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Obama warns China

don´t bullshit. until recently, when you took some islands by force, you never possess and administer the islands nor controlling sea lanes in the last 2,000 years. if any, you could try to take back part of manchuria from russia.

Of course we did, and we did so ever since the Han dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, they were an important base for protecting our ally, the Malacca Sultanate, from Majapahit and the Portuguese. Even when we lost the Sino-French war, we retained control of the SCS islands and prevented France from annexing them. Later, we couldn't stop Japan from doing so, but after WWII, those islands were returned by Japan, and we reinforced our legal claim to all territorial features within the U-shaped line of 1947.
We act and we don't just warn. Enlargement of island is an act. Obama just do talking. US is desperate after humiliates by Chinese AIIB. They need to act cowboy to win back some points. Typical cowboy mentality :lol:

You have been doing a lot of "acting" on Taiwan for the last 70 years....
You have been doing a lot of "acting" on Taiwan for the last 70 years....
KMT in Taiwan is a friendly party to China. They admit one China policy and continue to invest in China. We have already have them in our bag. Do you go beat up someone friendly and brings money to you or continue the status?
At least he will give a nice farewell gift for Indonesia, late this year Indonesia-US will sign a new defense and economic partnership agreement. A mutual partnership and cooperationship ..... Not bad for someone who spent his childhood here
yeah I wish you all the best. the US is now in a bad mood because the chinese challenge the US supremacy in Asia and elsewhere. if you say, you will use the farewell gift against China, Obama will give you a huge gift.
yeah I wish you all the best. the US is now in a bad mood because the chinese challenge the US supremacy in Asia and elsewhere. if you say, you will use the farewell gift against China, Obama will give you a huge gift.
US is already and always bad mood during Ossetia crisis, Ukraine crisis. US will continue bad mood but short of action even in SCS. :lol:
KMT in Taiwan is a friendly party to China. They admit one China policy and continue to invest in China. We have already have them in our bag. Do you go beat up someone friendly and brings money to you or continue the status?

Ok, then stop crying every time they buy weapons from us or let us put up PAVEPAW radars to spy on you.
And you two can stop executing each others spies too since you have "good relations".
Ok, then stop crying every time they buy weapons from us or let us put up PAVEPAW radars to spy on you.
And you two can stop executing each others spies too...
We have many Taiwanese spies inside KMT. Our complain is symbolic only. And we hope Taiwanese buy more weapons from US. We already know in and out of E2C AWACS provided by Taiwan. Only you are the one still in dark. :lol:
Of course we did, and we did so ever since the Han dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, they were an important base for protecting our ally, the Malacca Sultanate, from Majapahit and the Portuguese. Even when we lost the Sino-French war, we retained control of the SCS islands and prevented France from annexing them. Later, we couldn't stop Japan from doing so, but after WWII, those islands were returned by Japan, and we reinforced our legal claim to all territorial features within the U-shaped line of 1947.
where have you learned history? in chinatown? I think so.

no, until 1940s china never said the islands are mine, the sea is mine.

no, the ming protecting allies in SE Asia such as Malacca is not related to ownership of the SC sea.

no, vietnam controlled and administered the islands and SC Sea since we took over it from Champa kingdom.

no, the UN gave you temporary control of the islands, not ownership. the 4 victors America, UK, France and USSR controlled and stationed troops in Germany. do you think this gang of 4 owns Germany?

no, the U-shape line is piece of shit.
We have many Taiwanese spies inside KMT. Our complain is symbolic only. And we hope Taiwanese buy more weapons from US. We already know in and out of E2C AWACS provided by Taiwan. Only you are the one still in dark. :lol:

The US obviously doesn't sell Taiwan top of the line stuff.

You can go to Egypt and sit in a E2C AWACS too.
Sanctions work on nations that rely the most on trade...

China can be very badly hit with sanctions....Other countries in the region (like India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan etc etc) will be quick to replace china as the world's factory...

Of course any sanctions against any nation will impact on that country but China is just too integral and vital to most countries for them to be flippantly disregarded by any nation, including the USA. Any smaller nation partaking in any sanctions will equally or be more affected by the sanctions than China would.

As India has shown, it's not just about having cheap plentiful labour that has made China the manufacturing powerhouse that it is. India has failed to replicate, even in small measure, what China has achieved because it has clumsy and inefficient governance, poor manufacturing and domestic infrastructure and the lack of logistics know-how to compete with China. China has built this up over the course of decades. There is no country or even group of nations currently able to take the slack should they forcibly block China as a trading nation. Not to mention that most countries are increasingly dependent on China as a market for their goods, in addition to heavily relying on them for cheap goods that keep inflation low, and parts supplies for goods they make, and also being a major source of credit for most nations. You think countries are gonna easily risk jeopardising that to help Vietnam and Philippines to settle territorial disputes?

Stop believing the repeated drivel and mantras spewed from Western media sources.
The US obviously doesn't sell Taiwan top of the line stuff.

You can go to Egypt and sit in a E2C AWACS too.

Taiwan is closer. LOL. Besides, our historical relationship cannot be replaced with any other relationship we have.

Over 1.5 million Chinese from Taiwan set up business in the mainland.
We act and we don't just warn. Enlargement of island is an act. Obama just do talking. US is desperate after humiliates by Chinese AIIB. They need to act cowboy to win back some points. Typical cowboy mentality :lol:
Of course we did, and we did so ever since the Han dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, they were an important base for protecting our ally, the Malacca Sultanate, from Majapahit and the Portuguese. Even when we lost the Sino-French war, we retained control of the SCS islands and prevented France from annexing them. Later, we couldn't stop Japan from doing so, but after WWII, those islands were returned by Japan, and we reinforced our legal claim to all territorial features within the U-shaped line of 1947.

With all this big talk coming from the PRC members, China still barely possess anything in the spratly. The majority of them are in the hands of the South East Asians.


This thread is disgusting. No one can even read what is going on behind the scene. All the Asians in this thread have too much inferiority complex and the Ah Q spirit is too strong.

KMT in Taiwan is a friendly party to China. They admit one China policy and continue to invest in China. We have already have them in our bag. Do you go beat up someone friendly and brings money to you or continue the status?

We have many Taiwanese spies inside KMT. Our complain is symbolic only. And we hope Taiwanese buy more weapons from US. We already know in and out of E2C AWACS provided by Taiwan. Only you are the one still in dark. :lol:

Very nice Ah Q spiritual victory you have there. :coffee:

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