.

Well if you think China is the victor because both VietNam and the Philippines has supposedly lost their "independent attitude" then it's up to you. I don't know what to say. (but the Viet members would probably laugh at the idea that VN and PH has lost their independence).

Alright I have to log out for now, see ya next time.
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Dude I've refuted all of your points in my previous reply to you but you have totally ignored it and now you're just repeating the exact same points without addressing my previous refutation. Your Ah Q spirit is too strong.

P. S. Ah Q was a fictional character created by Lu Xun as a personification of the Chinese social ethos. Ah Q is Chinese, and Lu Xun's caricature seems to be spot on. Now you're twisting the Ah Q character and trying to attribute it to another ethnic group. But ago ahead, keep denying and rationalizing.

Yea yea you can entertain yourself with the thoughts that it was purely for the oil business. But even the article you've posted gave it a political interpretation. I guess all those analysts were wrong and only you are right. Another symptom of an Ah Q mentality.

Well if you think China is the victor because both VietNam and the Philippines has supposedly lost their "independent attitude" then it's up to you. I don't know what to say. (but the Viet members would probably laugh at the idea that VN and PH has lost their independence).

alright I have to log out for now.

Kettle calling a pot black. Have you refuted my points? Philippine lost control for Scarborough is a victory for Philippine and disaster for China? Who is AH Q? :lol:

US so far has not demonstrated any concrete action to help Vietnam gained even a single inch of water or land but demonstrated impotent of inaction? While Vietnam has to crap down anti China protest and continue China policy of AIIB in hand to serve China expansion. Who is the Ah Q?

China island construction at Spratly island continue at electric pace with no resistance other than blank warning. Who is the Ah Q?

You can repeat 10000 times but it will not changed any facts. :D
The NPT prohibits Vietnam from possessing nuclear weapons. It is simply not responsible enough to possess them. If Vietnam goes rogue and begins enriching uranium/developing missiles, it will get nuked, because the law must be upheld.
if a war breaks out, nobody cares of any treaty. by the way, who is against vietnam possession of nuclear weapons?

india? no, we received a supercomputer, that is capable to simulate nuclear explosions.
america? no, the 1-2-3 nuclear agreement we signed with the US allows uranium enrichment.
russia? no, they build nuclear research center, and nuclear plants, that will provide us more than enough plutonium for 1,000 nuclear bombs.
england, france? no, they don´t care. not their business.

well, it is only you. by the time, we have the bombs, it is too late. see north korea. not to mention, we are now building missile shield against chinese balistic missiles. you should be fearful of north korean nuclear missiles. do you sleep well at night?

as for north korea, they delivered us with critical components and technology that increase the range of our scud balistic missile.
This is quite shameless of you. I'm the only one providing academic sources here, which prove Chinese sovereignty and administration until the 1930s (when the islands were forcibly occupied by France/Japan), and you have the nerve to demand more sources from me even while none of your dubious claims are substantiated. :disagree:

Jungle logic shouldn't apply here.

The article certainly didn't state Champa possessed the Paracels/Spratlys (because it's untrue), and that Vietnam subsequently inherited them. In fact, the article explains exactly why Vietnam never dares to raise the Champa issue: because you conquered and genocided them, and further claiming their mythical territory which you did not directly conquer from them is morally grotesque and repulsive.

Jungle morality shouldn't apply here.

The reason the UN is not relevant is because it has never ruled on the SCS issue. The UN has no intention of encroaching on the legal authority of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender + Cairo Declaration.

Jungle rules shouldn't apply here.
I see "jungle" is your favorite word. the most of your posts are rubbish.
if a war breaks out, nobody cares of any treaty. by the way, who is against vietnam possession of nuclear weapons?

india? no, we received a supercomputer, that is capable to simulate nuclear explosions.
america? no, the 1-2-3 nuclear agreement we signed with the US allows uranium enrichment.
russia? no, they build nuclear research center, and nuclear plants, that will provide us more than enough plutonium for 1,000 nuclear bombs.
england, france? no, they don´t care. not their business.

well, it is only you. by the time, we have the bombs, it is too late. see north korea. not to mention, we are now building missile shield against chinese balistic missiles. you should be fearful of north korean nuclear missiles. do you sleep well at night?

as for north korea, they delivered us with critical components and technology that increase the range of our scud balistic missile.

I see "jungle" is your favorite word. the most of your posts are rubbish.

It seems you have to take any drastically propaganda and actions in order to overthrew the Vietcong govt.
Google Agent Orange Children. There are not one thousand children, not 10 thousand children, it almost reaches the number of one million.

Think about them. Try to help your govt find peaceful negotiations. Extremely nationalism is harmful to Viets.

A child born without eyes.
It seems you have to take any drastically propaganda and actions in order to overthrew the Vietcong govt.
Google Agent Orange Children. There are not one thousand children, not 10 thousand children, it almost reaches the number of one million.

Think about them. Try to help your govt find peaceful negotiations. Extremely nationalism is harmful to Viets.

A child born without eyes.
View attachment 214126
extreme nationalism? it happens more in china than in vietnam. and don´t post such pics. I am aware of that. why don´t you post pics what the japanese did to you in the past? why don´t you stop trading with japan? why don´t you expell all japanese out of china?

do you think such things happening in the past will hinder me and other in vietnam to do whatever possible to protect our country before your aggression today?

do you know what is terrible than agent orange? the genocide of the jews during the WWII.

the germans massacred 6 millions jews. but today the jews are thankful for german subs, that guarantees the survival of state of israel. should israel reject the help and assistance of germany because of the terrible past, the genocide?

here just happening: a new german sub for israeli navy. 6 subs in total, dolphin class. they are capable to fire missiles with nuclear warheads.
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extreme nationalism? it happens more in china than in vietnam. and don´t post such pics. I am aware of that. why don´t you post pics what the japanese did to you in the past? why don´t you stop trading with japan? why don´t you expell all japanese out of china?

do you think such things happening in the past will hinder me and other in vietnam to do whatever possible to protect our country before your aggression today?

do you know what is terrible than agent orange? the genocide of the jews during the WWII.

the germans massacred 6 millions jews. but today the jews are thankful for german subs, that guarantees the survival of state of israel. should israel reject the help and assistance of germany because of the terrible past, the genocide?

here just happening: a new german sub for israeli navy. 6 subs in total, dolphin class. they are capable to fire missiles with nuclear warheads.

We don't need nationalism. Chinese govt do everything to urge Japanese govt apologize and correct their history. Korean do the same. We won't expel Japanese living in China as long as they don't break any laws.

Israel has no other choices. Any choice? They established country on Arabian land, they are surrounded by totally different religion states. Israel just have one goal, survive.

But Vietnam don't have survive problem, Vietnamese need to think more about development issues.
Obama just pissed off for losing face on AIIB issue and need to get some attention:lol:, He should have lecturing the Americans and their foreign policy over the so call "elbowing", virturally the entire world had been elbowed aside by US including Russia and China...the last thing we want is to hear the bullsh1t from US president.
Obama just pissed off for losing face on AIIB issue and need to get some attention:lol:, He should have lecturing the Americans and their foreign policy over the so call "elbowing", virturally the entire world had been elbowed aside by US including Russia and China...the last thing we want is to hear the bullsh1t from US president.

Just a lame duck president who has no power anymore. 2016 elections, baby! America needs a Republican this time.

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