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Obama warns China

Most Chinese probably have a bigger inferiority complex, cause you guys should have less reasons to have such inferiority complex.

The biggest problem with you guys is that you have an inferiority complex combined with an Ah Q spirit. A terrible combo to have.

I see no hope for Asia. :disagree:

Thank you for your constructive criticism which is not vague and wishy-washy at all. Well I guess you have us 2 billion Asians pegged and we are all hopeless. How will we be able to carry on.

We'll just have to keep wasting our time away becoming the biggest economy and building a military that nobody wants to mess with, while our inferiority complex eats away at us. Thank you for pointing out our foibles to us so masterfully.
Nobody is saying China is Mr Nice Guy. Every country looks out for themselves.

I'm just pointing out how you hold up one of your arch enemies (at least they should be) as a beacon of light and justice and becoming orgasmic at the thought of them coming to your rescue. Viets are showing so little pride and self worth to grovel this way.
not the US, it is you that continues to play a policy of intimidation.
not the US, it is you that claims 90% of the sea and all islands as yours.

why should I hesitate when we ally with the US? pride? you don´t know what it is.
if you cut off your country in 10 pieces, as small as vietnam, we won´t ask the US for help and assistance.
not the US, it is you that continues to play a policy of intimidation.
not the US, it is you that claims 90% of the sea and all islands as yours.

why should I hesitate when we ally with the US? pride? you don´t know what it is.
if you cut off your country in 10 pieces, as small as vietnam, we won´t ask the US for help and assistance.

Well you can keep grovelling to the US. If they do decide to intervene, then it will be because they have become so desperate and are at the point of losing control in Asia. They will not come to your rescue because they want to help Vietnam and its people. They will do it to preserve their own geostrategic status quo.

But anybody with any sense knows USA has too much to lose to take on China head on. If they do take on China, then it will be an indirect proxy war using Vietnam or Philippines as proxies, and it is the pawns that will always be sacrificed and will suffer the most. Be careful what you wish for.
Thank you for your constructive criticism which is not vague and wishy-washy at all. Well I guess you have us 2 billion Asians pegged and we are all hopeless. How will we be able to carry on.

We'll just have to keep wasting our time away becoming the biggest economy and building a military that nobody wants to mess with, while our inferiority complex eats away at us. Thank you for pointing out our foibles to us so masterfully.

I'm an Asian and I know very well what kind of inferiority complex most Asians have. Don't try to give me that pretentious reply.

Here is something you guys can maybe start with: stop translating foreign forum threads or article comments into Chinese. I know your compatriots with the inferiority complex love to read and get excited everytime a foreigner (especially a western one) speak good about China or the Chinese people. This mentality exist in most other Asians too.

The only similar thing I see westerners do is on Chinasmack. But they only do the translation to amuse themselves and laugh at you people.
I'm an Asian and I know very well what kind of inferiority complex most Asians have. Don't try to give me that pretentious reply.

Here is something you guys can maybe start with: stop translating foreign forum threads or article comments into Chinese. I know your compatriots with the inferiority complex love to read and get excited everytime a foreigner speak good about China or the Chinese people. This mentality exist in most other Asians too.

The only similar thing I see westerners do is on Chinasmack. But they only do the translation to amuse themselves and laugh at you people.

A guy using terms such as Ah Q spirit in relation to Asian traits is calling me pretentious. How rich!
that proves nothing. in ancient times, japanese pirates invaded and looted chinese coastal cities regulary. where were your mighty navy? oh your emperor ordered to burn all ships.

show me chinese official documents that clearly state the sea is yours, and the islands are yours! show me evidences that you controlled and administered the islands and sea lanes before 1940s!

This is quite shameless of you. I'm the only one providing academic sources here, which prove Chinese sovereignty and administration until the 1930s (when the islands were forcibly occupied by France/Japan), and you have the nerve to demand more sources from me even while none of your dubious claims are substantiated. :disagree:

Jungle logic shouldn't apply here.

do you read the article at all? obviously not.
the cham controlled the sea trades in ancient times. their ships travelled to japan, china and india. not to mention the champa pirates were fearful.

The article certainly didn't state Champa possessed the Paracels/Spratlys (because it's untrue), and that Vietnam subsequently inherited them. In fact, the article explains exactly why Vietnam never dares to raise the Champa issue: because you conquered and genocided them, and further claiming their mythical territory which you did not directly conquer from them is morally grotesque and repulsive.

Jungle morality shouldn't apply here.

it is you with jungle logic. you can´t intepret the UN as you please. either you accept it, or you can leave the UN.

The reason the UN is not relevant is because it has never ruled on the SCS issue. The UN has no intention of encroaching on the legal authority of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender + Cairo Declaration.

Jungle rules shouldn't apply here.
With all this big talk coming from the PRC members, China still barely possess anything in the spratly. The majority of them are in the hands of the South East Asians.


You have just demonstrated who is the real bully in SCS when China owned so little possession. How can a bully have little possession in SCS? Thanks for pointing out.

This thread is disgusting. No one can even read what is going on behind the scene. All the Asians in this thread have too much inferiority complex and the Ah Q spirit is too strong.

Ah Q spirit is for who brag but with no strength. But China has strength, so it not bragging but telling the truth.

Asia giant.jpg

Very nice Ah Q spiritual victory you have there. :coffee:

You never heard of these news? You think I am bragging?

Chinese agent, ex-Taiwan general in spy case - The China Post
You have just demonstrated who is the real bully in SCS when China owned so little possession. How can a bully have little possession in SCS? Thanks for pointing out.

Ah Q spirit is for who brag but with no strength. But China has strength, so it not bragging but telling the truth.

View attachment 213835

You never heard of these news? You think I am bragging?

Chinese agent, ex-Taiwan general in spy case - The China Post

Well, it is now a little above 13trillion USD. :china:

I warn you, don't post anymore!

I almost published Chuck Norris facts, but thought that would be too much of a warning. LOL.

But frankly, I do not know why I am on this thread. Can't wait the day I will be back to my cosy office, dealing with some theories of IR. Then much less of me here.
What does it matter if you've been self-restraint but the world still see you as an aggressive bully?

The US have managed to talk tough against China and at the same time paint China as the aggressive bully, yet China can't even do much in this PR war. Then you guys come on here to talk big and indulge yourself in some Ah Q victory.

I've always told the truth, China never caused any trouble in the SCS/ECS before 2009. You got innocently dragged into a chess game, made the wrong moves, and is now loosing bad in this PR war. Probably gonna loose more than a PR war if the Philippines win their case. The PR war is just a preparation. Yet you guys can't accept this and instead talk big and indulge in some Ah Q spiritual victory.

I think you're exaggerating the PR issue. This was never going to be theater in which we could play to our strengths, because of US grip over global media. Vietnam could launch a full-scale invasion of the Paracels tomorrow, and the US media would still somehow be spinning it as "Chinese elbowing". Anyway, it's not true that we've been completely and successfully smeared and libeled by the US as an aggressive bully. The reality is most of the world doesn't know about this dispute and doesn't care. It certainly doesn't attract as much attention as ISIS or Ukraine. Also, our image in Asia remains pretty upbeat:

How Asians Rate China, India, Pakistan, Japan and the U.S. | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project



Among most SEA states (Thailand/Malaysia/Indonesia), we remain broadly liked.

Overall, you seem very critical of China's self-restraint. It's true we haven't be properly rewarded for it, thanks to US propaganda and "chess" manoeuvres. But don't forget that life is not a PR battle. When Japan invaded us, the world was overwhelmingly sympathetic, yet it didn't do us much good, and it didn't hinder Japan on the ground either. Unlike VN/PH, we have a strategic interest in demonstrating restraint because we continue to benefit and grow the most during peacetime, thereby exponentially enlarging our gap with regional rivals, and closing the gap with the US.
I think you're exaggerating the PR issue. This was never going to be theater in which we could play to our strengths, because of US grip over global media. Vietnam could launch a full-scale invasion of the Paracels tomorrow, and the US media would still somehow be spinning it as "Chinese elbowing". Anyway, it's not true that we've been completely and successfully smeared and libeled by the US as an aggressive bully. The reality is most of the world doesn't know about this dispute and doesn't care. It certainly doesn't attract as much attention as ISIS or Ukraine. Also, our image in Asia remains pretty upbeat:

How Asians Rate China, India, Pakistan, Japan and the U.S. | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project



Among most SEA states (Thailand/Malaysia/Indonesia), we remain broadly liked.

Overall, you seem very critical of China's self-restraint. It's true we haven't be properly rewarded for it, thanks to US propaganda and "chess" manoeuvres. But don't forget that life is not a PR battle. When Japan invaded us, the world was overwhelmingly sympathetic, yet it didn't do us much good, and it didn't hinder Japan on the ground either. Unlike VN/PH, we have a strategic interest in demonstrating restraint because we continue to benefit and grow the most during peacetime, thereby exponentially enlarging our gap with regional rivals, and closing the gap with the US.

Precisely, that igorant guy thinks China has a PR disaster? What a joke!

Malaysia Splits With Asean Claimants on China Sea Threat - Bloomberg Business

Cambodia Supports China's Position on South China Sea

Daniel Twining: European rush to join China's AIIB threatens trans-Atlantic alliance- Nikkei Asian Review

Japan fails to win support on Senkakus issue from Europe's 'Big 3' - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Also, his idea of a "brilliant" chess move seems off to me. China's AIIB manoeuvre was a brilliant chess move: even China's enemies acknowledged (and cried) about it. In contrast, the many US responses: screaming at the UK for "accommodating" China, landing fighter jets in Taiwan (is China supposed to be intimated?), banning Intel from selling chips to China, and now these impotent warnings all strike me as the geopolitical equivalent of throwing the chess board on the floor in frustration.
Also, his idea of a "brilliant" chess move seems off to me. China's AIIB manoeuvre was a brilliant chess move: even China's enemies acknowledged (and cried) about it. In contrast, the many US responses: screaming at the UK for "accommodating" China, landing fighter jets in Taiwan (is China supposed to be intimated?), and now these important warnings all strike me as the geopolitical equivalent of throwing the chess board on the floor in frustration.
Precisely, the Ah Q spirit theory fits him perfectly. :lol:
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