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NYT: Caught Between Indian and Chinese Troops, at 15,000 Feet

The liar Indian again. NYT doesn't say 12 PLA dead. NYT says 20 Indians dead and unknown number of Chinese loss and this is most likely ACCORDING TO INDIANS. Which NYT even says their source is Indians. Please learn to read and stop misrepresenting news.


Okay, first the indians claimed it was 43, then over 100 and now the nyt claims it's between 12 and 15. So the nyt is proving that the indians have been lying all along?............:disagree:

PS All that you have done is show that the indian claims were all lies by contradicting them with this article...........:disagree:.........you need to think CLEARLY and RATIONALLY before posting.
The Indian members know the true casualties they suffered and how many the PLA suffered. The problem is this truth is very disconcerting and brings about huge insecurity for them, which is why they will create imaginary things to soothe their displeasure. But deep down, they know how it went down (i.e. their army got their butts handed to them by the Chinese). No amount of BS Indian reporting is going to change that fact.
Simple,if they are so convinced,what is the reason for the national show from modi to peasent,they should celebrate instead.
New York Times is widely regarded as one of the most reputed newspapers in the world and has won more Pulitzer prizes (top journlaism prize) than any other media organization.

No Western source can be trusted when talking about China (and other countries not in Western arms, including Vietnam). All are trashy.

Guardian is among the seven sisters of EU media, but it once claimed that there were 20 millions Uighurs in so-called "concentration camps" (the number was reduced to 2 millions just few weeks later and nowadays, Guardian seems to stick to one million)
They just take real articles which are already unreliable and maybe using Indian rumors and then these Indian jai boys use their twitter to change the details of the articles. So here NYT says they have no idea about Chinese losses and Indian jai boys say well let's claim it is 12. Sad little Jai jais.
I have already told many times... Chinese casualties was between 12 to 15.

i have confirmed information but can not tell about the source details.
12 to 15 injured possibly. One source even stated 2 Chinese soldiers died of their injuries and 47 Indian soldiers also died. The question is who to believe?
Where does it say that in the article ?

"20 Indians and an unknown number of Chinese dead"

unless I missed it.

The liar Indian again. NYT doesn't say 12 PLA dead. NYT says 20 Indians dead and unknown number of Chinese loss and this is most likely ACCORDING TO INDIANS. Which NYT even says their source is Indians. Please learn to read and stop misrepresenting news.
You guys are clearly blind. The quote is directly from this para in the NYT article. Learn to read properly
its number game for india loose territory but claim bigger numbers tame Bakhts repeat! thats the genius of Siri Modi g he has found a way to tame Bakhts!

No, India not lost territory.

Sad Day for India and Indianness!

NYT betrays India by not saying that 100s PLA were killed by the Indians with their Bare Hands!

And 100s captured by the Indians as well....

By qouting Indians and 'some intelligence sources' NYT is doing the RussianBounty thing which is now fully denied by everyone!

After RussiaGate ... now the game is on for ChinaGate!!!

don't quote any tweeter...they talk BS on kashmir se lekar other issues...

Indian and pakistani media's are also not trusted. mostly they talk and say lie only..
You guys are clearly blind. The quote is directly from this para in the NYT article. Learn to read properly

So unknown western analysts THINK the PLA lost more than 12 means anything. The keyword is they think. Why do you take an imagined think process and turn it into definitely? They don't have same value. The twitter account in the first post suggests PLA definitely lost 12. Even though the original source just mentioned some random people THINK PLA lost 12.

We are still talking about this one month after. I THINK the situation is more interesting. The situation of developing changes in our strategies. India becoming closer to west, South Asia becoming more closer to China and voicing some problems with India like Nepal has already. The more interesting thing between India and China is the 2km buffer established half way inside Indian claimed territory and how all these situations will develop. Meanwhile most Indians still focused on how many soldiers killed in a fight without shooting.
12 to 15 injured possibly. One source even stated 2 Chinese soldiers died of their injuries and 47 Indian soldiers also died. The question is who to believe?

No I am talking about died... I have already told a week ago.... This news came now only.

India gorvemrnt is not telling to own people because casualties are less then indian but it is around between 12-15..
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