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NWA operation: Pakistan hoodwinked world community into thinking operation is fruitful: NDS


Jan 21, 2013
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North Waziristan operation: Pakistan hoodwinked world community into thinking operation is fruitful: NDS

KABUL, July 23 (INP): National Directorate of Security (NDS) said on Wednesday that operation launched by Pakistani security forces in North Waziristan was only against “bad Taliban” as other terror organizations, particularly Haqqani Network, were still operating without any let or hindrance. The premier spy agency of Afghanistan said that Pakistan was deceiving international community on pretext of the operation. Spokesman of the NDS, Abdul Haseeb Sediqi, said: “Pakistan’s military operation in North Waziristan is failed one because Pakistani authorities claimed the operation will be against all militant groups including foreigners. But no achievement has been made in this regard. The operation is unacceptable for Afghanistan.” Addressing a press conference here on Wednesday he said that NDS closely observed the operation. Expressing concerns over result of the operation he said that so far no action has been taken against foreign terror groups which are challenging peace and security of the region. Pointing to Haqqani Network as important terrorist network, he said that even Haqqani was not touched in the operation. He said that according to our reports, high ranking leaders of the Haqqani Network and other terrorist groups had fled from North Waziristan before the operation and were residing now in Kurram Agency, Karachi, Quetta, and Islamabad. “Following directions of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan, Haqqani Network left North Waziristan for Tal and Spin Tal of Kurram Agency. The network had huge cache of weapons and used 150 vehicles two weeks before the operation to shift from Waziristan,” he said. The spokesman further said that Hafiz Gul Bahadar group and Lashkar-e-Taiba which is led by Hafiz Mohammad Saeed also remained safe. He said that due to all mentioned factor till date no well-known terrorist have been killed or captured in the area. Drone attack was the only factor that some terrorist networks have sustained casualties in the recent week North Waziristan. Sediqi said that considering all facts, Pakistan must accept that the operation was not successful or it was not against international terror outfits, but it was only for its own specific goals including continuation of previous policies—deceiving public and Intentional community, particularly the US to get assistance. He said that international community should understand that no change has been observed in policies of Pakistan’s secret services agencies in the current war on terror. “There is no sign of honesty on part of Pakistan.” Pakistan is involved directly in insecurity of region and is operating inverse to expectation of international community, he insisted. He highlighted that majority of Pakistan’s military movement is for supporting and propagation of international terrorism and using terrorism as a tool to maintain pressure in the region. Pakistan launched the long-awaited military offensive on June 15 under pretext of fighting terrorism, which was ineffective and displace of over one million people living in North Waziristan, he underlined. INP/AJ

North Waziristan operation: Pakistan hoodwinked world community into thinking operation is fruitful: NDS
That's not even a proper news site

Just in case someone's interested:

Insanity is defined as continuously repeating the same action expecting a different result. That's what Pakistan is doing. Trying to hit at terrorists selectively, which it has tried many times in the past and failed. The only achievement that comes out of such an act is the misery for its citizens (IDPs), a few million dollars aid from the west, some of which is used to line the pockets of the politicians and the generals and deaths of a few non consequential militants and scores of innocent civilian in collateral damage or diseases and injuries at the IDP camps.Success is declared, till the next ground op with a fancier Urdu name ;)
NDS is the Afghan face of R&AW. The fact that they are crying like a 3 and a half year old cements the fact that #OpZarbeAzb is proceeding well, which has dashed their projections and have them denied the capability to project terror inside Pakistan, using their Uzbek, Chechen, Daghistani, Xinjiangni and Arab mercenaries. We don't give two hoots where the insurgents go as long as they don't have a sanctuary inside Pakistan's borders from which to launch trans national terrorist attacks, for which Pakistan cops the crap.

The main objective of this op is to deny the insurgents a base inside the Pakistani borders. Secondary objective is to dig in this geography, carry out socio economic development and to deny the terrorists the ability to come back.

Once they are either killed or driven out, they'll be Afghanistan's problem. If they launch trans national terrorist attacks, Afghanistan would be in the hot seat, not us.

@Icarus @Irfan Baloch @Xeric @Malghani @Hyperion
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I would like to add NDS is the Afghan face of R&AW backed by Mosaad and CIA to be more specific.
I would like to add NDS is the Afghan face of R&AW backed by Mosaad and CIA to be more specific.

Before the Hindustanis call that a conspiracy theory, it must be established that NDS is hardly anything but a 'local subcontractor'.

NDS even works for Pakistan at times, if they are paid well. NDS is made up of former KHAD operators and Farsi mercenaries as its low tier operators who carry out attacks.

Most of NDS is made up of Kabulis, Uzbeks, Tajiks and other ethnic groups. Pashtuns, despite being a majority are not represented in NDS, not to a significant level at least.

Which ever international agency needs to do its dirty work in Afghanistan or Pakistan, they pay NDS, hire it as a subcontractor to do the 'job'. NDS is not a threat to Pakistan, however they are a very big threat to Afghanistan's future.
Insanity is defined as continuously repeating the same action expecting a different result. That's what Pakistan is doing. Trying to hit at terrorists selectively, which it has tried many times in the past and failed. The only achievement that comes out of such an act is the misery for its citizens (IDPs), a few million dollars aid from the west, some of which is used to line the pockets of the politicians and the generals and deaths of a few non consequential militants and scores of innocent civilian in collateral damage or diseases and injuries at the IDP camps.Success is declared, till the next ground op with a fancier Urdu name ;)

We've done what no other country could do as well, including yours. Our army has so far been successful despite the odds. Very few of you friends from across the fence know even a fraction of what you're talking about, same old jibber-jabber.
We've done what no other country could do as well, including yours. Our army has so far been successful despite the odds. Very few of you friends from across the fence know even a fraction of what you're talking about, same old jibber-jabber.
Have been hearing this from the time of Rah-e-haq way back in 2006-7 and year after year of such ops. But every year, the militancy in Pakistan is stronger than the previous year, the attacks by terrorists are bolder and more spectacular. As I said, Insanity is doing the same mistake again and again and yet expecting different results. Do a search on the forum and read a thread called "The Monkey Trap" based on an article written in 2002. You will know what I mean (only if you read it with an open mind)
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