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NYT: Caught Between Indian and Chinese Troops, at 15,000 Feet

New York Times is widely regarded as one of the most reputed newspapers in the world and has won more Pulitzer prizes (top journlaism prize) than any other media organization.

Then you should read there articles on Indian occupied Kashmir as well along with what they have to say about your military after failed balakot strike.
If it's from the indian/FAKE NEWS media than don't bother.

I still reminder this.


Please yaar be on topic

One out of a more than a million mistakes does not suffice to make the Pakistan media as bad as india's.

The above is NOWHERE near as far-fetched as indians claiming that they invented the internet some 9,000-10,000 years ago....................:lol::

This is the number which could be right. There were casualties on Chinese side also it was clear but the numbers Indians were claiming were ridiculous to say the least.
One out of a more than a million mistakes does not suffice to make the Pakistan media as bad as india's.

The above is NOWHERE near as far-fetched as indians claiming that they invented the internet some 9,000-10,000 years ago....................:lol::


ohh man! open a new thread about Indian and Pakistan media blunders... and telling propaganda about histroy.

Please keep trolling out from these thread. Thanks
So the new number is 12? Weren’t you people claiming 43 then 100 then 158?
Back to the cow pastures for you

lol that’s freaky shit :D

“He said the cow was the reincarnation of his wife, and when I asked him what the hell he was talking about, he said the cow had the same eyes, smell, and taste than his deceased wife,” he recalled, visibly amused.

“I don’t know what those Hindus preach at church, but that sure sounds to me like the church of the Devil,” he added, laughing.


I have already told many times... Chinese casualties was between 12 to 15.

i have confirmed information but can not tell about the source details.

chilli sauce or tomato sauce I prefer hot pepper sauce myself :partay:
Please make up your mind, one moment 5 then 35 then 40 and now 12? Dude.... Plzz

Just for your sake I will double that count, say 24 PLA troops died (just to float your boat)
What was the number of Indian Army? Injured & Dead, 30? and add those who were critically injured....i say PLA still won & IA's butt was handed to them in their left hands
Don't forget 60 captured.
just like 300 dead in balakot to a crow and trees, a f 16 to no losses.... slowly it will come down to none of dead Chinese... :lol:
Please spare us this continuous torture, just give us final number of dead Chinese soldiers and we'll just switch off our brains and accept it once and for all.
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