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Obama warns China

Warnng is not enough.
US should provide some f-35's to vietnam.
And allow them to have their nuclear programme to defend itself.
yes, bro, I hope so. if the US wants us to stop the evil chinese empire, barrak obama must give vietnam the means.
US is already and always bad mood during Ossetia crisis, Ukraine crisis. US will continue bad mood but short of action even in SCS. :lol:
you will see.

the US hardcore neocon have taken over the power and majority in congress. they will push an aggressive agenda. the last thing they want is a wannabe superpower china, that angers their role in the world. barrak obama has litle choice to act and speak tough. I welcome this.
where have you learned history? in chinatown? I think so.

no, until 1940s china never said the islands are mine, the sea is mine.

Incorrect. Our sovereignty extends since antiquity, and that's why German ships surveying the islands in 1883 were forced to leave after Chinese diplomatic protest. That's why France failed to annex them even after winning the Tonkin War. Because our sovereignty extends since antiquity and it was recognized as such. And that's why even the dying Qing dynasty insisted on dispatching naval forces in 1902 and 1907 to reinforce their administration.

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

no, the ming protecting allies in SE Asia such as Malacca is not related to ownership of the SC sea.

But it proves this claim from you is false:
you never possess and administer the islands nor controlling sea lanes in the last 2,000 years

Zheng He's voyages and early Ming naval policy demonstrate China's preponderance in the SCS. And this was at the same time people in Annam were dressed in loincloths and had no maritime activity.

no, vietnam controlled and administered the islands and SC Sea since we took over it from Champa kingdom.

Champa never controlled SCS islands. Also, Chams hate you for genociding them and certainly would not permit you to inherit any of their outlying claims:

The Cham: Descendants of Ancient Rulers of South China Sea Watch Maritime Dispute From Sidelines

no, the UN gave you temporary control of the islands, not ownership. the 4 victors America, UK, France and USSR controlled and stationed troops in Germany. do you think this gang of 4 owns Germany?

The UN has no relevance here. What's relevant is the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and the Cairo Declaration, legal instruments which mandated the retrocession of Chinese territories conquered by Japan back to China.

no, the U-shape line is piece of shit.
Jungle logic and argumentation style are not appropriate here.
you will see.

the US hardcore neocon have taken over the power and majority in congress. they will push an aggressive agenda. the last thing they want is a wannabe superpower china, that angers their role in the world. barrak obama has litle choice to act and speak tough. I welcome this.

Do you feel proud daydreaming about having US White Knight come to your rescue?

You know, the same White Knight that dropped millions of tons of bombs on your country, killed millions of your countrymen, raped your women and children, sprayed your countryside with mutagenic chemicals and caused countless atrocities only a few decades ago.

Viets have the worst Asian inferiority complex of them all.
We are not superpower. But we are the only country in Asia who can face evil China. And with cooperation with Vietnam we will stop evil Chinese expansionism.

I guess you are being humble. You are a superpower. Only an India-Vietnam alliance can stop the Great Satan evil China from reclaiming SCS islands and from construction business in the region.

You are too slow.


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With all this big talk coming from the PRC members, China still barely possess anything in the spratly. The majority of them are in the hands of the South East Asians.


Exactly the point. China has demonstrated the most restraint of all parties. While Obama cries about Chinese "elbowing", he seems to ignoring even worse jungle behaviors from jungle states who commit the international/diplomatic equivalent of screaming/shitting/pissing :bad:

yes, bro, I hope so. if the US wants us to stop the evil chinese empire, barrak obama must give vietnam the means.

The NPT prohibits Vietnam from possessing nuclear weapons. It is simply not responsible enough to possess them. If Vietnam goes rogue and begins enriching uranium/developing missiles, it will get nuked, because the law must be upheld.
Do you feel proud daydreaming about having US White Knight come to your rescue?

You know, the same White Knight that dropped millions of tons of bombs on your country, killed millions of your countrymen, raped your women and children, sprayed your countryside with mutagenic chemicals and caused countless atrocities only a few decades ago.

Viets have the worst Asian inferiority complex of them all.
and you are not much difference to the US boys, killing our people and destroying our cities.
you better shut up. you have no morality to critise vietnam.

the japanese raped you and killed you like parasites. and today mass of chinese tourists enjoy holiday in japan.
I guess you are being humble. You are a superpower. Only an India-Vietnam alliance can stop the Great Satan evil China from reclaiming SCS islands and from construction in the region.

You are too slow.


No we are not superpower. But we definitely have power to stop evil Chinese expansionism.
and you are not much difference to the US boys, killing our people and destroying our cities.
you better shut up. you have no morality to critise vietnam.

the japanese raped you and killed you like parasites. and today mass of chinese tourists enjoy holiday in japan.

Nobody is saying China is Mr Nice Guy. Every country looks out for themselves.

I'm just pointing out how you hold up one of your arch enemies (at least they should be) as a beacon of light and justice and becoming orgasmic at the thought of them coming to your rescue. Viets are showing so little pride and self worth to grovel this way.
Incorrect. Our sovereignty extends since antiquity, and that's why German ships surveying the islands in 1883 were forced to leave after Chinese diplomatic protest. That's why France failed to annex them even after winning the Tonkin War. Because our sovereignty extends since antiquity and it was recognized as such. And that's why even the dying Qing dynasty insisted on dispatching naval forces in 1902 and 1907 to reinforce their administration.

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

But it proves this claim from you is false:.
that proves nothing. in ancient times, japanese pirates invaded and looted chinese coastal cities regulary. where were your mighty navy? oh your emperor ordered to burn all ships.

show me chinese official documents that clearly state the sea is yours, and the islands are yours! show me evidences that you controlled and administered the islands and sea lanes before 1940s!

if not, you are a liar.

Zheng He's voyages and early Ming naval policy demonstrate China's preponderance in the SCS. And this was at the same time people in Annam were dressed in loincloths and had no maritime activity..
you are a typical liar. no navy? our navy crushed yours in the battle of the red river (938). in the war against the Ming, we fielded nearly 1,000 warships in a single battle. does the visit of the eunuch to vietnam mean he can declare the sea he travelled through is his?

what a fcking logic!
Champa never controlled SCS islands. Also, Chams hate you for genociding them and certainly would not permit you to inherit any of their outlying claims:

The Cham: Descendants of Ancient Rulers of South China Sea Watch Maritime Dispute From Sidelines.
do you read the article at all? obviously not.
the cham controlled the sea trades in ancient times. their ships travelled to japan, china and india. not to mention the champa pirates were fearful.

The UN has no relevance here. What's relevant is the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and the Cairo Declaration, legal instruments which mandated the retrocession of Chinese territories conquered by Japan back to China.

Jungle logic and argumentation style are not appropriate here.
it is you with jungle logic. you can´t intepret the UN as you please. either you accept it, or you can leave the UN.
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Exactly the point. China has demonstrated the most restraint of all parties. While Obama cries about Chinese "elbowing", he seems to ignoring even worse jungle behaviors from jungle states who commit the international/diplomatic equivalent of screaming/shitting/pissing :bad:

What does it matter if you've been self-restraint but the world still see you as an aggressive bully?

The US have managed to talk tough against China and at the same time paint China as the aggressive bully, yet China can't even do much in this PR war. Then you guys come on here to talk big and indulge yourself in some Ah Q victory.

I've always told the truth, China never caused any trouble in the SCS/ECS before 2009. You got innocently dragged into a chess game, made the wrong moves, and is now loosing bad in this PR war. Probably gonna loose more than a PR war if the Philippines win their case. The PR war is just a preparation. Yet you guys can't accept this and instead talk big and indulge in some Ah Q spiritual victory.

Viets have the worst Asian inferiority complex of them all.

Most Chinese probably have a bigger inferiority complex, cause you guys should have less reasons to have such inferiority complex.

The biggest problem with you guys is that you have an inferiority complex combined with an Ah Q spirit. A terrible combo to have.

I see no hope for Asia. :disagree:
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