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NWA operation: Pakistan hoodwinked world community into thinking operation is fruitful: NDS

Please show me a single post that is either a propaganda or is abusive or derogatory to anyone. Sometimes I do go a little off topic and am immediately banned for the error, but hate and propaganda.... never...

You seem to have some pretty decent experience with rashes.. Eh ? Be careful what you do in your free time ;)

Nah, I don't need to show you of your posts examples, our Moderators will take care of it and can see what you are writing obviously in fake opinions/BS, please everyone should report immediately to Moderators or Admins if you find @karan.1970's posts offensives to extend more bans.
I got it bro. That was my mistake just undid that.... No need to worry. I just read the rules. I just don't have a dislike or a thumb down to express my feelings otherwise. :D
Thanks Bro.. My bad that I assumed unfairness. :)
Insanity is defined as continuously repeating the same action expecting a different result. That's what Pakistan is doing. Trying to hit at terrorists selectively, which it has tried many times in the past and failed. The only achievement that comes out of such an act is the misery for its citizens (IDPs), a few million dollars aid from the west, some of which is used to line the pockets of the politicians and the generals and deaths of a few non consequential militants and scores of innocent civilian in collateral damage or diseases and injuries at the IDP camps.Success is declared, till the next ground op with a fancier Urdu name ;)

Which past ops failed to yield result ?
Have been hearing this from the time of Rah-e-haq way back in 2006-7 and year after year of such ops. But every year, the militancy in Pakistan is stronger than the previous year, the attacks by terrorists are bolder and more spectacular. As I said, Insanity is doing the same mistake again and again and yet expecting different results. Do a search on the forum and read a thread called "The Monkey Trap" based on an article written in 2002. You will know what I mean (only if you read it with an open mind)

Were those bold attack on pakistani installations were done by haqqani or lashkar e Taiba ?
Which past ops failed to yield result ?
They may or may not have yielded tactical results, but as I said, every year the terrorists seem to be getting stronger and their attacks bolder. So definitely the over all strategy does not seem to be successful.

Were those bold attack on pakistani installations were done by haqqani or lashkar e Taiba ?
Does it matter? Or is your contention that a terrorist targeting your neighbors is ok to operate from Pakistan but the one targeting Pakistan is not?
They may or may not have yielded tactical results, but as I said, every year the terrorists seem to be getting stronger and their attacks bolder. So definitely the over all strategy does not seem to be successful.

Because N.Waziristan was left untouched. Majority of terrorists shifted to N.Waziristan after 2009.

After securing Nearby agencies, we then went in to N.Waziristan
They may or may not have yielded tactical results, but as I said, every year the terrorists seem to be getting stronger and their attacks bolder. So definitely the over all strategy does not seem to be successful.

Does it matter? Or is your contention that a terrorist targeting your neighbors is ok to operate from Pakistan but the one targeting Pakistan is not?

My contention is Pakistan going after groups harming Pakistan long term economic and social progress is what all the operations about.
don't worry.. they will do in the future. saeed is the same man who cried after osama died. basically they are terrorist.

Don't cry wolf. Keep your posts about present. We don't need your future predictions

as if CIA/RAW/MOSSAD was not enough,,,now comes NDS to fire the imagination of Pakistani conspiracy theorists:enjoy:

THis is the most ignorant post...Learn some past history to know what happen , specifically last year, that changed the perception of NDS and how we are certain they are helping TTP. Don't open your mouth until you learn a thing or two

NDS officers are trained in Indian. India is pumping money in to afghan army NDS. So That's why we Say NDS/RAW collaboration
My contention is Pakistan going after groups harming Pakistan long term economic and social progress is what all the operations about.
And in my view, there is where the flaw in the reasoning lies. As long as Pakistan is selective about targeting terrorists, the signals it sends to its citizens are mixed. What you say is that terrorism and religious extremism is fine as long as you dont target Pakistan with it. Unfortunately, terrorism is like a wild animal (Clinton's terminology, not mine :)).. You can't control it. So as long as Pakistan's official stance on terrorism is selective, religious extremism will breed freely. Some of it will stay on target and explode in Afghanistan or India, but some will back fire and blow up your planes in Kamra or your minorities in Quetta.

Heaven forbid, if one of those explosions ends up in USA, well you are wise enough to know what that means..
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