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The 'white-washing' am talking about does not need to be from the government. But I think it is hilarious that the Chinese boys here call US on racism but has no problems acting exactly the Stormfront crowd. May be not 'white-washing' but denial?

Gambit if you want to convince people all Chinese are racist its fine. But at least have the decency to start your own thread instead of polluting every other thread about defense matters.

In fact I'll be kind enough for you and start it for you if you want.

Does " Communist Chinese liars are all Racist" sound okay to you?

My advice, stick to the technical crap.
Gambit if you want to convince people all Chinese are racist its fine. But at least have the decency to start your own thread instead of polluting every other thread about defense matters.

In fact I'll be kind enough for you and start it for you if you want.

Does " Communist Chinese liars are all Racist" sound okay to you?

My advice, stick to the technical crap.
Tell that to a certain Chinese fellow here who takes any chance he can get to boast about Chinese IQ. Probably he cannot stick to technical issues.
Tell that to a certain Chinese fellow here who takes any chance he can get to boast about Chinese IQ. Probably he cannot stick to technical issues.

Perhaps you should put him on the ignore list instead of going on rants that offend an entire group of people.

Look he's always going to post that and you always feed him.
No insecurity at all. I spent 10yrs in the USAF, working with all people from across the country with all skin colors. How is China doing better than US in race relation?

RealClearWorld - Chinese Nationalism Begets Chinese Racism

First off, let's get something straight. Since our country claims to be the best and most progressive in terms of human rights and race relations, then how are we justified in pointing the finger at any other country in which we are "superior" to?

Second, you didn't bother answering my questions in my previous post. In the history of mankind... what other country besides the U.S. has actually used another race as slaves??? Some argue that Egyptians have done it in the past... but since we are talking about the U.S. and China.... has China ever done it?

Like I SAID and so many others have said, including the freaking President of China... a country must be allowed to progress on it's own without criticism from us. Human rights, animal rights, whatever. This country has had its share of breaking all those moral values. So please spare me about Tibet when we use to have blacks working on plantations. Please spare me about animal rights when there use to be buffalo roaming this country but now they are now all practically read bc we hunted them to the brink of extinction.

I can go on and on, but I have to retire for the night. If you'd like to continue this discussion please feel free to make a comment and you'll have a reply tomorrow. See ya! :no:
Spare me your shallow insult about patriotism. I am confident in what I am and the money I have been sending back to VN all these decades to support my family and their immediate neighborhood have done far more for the country and mean more to me than your insults can ever do to me. I remember more about the VN war than you ever will think you know.

You are not the only one. I am sorry to have insulted you. I would be back there in heart beat today if times were allowable.

I will stand to say that if there were no interference in US forgein policy, today we may have lived in peace between ourselves.

Goodnight my brother.
First off, let's get something straight. Since our country claims to be the best and most progressive in terms of human rights and race relations, then how are we justified in pointing the finger at any other country in which we are "superior" to?
Being progressive in terms of human rights and race relations gave US that justification.

Second, you didn't bother answering my questions in my previous post. In the history of mankind... what other country besides the U.S. has actually used another race as slaves??? Some argue that Egyptians have done it in the past... but since we are talking about the U.S. and China.... has China ever done it?

History of slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the 17th century Qing Dynasty, there was a hereditarily servile people called Booi Aha (Manchu:booi niyalma; Chinese transliteration: 包衣阿哈), which is a Manchu word literally translated as "household person" and sometimes rendered as "nucai" or "slaves".

Like I SAID and so many others have said, including the freaking President of China... a country must be allowed to progress on it's own without criticism from us. Human rights, animal rights, whatever. This country has had its share of breaking all those moral values. So please spare me about Tibet when we use to have blacks working on plantations. Please spare me about animal rights when there use to be buffalo roaming this country but now they are now all practically read bc we hunted them to the brink of extinction.

I can go on and on, but I have to retire for the night. If you'd like to continue this discussion please feel free to make a comment and you'll have a reply tomorrow. See ya! :no:
Fine...But then that 'no allowance' demand works both ways, no? Why is China allowed to criticize US but not we to China, in your view?
It looks like almost all the major countries have had slavery one time or another in their history
Perhaps you should put him on the ignore list instead of going on rants that offend an entire group of people.

Look he's always going to post that and you always feed him.
This is where you are wrong. I see no need to put the man on disregard when his nonsense can be easily disputed and/or proven wrong. Like this...

Forbes.com - Magazine Article
Even now, Americans are dealing with the scarring effects of this monstrous ideological project. It is also true, however, that Americans have been fairly forthright in confronting this legacy. The same can't be said of the new racism that is taking shape in Asia.

But as Frank Dikötter of the University of Hong Kong argued in his brilliant 1992 book The Discourse of Race in Modern China, traditional notions about culturally inferior "barbarians" intermingled with Western forms of scientific racism to form a distinctively Chinese racial consciousness in the 20th century. The "yellows" were locked in a struggle with their equals, the "whites"--and both were superior to the "blacks," "browns" and "reds." The dislike and distrust of Europeans was always mixed with envy and admiration. The disdain for dark-skinned foreigners, in contrast, was and remains relatively uncomplicated. Maoist China railed against Western imperialism, and saw itself as a leader of the global proletariat of Africans and Asians.

Now, as China emerges as an economic and cultural superpower, those notions of Third World solidarity, always skin deep, seem to have vanished.
It is thus hard to imagine China welcoming millions of hard-working Nigerians and Bangladeshis with open arms. This could change over the next couple of decades as China's labor shortage grows acute. I wouldn't bet on it.

If China remains culturally closed, the Chinese Century will never come to pass. Instead, the United States--a country that has struggled with race and racism for centuries, and in the process has become more culturally open and resilient--will dominate this century as it did the last.
The 'race' problem for China is clear and American history regarding racism serves as a convenient distraction FROM Chinese racism, which according to observers, seems to be most virulent towards blacks. One cannot help but wonder how Hu Jintao really feels about dealing with Barack Obama as an equal. Probably wash his hands after every meeting.
I feel many Chinese would still feel uncomfortable about racial mingling, however that does not mean they cannot live peacefully alongside one another. Racial integration or similar topic should be based on individual wills. To force different races to integrate is just as wrong IMO as segregating them.
I feel many Chinese would still feel uncomfortable about racial mingling,...
Why? I thought that Chinese with their superior IQ would know that biologically speaking, there is no other 'race' other than the human race.

...however that does not mean they cannot live peacefully alongside one another. Racial integration or similar topic should be based on individual wills. To force different races to integrate is just as wrong IMO as segregating them.
Do you feel that exposure of racism and criticisms of it equal to 'forcing' someone? Do you feel that bringing home a potential mate whose skin and facial features are different equal to 'forcing' racial equality upon the parents? Do you feel that the US was correct in once entertaining the notion of 'separate but equal' when it was clear that blacks were not treated as equals? Do you feel that China should experiment with that notion and should so experiment with no criticisms from outsiders, in other words, in terms of race, China should be beyond criticisms?
Why? I thought that Chinese with their superior IQ would know that biologically speaking, there is no other 'race' other than the human race.
While I do not believe superiority of biology, I do believe superiority of culture and society.

Do you feel that exposure of racism and criticisms of it equal to 'forcing' someone? Do you feel that bringing home a potential mate whose skin and facial features are different equal to 'forcing' racial equality upon the parents? Do you feel that the US was correct in once entertaining the notion of 'separate but equal' when it was clear that blacks were not treated as equals? Do you feel that China should experiment with that notion and should so experiment with no criticisms from outsiders, in other words, in terms of race, China should be beyond criticisms?
Certainly, criticise all you want. However, criticism coming from the American government is quite funny to most Chinese.
Why? I thought that Chinese with their superior IQ would know that biologically speaking, there is no other 'race' other than the human race.

There isn't, I was using the word race as it would be meant by the general media.

Do you feel that exposure of racism and criticisms of it equal to 'forcing' someone?

Do you feel that bringing home a potential mate whose skin and facial features are different equal to 'forcing' racial equality upon the parents?

That is more complicated, that is up for the parents and children to work out

Do you feel that the US was correct in once entertaining the notion of 'separate but equal' when it was clear that blacks were not treated as equals?

Nope. For example, Uighur, Tibetan and Mongolians living in China are treated equally by the state (and in fact have more benefits due to their minority status. Whether they get enough 'human right' is a separate matter but all people living in china are under the same restriction, and we know the police don't come to you for no reason) Whether the average Han chinese accepts them is up for those individuals to decide, but if they are openly discriminating or prosecuting other ethnic groups they should be held accountable by the state. But just to say you have to like someone because he is a minority ethnic group is just as pointless as saying you have to like everyone you met when by nature people get along with some and not with certain others, as demonstrated quite often in this forum alone (and not necessarily completely for ethnic reason). As long as certain boundaries were not crossed IMO the state should not interfere.

Do you feel that China should experiment with that notion and should so experiment with no criticisms from outsiders, in other words, in terms of race, China should be beyond criticisms?

Nope not what I meant at all. But 'racial' understanding is something that takes time. And people from China will take different amount of time or effort as say a guy from the US melting pot.

I'll be offline for the day (dinner time!) so might not respond for a while.
Relationship between Tibetans, Hans and Uyghurs are quite strained in China I admit. Hans dislike the two groups because they are getting some benefits only minorities have (lower taxes, reduced criminal sentencing, relaxed birth restriction, lower college entrance requirement, affirmative job action in government etc). Alot of Hans are complaining they are being treated like second class citizens despite being the dominate ethnic group. Of course, it does not help race relations that alot of Uyghurs work as pickpockets aross China too, while the Tibetans are seen as backwards.

A good number of Tibetans and Uyghurs on the other hand, do not view their special minority status as blessing. Rather, they resent the Hans for taking what they consider rightfully theirs (land, resources etc). Riots and protests sometimes break out, and creates more dislike between the groups.

The government is stuck between a rock and a hard place, faced with rising Han ethnocentrism and increasing ethnic seperatism.
Previous governments all had the wrong choice in minority management. By segregating minorities, they become hardened against the majority and resist management fiercely. This was seen over and over again: blacks in US, blacks in South Africa, now mexicans in US. Instead, we should learn from their mistakes and completely integrate Tibetans by promoting Han culture, superficially promoting Tibetan culture but suppressing its heart (especially language) and spread Tibetans out across the country so that eventually, all Tibetans have intermarried with Han and their identity is nothing more than 2 characters on the citizenship card. Look at how successful the US is in promoting "racial diversity" in the shallowest form and turning everything into part of its McDonalds culture!

This is like a cultural war. We should flood Tibet with restraunts (both mainstream style and fast food), pop music, modern clothing, cars, technology and the other symbols of a rising, modern, open China. And most of all, everything should be done in Chinese. This is exactly what US has done, and it has been relatively successful in brainwashing many.

For those with criminal tendencies, the police should take utmost care to prosecute all citizens equally to the fullest extent of the law.

Uighurs are more challenging as they are highly resistant to assimilation, managing them is more challenging.
Previous governments all had the wrong choice in minority management. By segregating minorities, they become hardened against the majority and resist management fiercely. This was seen over and over again: blacks in US, blacks in South Africa, now mexicans in US. Instead, we should learn from their mistakes and completely integrate Tibetans by promoting Han culture, superficially promoting Tibetan culture but suppressing its heart (especially language) and spread Tibetans out across the country so that eventually, all Tibetans have intermarried with Han and their identity is nothing more than 2 characters on the citizenship card. Look at how successful the US is in promoting "racial diversity" in the shallowest form and turning everything into part of its McDonalds culture!

This is like a cultural war. We should flood Tibet with restraunts (both mainstream style and fast food), pop music, modern clothing, cars, technology and the other symbols of a rising, modern, open China. And most of all, everything should be done in Chinese. This is exactly what US has done, and it has been relatively successful in brainwashing many.

For those with criminal tendencies, the police should take utmost care to prosecute all citizens equally to the fullest extent of the law.

Uighurs are more challenging as they are highly resistant to assimilation, managing them is more challenging.
Wait till Americans and Europeans cry "cultural genocide" when they hear you statement. They always get butthurt real quick.
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