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Recall the oil rig incident. For some reason, China decided to plant an oil rig in the SCS and declared that it will stay there for 3 months. It then face physical resistance from VietNam and diplomatic objection from the US. Then China decided to pull back one month earlier than it first declared. Then some Ah Q Chinese declared that it was a victory, when I don't even know what the oil rig have achieved other than giving China some bad PR. One Chinese guy even told me China only withdrew early because it wants to save face for Viet Nam. Isn't that so Ah Q or not???
4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned | The Diplomat

4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned

The reasons China withdrew oil rig HYSY-981 sooner than planned are complex but revealing about its intentions.
By Carl Thayer, July 22, 2014

On July 15 China announced that its mega oil-drilling platform Hai Yang Shi You 981 had completed its commercial exploration operations and would be towed back to Hainan Island. China’s withdrawal of its drilling platform came a full month before its original deadline of August 15.

The HYSY-981 conducted its operations in disputed waters lying within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Vietnam responded by sending out Coast Guard and Fisheries Surveillance Force vessels to protest China’s breach of its sovereign jurisdiction. As a result of China’s decision to withdraw the HYSY-981, the physical confrontation at sea between Chinese and Vietnamese ships ended as quickly as it had started.

China’s July 15 announcement overshadowed news released on the same day that China had released thirteen Vietnamese fishermen that had been detained earlier.

These two developments point to a tactical shift in Chinese policy from confrontation at sea to diplomacy and political dialogue. The stage is now set for high-level talks between Beijing and Hanoi on how to repair their bilateral relations.

Cessation of Normal Commercial Operations

Chinese oil industry officials offered two explanations for the early cessation of commercial operations and the relocation of HYSY-981 to Hainan Island. According to the statement issued by the China National Petroleum Corporation, “the petroleum drilling and exploration operation of Zhongjiannan Project was smoothly completed on schedule on July 15th with the oil & gas shows found.” During the period the HYSY-981 was in operation, two exploratory wells were drilled.

Wu Shicun, president of China’s National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS), noted that the original schedule for the HYSY-981’s drilling operation was a conservative estimate that “reserved more time than actually needed.”

The China National Petroleum Corporation statement also noted that “a comprehensive assessment of hydrocarbon horizons is to be implemented based on the geological and analytical data collected through the drilling and exploration operation. Next phase arrangements are subject to the aforesaid comprehensive assessment.”

Prior to the drilling operations carried out by HYSY-981, the U.S. Energy Information Administration issued a report in 2013 that concluded that the area around the Paracel islands was unlikely to have significant potential for conventional hydrocarbons.

In May, Beijing-based diplomats reported that officials from the China National Offshore Oil Company privately confided that when initially requested to deploy the HYSY-981 drilling platform they declined, arguing that the exploration area in question was not a high priority as it was unlikely to contain significant hydrocarbon reserves.

Maritime security analysts with access to satellite imagery reported that in late May flaring from the HYSY-981 was observable, indicating that the drilling platform had discovered some hydrocarbons. These analysts also noted that about only ten percent of the hydrocarbon reserves would be recoverable for commercial use.

As a result of exploration activities Chinese analysts offered upbeat assessments of hydrocarbon reserves in the area west of the Paracels. Kang Lin, a researcher at China’s NISCSS, reported that a “good amount” of energy reserves with “huge commercial value” had been discovered.

Typhoon Rammasun and Safety First

4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned

The reasons China withdrew oil rig HYSY-981 sooner than planned are complex but revealing about its intentions.
By Carl Thayer, July 22, 2014

On July 15 China announced that its mega oil-drilling platform Hai Yang Shi You 981 had completed its commercial exploration operations and would be towed back to Hainan Island. China’s withdrawal of its drilling platform came a full month before its original deadline of August 15.

The HYSY-981 conducted its operations in disputed waters lying within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Vietnam responded by sending out Coast Guard and Fisheries Surveillance Force vessels to protest China’s breach of its sovereign jurisdiction. As a result of China’s decision to withdraw the HYSY-981, the physical confrontation at sea between Chinese and Vietnamese ships ended as quickly as it had started.

China’s July 15 announcement overshadowed news released on the same day that China had released thirteen Vietnamese fishermen that had been detained earlier.

These two developments point to a tactical shift in Chinese policy from confrontation at sea to diplomacy and political dialogue. The stage is now set for high-level talks between Beijing and Hanoi on how to repair their bilateral relations.

Cessation of Normal Commercial Operations

Chinese oil industry officials offered two explanations for the early cessation of commercial operations and the relocation of HYSY-981 to Hainan Island. According to the statement issued by the China National Petroleum Corporation, “the petroleum drilling and exploration operation of Zhongjiannan Project was smoothly completed on schedule on July 15th with the oil & gas shows found.” During the period the HYSY-981 was in operation, two exploratory wells were drilled.

Wu Shicun, president of China’s National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS), noted that the original schedule for the HYSY-981’s drilling operation was a conservative estimate that “reserved more time than actually needed.”

The China National Petroleum Corporation statement also noted that “a comprehensive assessment of hydrocarbon horizons is to be implemented based on the geological and analytical data collected through the drilling and exploration operation. Next phase arrangements are subject to the aforesaid comprehensive assessment.”

Prior to the drilling operations carried out by HYSY-981, the U.S. Energy Information Administration issued a report in 2013 that concluded that the area around the Paracel islands was unlikely to have significant potential for conventional hydrocarbons.

In May, Beijing-based diplomats reported that officials from the China National Offshore Oil Company privately confided that when initially requested to deploy the HYSY-981 drilling platform they declined, arguing that the exploration area in question was not a high priority as it was unlikely to contain significant hydrocarbon reserves.

Maritime security analysts with access to satellite imagery reported that in late May flaring from the HYSY-981 was observable, indicating that the drilling platform had discovered some hydrocarbons. These analysts also noted that about only ten percent of the hydrocarbon reserves would be recoverable for commercial use.

As a result of exploration activities Chinese analysts offered upbeat assessments of hydrocarbon reserves in the area west of the Paracels. Kang Lin, a researcher at China’s NISCSS, reported that a “good amount” of energy reserves with “huge commercial value” had been discovered.

It is called victory spirit of Mr. Ah Q in China. China ran away without single shoot.
It is called victory spirit of Mr. Ah Q in China. China ran away without single shoot.
Oil drilling platform/rig is designed and manufactured to look for hydrocarbon/gas/oil.
Rig 981 moved in, drill exploration wells and found some oil/gas as satellite photo showed flare burning on the platform.
Mission accomplished.
The oil rig complete its work, it therefore leave. No point hanging around because it cost huge $$ per day to operate the rig.

Vietnamese of course would ignore that and Ah Q their way to a victory.
Hardly surprising, since that is the only relief that they can have because it is rather hopeless and there is not much else they can do.
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China will not go further with this king of bullying attitude. If they pull up centuries old history to claim territories then OTHER COLONIAL COUNTRIES WOULD DO THE SAME. In the long run this attitude will be the cause of Third World War.
Beijing hit back Friday at US President Barack Obama's criticism of Chinese construction in the disputed South China Sea, arguing that it is Washington that has greater military "muscle".

China blasts Obama over military 'muscle' in South China Sea - Yahoo News

Beijing (AFP) - Beijing hit back Friday at US President Barack Obama's criticism of Chinese construction in the disputed South China Sea, arguing that it is Washington that has greater military "muscle".

The Chinese foreign ministry's retort came a day after Obama warned that Beijing was "using its sheer size and muscle to force countries into subordinate positions", amid reports of controversial Chinese land reclamation efforts.

"The US leader talked about China's 'sheer size and muscle', but one can also see clearly who has the biggest size and muscle in the world," foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular briefing.

She called on Washington to "genuinely make efforts to safeguard peace and stability" in the region.

Beijing asserts sovereignty over most of the South China Sea, including areas near the coasts of other states, using a line that first appeared on Chinese maps in the 1940s.

The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan all have overlapping claims.

Before-and-after images of other outcrops in the Spratly Islands show aircraft runways appearing from jungle, smooth-sided solid masses where there once was coral and man-made harbours replacing natural reefs.

Analysts say the pictures show how China is attempting to create "facts in the water" to bolster its territorial claim.

Manila, among the most vocal critics of Beijing's actions in the region, on Friday appealed to the international community to intervene conceding it and other countries were powerless to stop China's construction of the artificial islands.

"We are asking the international community to tell China that what it is doing is wrong, and to ask China to stop this reclamation work," Philippine foreign affairs spokesman Charles Jose told AFP.

China's declared defence budget of 886.9 billion yuan ($142.9 billion) this year is 55 times the Philippines' 115.5 billion pesos ($2.6 billion).

Manila believes Beijing is rushing the reclamation to undermine a United Nations ruling expected next year on a Philippine challenge to its claims, Jose said.

"We think China has a plan and they think they have the means to do it and they can actually do it. So that's why they're doing it," he said.

On Thursday, Obama waded into the debate, telling a town hall meeting during a visit to Jamaica that Beijing should not push around countries with which it is in dispute in the South China Sea.

"Just because the Philippines or Vietnam are not as large as China doesn't mean that they can just be elbowed aside," Obama said.

The United States has no claim of its own in the region, but broadly supports its Asian allies against Chinese pressure and has asserted that freedom of navigation is in its national interest.

Hua on Friday maintained that China has maintained "security and peace" in the region and was working with neighbouring countries.
Oil drilling platform/rig is designed and manufactured to look for hydrocarbon/gas/oil.
Rig 981 moved in, drill exploration wells and found some oil/gas as satellite photo showed flare burning on the platform.
Mission accomplished.
The oil rig complete its work, it therefore leave. No point hanging around because it cost huge $$ per day to operate the rig.

Vietnamese of course would ignore that and Ah Q their way to a victory.
Hardly surprising, since that is the only relief that they can have because it is rather hopeless and there is not much else they can do.

China can say thousands reason about the withdrawal of oil rig from sea territory of Vietnam. You said that Mission accomplished. Pls do not repeat stupid provocative action again.
Only pinoy and vietnam are the 2 whining. I don't see what kind of victory you painted when my link proves not many ASEAN sees your point. You are in self delusion.

Those 2 countries alone would still imply that China is losing to the US, especially when one is taking you to court (compared to when that said country was planning for a joint drilling venture with China before 2009). But there are more than just VN and the PH who've become suspicious of China, nearly the whole neighbourhood is welcoming the US. Here is a new article to remind you this:

Asia pivots towards the US as China bears down

Here's a small article quote to back my point:

"I asked Bates Gill, director of the US Studies Centre at Sydney University, if he could list the nations in the region that had not deepened relations with the US at the expense of China since Obama announced his rebalancing. He came up with just Laos, Cambodia and North Korea.

"America is clearly the welcome external player throughout most of the region, where its military and economic power remains unrivalled, says Gill, an expert on Chinese security policy. "These have been a strong four years."

It turns out that the strategic logic of a more muscular China has overwhelmed the impact of any individual leader. Take for example Julia Gillard, who once called for a more "independent" foreign policy, but ended up making Australia the fulcrum of the US pivot."

Despite with territory conflict, vietnam and Philippines still join a China led organization that defy US IMF. Do I need to say more?

You think those loan with no string. If Vietnam and pinoy decide to move words beyond action. No loans for them. As simple as that.

See, your Ah Q mentality is showing up again. You are creating your own imaginary victory in your head that doesn't reflect reality.

1. What does the AIIB has anything to do anything with the SCS dispute? VN and the PH are members but does that stop VN from welcoming the US? And did it made the Philippines withdraw their legal case? No lol.

2. You are deluding yourself with your claim that China has the ability to attach strings on AIIB loans when the AIIB is still in its infancy and still haven't settle on the standards and policy of its loans yet. Besides, the AIIB itself consists of over 30 members and they are all still negotiating the bank's charters, standards, policies and regulations. You think countries like VN and the PH will remain a negotiation member if China proposes that she has the sole power and can attach strings in anyway she wants?

3. Even if you assume that China will have a monopoly in the AIIB to dictate what strings to attach, do you really think that countries like VN will still take up loans with political strings from China? Don't delude yourself that VN will compromise its SCS claims for the sake of a loan. There are other options like the ADB and other loan providers. And if China refuses VN or the Philippines loans because of their refusal to submit to China's condition....then so what? It would be just like VN and the PH were not AIIB members in the first place. And according to your logic, isn't this what the US had wanted? So it would be a US victory isn't it?

Vietnam is whining about China construction on spratly. You must be in deny to miss those report?

You've changed your argument. Your first argument was that I was "ignoring the fact that China has never stop any construction of facilities on their Spratly island despite vietnamese bragging of immediate action against China."

Whining is not the same as bragging. Show me where VN has ever bragged about taking immediate actions to stop China's construction work? if you can't then it means you were using a strawman argument, typical of an Ah Q mentality.

You really has no brain. If China don't play along. Isn't it obvious China has the spies ring in ROC by encouraging US weapons sales to ROC?

Yea yea so the CCP were just putting up a big act when they were getting angry at the US for supplying Taiwan their weapons, and everytime the US sold weapons to Taiwan, it is a CCP victory!! Man this is so Ah Q it's not even funny. :hitwall:

You still don‘t get it huh...well,think HARDER.
I dare you or one of your countrymen here on PDF can give the correct answer:what China really achieved by the oil rig.
I am pleasantly surprised that you know all about Ah Q, but nothing about Sun Tzu
4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned | The Diplomat

4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned

The reasons China withdrew oil rig HYSY-981 sooner than planned are complex but revealing about its intentions.
By Carl Thayer, July 22, 2014

On July 15 China announced that its mega oil-drilling platform Hai Yang Shi You 981 had completed its commercial exploration operations and would be towed back to Hainan Island. China’s withdrawal of its drilling platform came a full month before its original deadline of August 15.

The HYSY-981 conducted its operations in disputed waters lying within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Vietnam responded by sending out Coast Guard and Fisheries Surveillance Force vessels to protest China’s breach of its sovereign jurisdiction. As a result of China’s decision to withdraw the HYSY-981, the physical confrontation at sea between Chinese and Vietnamese ships ended as quickly as it had started.

China’s July 15 announcement overshadowed news released on the same day that China had released thirteen Vietnamese fishermen that had been detained earlier.

These two developments point to a tactical shift in Chinese policy from confrontation at sea to diplomacy and political dialogue. The stage is now set for high-level talks between Beijing and Hanoi on how to repair their bilateral relations.

Cessation of Normal Commercial Operations

Chinese oil industry officials offered two explanations for the early cessation of commercial operations and the relocation of HYSY-981 to Hainan Island. According to the statement issued by the China National Petroleum Corporation, “the petroleum drilling and exploration operation of Zhongjiannan Project was smoothly completed on schedule on July 15th with the oil & gas shows found.” During the period the HYSY-981 was in operation, two exploratory wells were drilled.

Wu Shicun, president of China’s National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS), noted that the original schedule for the HYSY-981’s drilling operation was a conservative estimate that “reserved more time than actually needed.”

The China National Petroleum Corporation statement also noted that “a comprehensive assessment of hydrocarbon horizons is to be implemented based on the geological and analytical data collected through the drilling and exploration operation. Next phase arrangements are subject to the aforesaid comprehensive assessment.”

Prior to the drilling operations carried out by HYSY-981, the U.S. Energy Information Administration issued a report in 2013 that concluded that the area around the Paracel islands was unlikely to have significant potential for conventional hydrocarbons.

In May, Beijing-based diplomats reported that officials from the China National Offshore Oil Company privately confided that when initially requested to deploy the HYSY-981 drilling platform they declined, arguing that the exploration area in question was not a high priority as it was unlikely to contain significant hydrocarbon reserves.

Maritime security analysts with access to satellite imagery reported that in late May flaring from the HYSY-981 was observable, indicating that the drilling platform had discovered some hydrocarbons. These analysts also noted that about only ten percent of the hydrocarbon reserves would be recoverable for commercial use.

As a result of exploration activities Chinese analysts offered upbeat assessments of hydrocarbon reserves in the area west of the Paracels. Kang Lin, a researcher at China’s NISCSS, reported that a “good amount” of energy reserves with “huge commercial value” had been discovered.

Typhoon Rammasun and Safety First

Everyone knows that the Oil Rig placement was a political posture. Your article even mentioned sources from both the US and from inside China admitting that they don't expect that much gas around the Parcels (you've also deliberately omitted the rest of the article where the author gave his political interpretation). The fact that your oil company no longer talks about starting a operation in that area (despite the fact that one official claim they've made a big discovery) confirms that it was nothing more than a political gesture. Unless you can show me concrete evidence that the oil company is returning to the paracels to extract those big gas "discovery."

So the question remains, what did that political posturing achieved other than driving VietNam and the Philippines closer to the US?
Those 2 countries alone would still imply that China is losing to the US, especially when one is taking you to court (compared to when that said country was planning for a joint drilling venture with China before 2009). But there are more than just VN and the PH who've become suspicious of China, nearly the whole neighbourhood is welcoming the US. Here is a new article to remind you this:

Asia pivots towards the US as China bears down

Here's a small article quote to back my point:

"I asked Bates Gill, director of the US Studies Centre at Sydney University, if he could list the nations in the region that had not deepened relations with the US at the expense of China since Obama announced his rebalancing. He came up with just Laos, Cambodia and North Korea.

"America is clearly the welcome external player throughout most of the region, where its military and economic power remains unrivalled, says Gill, an expert on Chinese security policy. "These have been a strong four years."

It turns out that the strategic logic of a more muscular China has overwhelmed the impact of any individual leader. Take for example Julia Gillard, who once called for a more "independent" foreign policy, but ended up making Australia the fulcrum of the US pivot."

See, your Ah Q mentality is showing up again. You are creating your own imaginary victory in your head that doesn't reflect reality.

1. What does the AIIB has anything to do anything with the SCS dispute? VN and the PH are members but does that stop VN from welcoming the US? And did it made the Philippines withdraw their legal case? No lol.

2. You are deluding yourself with your claim that China has the ability to attach strings on AIIB loans when the AIIB is still in its infancy and still haven't settle on the standards and policy of its loans yet. Besides, the AIIB itself consists of over 30 members and they are all still negotiating the bank's charters, standards, policies and regulations. You think countries like VN and the PH will remain a negotiation member if China proposes that she has the sole power and can attach strings in anyway she wants?

3. Even if you assume that China will have a monopoly in the AIIB to dictate what strings to attach, do you really think that countries like VN will still take up loans with political strings from China? Don't delude yourself that VN will compromise its SCS claims for the sake of a loan. There are other options like the ADB and other loan providers. And if China refuses VN or the Philippines loans because of their refusal to submit to China's condition....then so what? It would be just like VN and the PH were not AIIB members in the first place. And according to your logic, isn't this what the US had wanted? So it would be a US victory isn't it?

You've changed your argument. Your first argument was that I was "ignoring the fact that China has never stop any construction of facilities on their Spratly island despite vietnamese bragging of immediate action against China."

Whining is not the same as bragging. Show me where VN has ever bragged about taking immediate actions to stop China's construction work? if you can't then it means you were using a strawman argument, typical of an Ah Q mentality.

Yea yea so the CCP were just putting up a big act when they were getting angry at the US for supplying Taiwan their weapons, and everytime the US sold weapons to Taiwan, it is a CCP victory!! Man this is so Ah Q it's not even funny. :hitwall:

Everyone knows that the Oil Rig placement was a political posture. Your article even mentioned sources from both the US and from inside China admitting that they don't expect that much gas around the Parcels (you've also deliberately omitted the rest of the article where the author gave his political interpretation). The fact that your oil company no longer talks about starting a operation in that area (despite the fact that one official claim they've made a big discovery) confirms that it was nothing more than a political gesture. Unless you can show me concrete evidence that the oil company is returning to the paracels to extract those big gas "discovery."

So the question remains, what did that political posturing achieved other than driving VietNam and the Philippines closer to the US?

You are mad. The world's no 2nd largest economy and third military forces is Ah Q.
You are mad. The world's no 2nd largest economy and third military forces is Ah Q.

Read all my posts from the beginning. The Ah Q are the Chinese members in this thread who still insist that China is not losing to the US in the SCS/ECS dispute. And I haven't even mentioned how things have significantly changed in northeast Asia when Japan has now managed to modify its pacifist constitution.

But yes, I do believe that China itself has revealed some Ah Q behaviour. Bully the weak like Philippines, but doesn't act this way against stronger resistance like Viet Nam in the Oil rig dispute. You guys withdrew the rig earlier than declared, drove VN closer to the US, then now trying to speak some warm words to Viet Nam in order to bring VN back. Do you know how weak and embarrassing this look? China Should have just stood firm like it initially did in the oil rig incident and tell VN #### you, go away we don't care who you cozy up to.

Similar thing happened in the ECS. China did some really tough political posturing, declared ADIZ and even did some aggressive manoeuvring with its naval vessels/plane. This allows Japan to have an excuse to modify its pacifist constitution, and now China seems to have back tracked its aggressive posturing and stayed quiet with the ECS dispute.

Similar thing when facing Taiwan-US. Don't act so tough against this strong partnership, but act really tough against softer opponents like the Philippines, or Norway with that Nobel prize dispute.

It looks like an Ah Q character to me. Bully the weak, but back down when facing tough opponents. Then some Chinese members come up with some strawman arguments on how China was always winning all along.

With your military power its the same. Backed down when facing tough resistance from VietNam in 1979, didn't dare to grab more islands back in 1988 when they were all wide open, cancelled a road construction work along the Vietnamese boarder because the fear of the Viet military using it for an attack, didn't do much when Myanmar bombed your own territory. But has no problem bullying your own weak civilians in the Tiananmen square. There's no point having a strong economy and military when you still possess an Ah Q mentality and constantly make political blunders.
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Read all my posts from the beginning. The Ah Q are the Chinese members in this thread who still insist that China is not losing to the US in the SCS/ECS dispute. And I haven't even mentioned how things have significantly changed in northeast Asia when Japan has now managed to modify its pacifist constitution.

But yes, I do believe that China itself has revealed some Ah Q behaviour. Bully the weak like Philippines, but doesn't act this way against stronger resistance like Viet Nam in the Oil rig dispute. You guys withdrew the rig earlier than declared, drove VN closer to the US, then now trying to speak some warm words to Viet Nam in order to bring VN back. Do you know how weak and embarrassing this look? China Should have just stood firm like it initially did in the oil rig incident and tell VN #### you, go away we don't care who you cozy up to.

Similar thing happened in the ECS. China did some really tough political posturing, declared ADIZ and even did some aggressive manoeuvring with its naval vessels/plane. This allows Japan to have an excuse to modify its pacifist constitution, and now China seems to have back tracked its aggressive posturing and stayed quiet with the ECS dispute.

Similar thing when facing Taiwan-US. Don't act so tough against this strong partnership, but act really tough against softer opponents like the Philippines, or Norway with that Nobel prize dispute.

It looks like an Ah Q character to me. Bully the weak, but back down when facing tough opponents. Then some Chinese members come up with some strawman arguments on how China was always winning all along.

US has nothing to do with SCS. They doesnt has a tiny territory in the area. China don't has territory disputes with America.

China wins or loses, it all depends on its own ability. The Filippines or Vietnam's all hopes and fancy are up to other attitude, especially American attitude.

Let's just simplify the issue. China need to develop navy and air forces, improve the ability, face up to America troops directly, if they insist on getting involved in the disputes.
US has nothing to do with SCS. They doesnt has a tiny territory in the area. China don't has territory disputes with America.

China wins or loses, it all depends on its own ability. The Filippines or Vietnam's all hopes and fancy are up to other attitude, especially American attitude.

Let's just simplify the issue. China need to develop navy and air forces, improve the ability, face up to America troops directly, if they insist on getting involved in the disputes.

The fact that the US has nothing to do with the SCS/ECS yet still managed to make the Asia neighbourhood welcome it into the dispute means that China has made some really big blunders.

Just compare the SCS/ECS situation from what it was in 2008 and earlier to how it is now. That's what I'm asking you.

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