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NYT: Caught Between Indian and Chinese Troops, at 15,000 Feet

Nothing. They never reveal casualties. Pointless to attribute any ulterior motive to it.
They do, but only decades later. :P

but isn't it a terrible thing that they don't honour their fallen ? Imagine if your brother or something was in there.. killed in the line of duty, and all your family gets is bullied about not talking about it.. which is just terrible imo.
As an indiaI my deduction is
1. No pla were killed or seriously injured in the clash . The biggest proof is the pla returned the captured easily and safely. If you see your colleagues dead you won't take prisoners..
2. Some pla too likely died afterwards from their injuries as stones are available freely and even a cornered rat fight back, the Indian soldiers were also in their prime of youth.
3. There is no shame in having a higher number killed. The pla obviously planned to up the ante( because they could), while the IA is always under instruction not to escalate. Their only mistake ( commanders) would be to not anticipate this or take adequate precautions. They were surprised.
What sort of military and country dishonours and hides its dead.

How do Chinese family's feel.and the Chinese military feel

Horrible despicable attitude from a corrupt nation

Look our India we treated our fallen has hero's and honoured them.

That's a great nation and great military ethos
They do, but only decades later. :P

but isn't it a terrible thing that they don't honour their fallen ? Imagine if your brother or something was in there.. killed in the line of duty, and all your family gets is bullied about not talking about it.. which is just terrible imo.

I'm sure your concern for those who died has nothing to do with your efforts to show that Modi somehow won.
What is being hid?

Are suggesting there is no corruption on india?...............:disagree:
New York Times is widely regarded as one of the most reputed newspapers in the world and has won more Pulitzer prizes (top journlaism prize) than any other media organization.
Based on 'US intelligence reports and US government and military lies', the NYT was also leading the charge on 'Iraqi Weapons of Mass destruction'.

The one thing the US Establishment has done exceptionally well is to make sure that US and Western media outlets have access to 'sources' in the US military and intelligence community that ensure that the US line is fed to the media.

Given the US Establishment's paranoid obsession with China, reports in the US media based on 'US intelligence/military/govt sources' are just as credible as those that reported the existence of Iraqi WMD's.
What sort of military and country dishonours and hides its dead.

How do Chinese family's feel.and the Chinese military feel

Horrible despicable attitude from a corrupt nation

Look our India we treated our fallen has hero's and honoured them.

That's a great nation and great military ethos

Making up stories about Indian victories and single handedly killing 100+ Chinese and other dishonesty really cheapens Indian army sacrifices and makes people question the rest of Indian military history. If Indians were caught lying now why not Kargil, etc

If you were so proud of your army, why lie about it? Just like the F 16. It’s better to not say anything and be honest for once in your life
There are few nationalities whose armed men dont die on PDF. So guys please move on.

On a side note, I am equally baffled by need to put a number on chinese casualties by some Indian members. How does that make a difference? Perhaps, except making some brownie point on equally abhor-able trolls from other side.

Based on 'US intelligence reports and US government and military lies', the NYT was also leading the charge on 'Iraqi Weapons of Mass destruction'.

The one thing the US Establishment has done exceptionally well is to make sure that US and Western media outlets have access to 'sources' in the US military and intelligence community that ensure that the US line is fed to the media.

Given the US Establishment's paranoid obsession with China, reports in the US media based on 'US intelligence/military/govt sources' are just as credible as those that reported the existence of Iraqi WMD's.

Just curious, what makes a credible source for anything related to chinese?

Or infact, related to anything under the sun.
Based on 'US intelligence reports and US government and military lies', the NYT was also leading the charge on 'Iraqi Weapons of Mass destruction'.

The one thing the US Establishment has done exceptionally well is to make sure that US and Western media outlets have access to 'sources' in the US military and intelligence community that ensure that the US line is fed to the media.

Given the US Establishment's paranoid obsession with China, reports in the US media based on 'US intelligence/military/govt sources' are just as credible as those that reported the existence of Iraqi WMD's.

I find your line of argument problematic. While NYT does have a black eye with the Iraq/WMD fiasco, does that discredit every piece of journalism that comes out from there?

Surely, as you may know, journalists have their own sources. Some sources are better than others.

In this particular case, the number 12 (killed) is an interesting piece of information that is dangled. What we need to determine is if this number deliberately (and maybe incorrectly) divulged, to further some agenda or just a plain statement of information.
Lol....the military sources of yours did not know how to count more than 40? Tell them it is 41...42...43...44 etc
Actually I have a video of 16th June early morning . But I can't share because it has face of front line trooper in it who filmed it. Even one of the most reliable Indian journalist also has it. The video shows both sides fatalities in a very horrible conditions which is not appropriate to share it at any platform in respect of Army personals. And Indian Army personals are not allowed to share it with any one because already disengagment process is going on between both sides. And even PLA commander demanded in meeting not to share any evidence of clash of 15th June. And Indian commander accepted it to get peace proccess forward. And I can tell you, you can count 33 clear PLA fatalities in that video. Most of were injured badly, so I came on conclusion more than 40 in numbers.
There are few nationalities whose armed men dont die on PDF. So guys please move on.

On a side note, I am equally baffled by need to put a number on chinese casualties by some Indian members. How does that make a difference? Perhaps, except making some brownie point on equally abhor-able trolls from other side.
Why is it a big deal to not release numbers. Why does India have to make up numbers like 1000+ enemy casualties by one sikh? I think this repeated dishonesty cheapens India’s military history and puts to question if any Indian military achievements in history were exaggerated
Actually I have a video of 16th June early morning . But I can't share because it has face of front line trooper in it who filmed it. Even one of the most reliable Indian journalist also has it. The video shows both sides fatalities in a very horrible conditions which is not appropriate to share it at any platform in respect of Army personals. And Indian Army personals are not allowed to share it with any one because already disengagment process is going on between both sides. And even PLA commander demanded in meeting not to share any evidence of clash of 15th June. And Indian commander accepted it to get peace proccess forward. And I can tell you, you can count 33 clear PLA fatalities in that video. Most of were injured badly, so I came on conclusion more than 40 in numbers.

You can always upload it anonymously on Youtube. People can then decide how authentic it is. You can also digitize your soldier's face to avoid identification.
One out of a more than a million mistakes does not suffice to make the Pakistan media as bad as india's.

The above is NOWHERE near as far-fetched as indians claiming that they invented the internet some 9,000-10,000 years ago....................:lol::


Why do you think things like internet could not have existed 9000 years ago?

How did God passes its words to its messengers? I feel there was an internet always.
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