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Obama warns China

It is hypocrisy at best.

The President of the USA which controls the Caribbean Sea as if it was its own inland lake, having invaded the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Grenada, and Panama within the recent past, which has been at war with Cuba for half a century, which has conquered the territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, armed and trained counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua and El Salvador, and supported military juntas in Guatemala and Honduras, has the audacity to say he is concerned that China uses its "sheer size and muscle" to push around smaller countries in the South China Sea. What? Give me a break. Not everybody have been lobotomized Mr. President. A few of us actually understand the sheer perversity of you uttering such nonsense.
That is one thing I admire he west in general. They are good hypocrites and they are great at PR. The Carri bean issues you mentioned are good points. Not only did they invade but they made them look like the villain and the invader (US) as heroes. That is awesome! :tup:

Xi, please send some top officials to the US and learn better PR, than secure the 9 dash line in SCS and make the world happy.
That is one thing I admire he west in general. They are good hypocrites and they are great at PR. The Carri bean issues you mentioned are good points. Not only did they invade but they made them look like the villain and the invader (US) as heroes. That is awesome! :tup:

Xi, please send some top officials to the US and learn better PR, than secure the 9 dash line in SCS and make the world happy.

Huh.......if Xi sent your propaganda officials to learn PR from the west/U.S then im sure you people will be the first to condemn him as a western liberal stooge.:rofl: Anyway, China will never do that, better to maintain/keep up with your soviet style propaganda PR method.lol:D
That is one thing I admire he west in general. They are good hypocrites and they are great at PR. The Carri bean issues you mentioned are good points. Not only did they invade but they made them look like the villain and the invader (US) as heroes. That is awesome! :tup:

Xi, please send some top officials to the US and learn better PR, than secure the 9 dash line in SCS and make the world happy.

Obviously the world is not happy with what US has been doing, but nobody could do anything about it. PR isnt the main issue, continue to build up more strength and economic influences, at one point China will reach such position as well, capable of doing things others dont like but will be forced accept, then we can worry about PR.
Obviously the world is not happy with what US has been doing, but nobody could do anything about it. PR isnt the main issue, continue to build up more strength and economic influences, at one point China will reach such position as well, capable of doing things others dont like but will be forced accept, then we can worry about PR.
True, but we don't need to wait until we are powerful. It should start now.
That is one thing I admire he west in general. They are good hypocrites and they are great at PR. The Carri bean issues you mentioned are good points. Not only did they invade but they made them look like the villain and the invader (US) as heroes. That is awesome! :tup:

Xi, please send some top officials to the US and learn better PR, than secure the 9 dash line in SCS and make the world happy.

LOL. That's right.

But, that's gonna happen sooner or later. To become rightful in every single thing it does,China should build a more comprehensive national power. When it is powerful enough, its actions will magically become moral and high-standard.

It is just a matter of sheer power.

The US is not powerful because it is rightful -- even when it invades other nations.
It is rightful because it is powerful.

In 2009 President Xi Jinping told a group of Chinese expatriates in Mexico:

<以饱满的肚子并没有什么更好一些外国人也搞指责我们。首先,中国不输出革命;第二,它不出口饥荒和贫困;第三,它不浪费时间与您联系。那么还有什么可说的?> [习近平]

"Some foreigners with full bellies and nothing better to do engage in finger-pointing at us. First, China does not export revolution; second, it does not export famine and poverty; and third, it does not mess around with you. So what else is there to say?"
But how come 'small' Vietnam has the most? Thought China was the giant of this region? :cheesy: Its like the U.S having far fewer islands it claims relative to Nicaragua, Cuba etc that will be an embarrassment. :undecided:

Because China hasn't found WMD in Vietnam yet.

Do you honestly think that Taiwan, much less China, couldn't take back all its islands any time it pleased?
But how come 'small' Vietnam has the most? Thought China was the giant of this region? :cheesy: Its like the U.S having far fewer islands it claims relative to Nicaragua, Cuba etc that will be an embarrassment. :undecided:
He's right. We control the most useful islands in both Paracel and Spratly Archipelago, Woody Island and Taiping (Taiwan own it), respectively. Now with the addition of 5 made islands, we are getting more stronger. The Vietnamese, while controlling more features but all of them are rock, reef unless of course they do what we did and turn those into artificial island which we know they are not capable of. So my friend, I think we know who has the biggest card in SCS right?

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