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Nuke Security & Students


Sep 10, 2008
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I have been waiting for a long to write about my university experience here on this forum; but after the university ended a week before I became busy assisting my hostel friends & transporting their four year luggage back to their home town.

Now coming to the point>>In my student life at undergraduate level I was quiet irked by some of my colleagues naïve & hawkish behavior as regards to religion, nation & related ideals. Now I used the word hawkish quiet cautiously after acute & lengthy dialogues with them on regular basis!! I was raised in moderate Sunni family; but I think that is not the reason. Real reason why I felt I contradictory is because I had a different educational (~Cambridge) background; unlike them who always quoted out of their biased historical textbooks about Pakistan Islamic ideology & how 1971 Islamisation firmed our geo-political nexus against the ungodly communists Soviets. Perhaps their hatred against Aysha Jalal; Nadeem Paracha & Hassan Nisar was so deep-rooted that they care not what they have to say. As a matter of fact they hated them because there senior mullahs wanted them to & not because they have to.

The problem came to me when PIEAS test was conducted. I was selected & so were the two others. Well then it occurred to me why US fears may be legit!! The two people other than me belonged to the very hawkish group I defined before. They were the people who used to say about rose smell coming out of dead bodies of Taliban & guess what that was before the same Talibans started regular suicide attacks. Hehehe

Now I want to say that PIEAS selection criteria is literally academic; even their interview was something like what is the answer of 2+2!! I mean they must judge atleast the individual’s politico-religious thinking before giving him green light towards the only institute providing Nuclear engineering.

Now if for instance these two belligerent yet intelligent personalities find a way all upto elite ranks of our nuclear programme then what will happen. I don’t think at this stage they will change their behaviours & Israel/India annihilation thinking at all. I can recall of a BBC news that Madrassas not but the educational standards in Pakistan is the reason for intolerance & for sure they are true….
So, people I want your views upon this; as this not only applies to PIEAS but also the ISI & any other sensitive national authority; but because I don’t know any other case & wasn’t directly involved I willnt comment over it.

I dont blame them... our enemies are equally fanatical... you could however put some sense in them and ask them why they hate Nadeem Farooq Paracha...

If they reply with something like he is a self proclaimed Marxist then dont just blame their hate on the Mullahs!!! :)
i dont know why PIEAS have selected students without security clearence
in KINPOE they take a lot fo time for security clearence and then induct
and about ur point
all PIEASIANS arent going to join nukes program
The training of students in PIEAS have so many other directions as well
I dont blame them... our enemies are equally fanatical... you could however put some sense in them and ask them why they hate Nadeem Farooq Paracha...

If they reply with something like he is a self proclaimed Marxist then dont just blame their hate on the Mullahs!!! :)

you have self proclaimed urself as one of those HAWKISH people; perhaps earlier you get lectured by T-Faz on similar grounds:azn:
& by the way he ain't Marxist....he is just telling what seems radical
After the death of Salman Taseer my hypothesis seem to be perfectly right!!
As I have said in the previous post that disgruntled individuals may be the core reason to undermine our sensitive departments from inside
Somehow you imply that the PIEAS students get into sensitive organizations WITHOUT any interview at all..
getting into PIEAS..is not a guarantee of making it into NDC or other sensitive locations.
Being a Marxist or a secularist or an atheist isn't either..
Just to get into an internship at any of the organization you will be put through a background check by the ISI.. a person visits your neighborhood.. has you get signatures from multiple neighbors for your character..
then checks their views on you at a later time when you are not around..
There are multiple checks and balances to make sure that such an event does not occur..
however.. there are those that may be tempted by such brainwashing after they get in.. still the ISI monitors all of them.
Our much maligned agency does play a duel game..
supporting such bigots when needed.. and making sure they stay out of the decision making process in the country...in Zia's time as well..
the Idea was to make sure Zia was the only bigot in office.. at his own behest..he preferred to be the hawk..
supporting such bigots when needed.. and making sure they stay out of the decision making process in the country...in Zia's time as well..
the Idea was to make sure Zia was the only bigot in office.. at his own behest..he preferred to be the hawk..


I am disappointed in you ..

If you too are going to loose objectivity and carry on remarking like so ... then what is the use ??

I am disappointed in you ..

If you too are going to loose objectivity and carry on remarking like so ... then what is the use ??

If by objectivity you mean my hatred for Zia and the Bigots he created.. then its beyond objective.. its passionate..its obsessive.
Its not born out of chatting and reading articles by liberals..
its borne out of reading views of every author that has ever mentioned the man..
He..like his field marshal predecessors.. embarked on corrupting the military inside out..
Till recently our air defense was pathetic thanks to Mr Zia and his preferred arms merchants...buying sub-standard equipment on massive kickbacks...defective systems.. some even obsolete for the task at hand.

To top that off.. its his monsters that roam the streets..and valleys of the nation..killing my fellow Pakistani's....that too.. in the most blasphemous manner using the name of God and Prophet.

As far as the misguided "revivalists" are concerned..
They were there in the early days of Pakistan as well..
They settled in the very place they branded Paleedistan..
Then declared Shariah back in the 50's.. murdered and mutilated a policeman who went to reason with them to calm down..
And now have found a willing martyr to their pathetic cause..

So yes..
I am nonobjective when it comes to these bigots..
My Apologies.

Read what the thread starter is talking about, and very honestly he's being a sissy.
for some one whose background is "Cambridge" and he thinks THAT is why he was "Different" well WOOHOOO !

I felt I contradictory is because I had a different educational (~Cambridge) background; unlike them who always quoted out of their biased historical textbooks about Pakistan Islamic ideology & how 1971 Islamisation firmed our geo-political nexus against the ungodly communists Soviets

I can tell you , that the poster's own facts are not right.

So, really !
Objectivity means that you concentrate at the issue on hand and comment on that.
Do not vent out your personal vendetta just because you want to.

Read what the thread starter is talking about, and very honestly he's being a sissy.
for some one whose background is "Cambridge" and he thinks THAT is why he was "Different" well WOOHOOO !

I can tell you , that the poster's own facts are not right.

So, really !
Objectivity means that you concentrate at the issue on hand and comment on that.
Do not vent out your personal vendetta just because you want to.

With all due respect sir I ain't in the least blurting out -ive facts. Zia did used religion to support a cause against Soviets; unlike Bhutto who did rightly acknowledged Soviet friendship as a foothold in PROGRESSIVE nations..
Secondly I prefer not to indulge in absurd language...i merely indicated the short comings of our educational textbooks; which if you factually know aren't doing any good. Furthermore, in Zia time our textbooks were thoroughly reviewed & I daresay that you know about it:coffee:

Look the procedure you entailed about ISI selection criteria is really a tough-nut to crack(~& I didn't commented on ISI in the primary post). but look the people selected by ISI I think can't be monitored 24hrs; I do believe that their will be people within ISI who even now are helping Talibans in a surreptitious way.
Regarding PIEAS I do know everyone not will be like AQK but still I pointed out that they surely were intelligent people & so the probability arise of their elite promotions.
This is a great post and thread, but I have to stop myself from detailing information that provide insight into selection and promotion practices in certain sensitive organization in a public forum such as this.

Let me just say that the OP makes some valid observations.
you have raised a very valid point, the selection of PIEAS should be broadened and should not be just limited to academics.
studying about nuclear program is one thing and joining it another, and I am sure that our agencies responsible for our nuclear program would scrutinize each and every atom of the individual from head to toe that will opt for it.
This is a great post and thread, but I have to stop myself from detailing information that provide insight into selection and promotion practices in certain sensitive organization in a public forum such as this.

Let me just say that the OP makes some valid observations.

If I would have an adequate "say"; I would have wrote a newspaper column over this :azn:
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