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Nuke Security & Students


So in other words what you are trying to say is a person worrying more about “US fears” poses no danger to Pakistan’s atomic related issues…..?????.......thinks again young friend………if this is what you want then you should also not be in a place where you are right now.

Santro have explained it………the system does not work like the way what you are thinking about.
Everybody have it's own opinions, poin of views and perception about religion. Maybe what we think is the right thing to do is wrong for others. But generalizing is wrong. In my point of view our main enemies are and still remain our enemies till the end of this world, they will never be our friends and this is clearly written in the Holy Book so must take our precautions. it's also written that we will just not face the threats from outside but also from the inside. The last thing extremism has no place in Islam, it's just miss using of religion and people for own interests and secularism has either no place in Islam so we have to be moderate! Islam is a perfect religion the followers of today aren't.
Somehow you imply that the PIEAS students get into sensitive organizations WITHOUT any interview at all..
getting into PIEAS..is not a guarantee of making it into NDC or other sensitive locations.
Being a Marxist or a secularist or an atheist isn't either..
Just to get into an internship at any of the organization you will be put through a background check by the ISI.. a person visits your neighborhood.. has you get signatures from multiple neighbors for your character..
then checks their views on you at a later time when you are not around..
There are multiple checks and balances to make sure that such an event does not occur..
however.. there are those that may be tempted by such brainwashing after they get in.. still the ISI monitors all of them.
Our much maligned agency does play a duel game..
supporting such bigots when needed.. and making sure they stay out of the decision making process in the country...in Zia's time as well..
the Idea was to make sure Zia was the only bigot in office.. at his own behest..he preferred to be the hawk..

Naive enough. Zia was a BS and bigot. Let's see the other side now. We HAD to teach, militants and lunatics, self created Islam to make them fight for us (USE THEM) i.e. their jihad or we had to wait for USSR to knock our door. Otherwise, we had to send our regular troops to Afghanistan to fight. USSR intended to come to Pakistan or not is a separate topic. So, Zia was not the only man rather the U.S., military establishment at that time and political will.
I think that the situation was not controlled after the fact which made us to pay huge. I think that it was the necessity of that time to start a mercenary program as the U.S. could not afford to confront USSR directly in wake of nuclear war and same goes with Pakistan.

ZIA WAS A BIGOT along with military estab at that time who favoured Zia but at the same time, it was a necessity to make goons like.... Thing melts down to one point i.e. No one controlled the situation afterwards.
Enough said ...

Fact of a matter is more than 90% of security breaches are caused by insider threats all over the world.

As practitioners we are aware of this threat, and since the last decade technology and processes are being developed and put in place to avoid this threat.

You must also study, that this threat is not just "Peculiar" to Pakistan, same has happened several times in the western countries.

A google search will suffice to find instances.

Now as far as the organization in question is concerned; I have been a visitor since the PINSTECH days. (14 years to be precise, and that is more than the years a lot of members here have spent in formal education).


Trust me there is nothing of value except for knowledge there to be stolen.

Do you think walking in one educational zero reactors is the same as a breeder ? or a another commercial / military reactor ?

From the tone of the thread starter, I felt he has more problem seeing the "Hardliners" with him because he thought him with the Cambridge Certifcates was the only one who should have been around ?

It is an institution for all Pakistanis; just like the western institutions do not judge a red neck any different from a new yorker neither do we.

Let me ask you all, do you think organizations such as ISI, and rest who keep checks on american intelligence staff in US emabassy,
who keep the world guessing where our missiles and fissile material is
who transport then constantly and yet keep silent

are so incapable that they couldn't do threat analysis on this one ?
I have been waiting for a long to write about my university experience here on this forum; but after the university ended a week before I became busy assisting my hostel friends & transporting their four year luggage back to their home town.

Now coming to the point>>In my student life at undergraduate level I was quiet irked by some of my colleagues naïve & hawkish behavior as regards to religion, nation & related ideals. Now I used the word hawkish quiet cautiously after acute & lengthy dialogues with them on regular basis!! I was raised in moderate Sunni family; but I think that is not the reason. Real reason why I felt I contradictory is because I had a different educational (~Cambridge) background; unlike them who always quoted out of their biased historical textbooks about Pakistan Islamic ideology & how 1971 Islamisation firmed our geo-political nexus against the ungodly communists Soviets. Perhaps their hatred against Aysha Jalal; Nadeem Paracha & Hassan Nisar was so deep-rooted that they care not what they have to say. As a matter of fact they hated them because there senior mullahs wanted them to & not because they have to.

The problem came to me when PIEAS test was conducted. I was selected & so were the two others. Well then it occurred to me why US fears may be legit!! The two people other than me belonged to the very hawkish group I defined before. They were the people who used to say about rose smell coming out of dead bodies of Taliban & guess what that was before the same Talibans started regular suicide attacks. Hehehe

Now I want to say that PIEAS selection criteria is literally academic; even their interview was something like what is the answer of 2+2!! I mean they must judge atleast the individual’s politico-religious thinking before giving him green light towards the only institute providing Nuclear engineering.

Now if for instance these two belligerent yet intelligent personalities find a way all upto elite ranks of our nuclear programme then what will happen. I don’t think at this stage they will change their behaviours & Israel/India annihilation thinking at all. I can recall of a BBC news that Madrassas not but the educational standards in Pakistan is the reason for intolerance & for sure they are true….
So, people I want your views upon this; as this not only applies to PIEAS but also the ISI & any other sensitive national authority; but because I don’t know any other case & wasn’t directly involved I willnt comment over it.

Tell me why you posted your views on internet why not a press conference or teleconference???!!!
I don't know who allows persons like you in such responsible institution who didn't know what, where and how.
If you felt some problems than it was better if you went to responsible security officer of institution and tell me for what they are sitting there in your opinion? They sitting there to solve such problems and you as a good student bring your problem in mass media.

What a brilliant mind we have in PIEAS. Well done

Tell me why you posted your views on internet why not a press conference or teleconference???!!!
I don't know who allows persons like you in such responsible institution who didn't know what, where and how.
If you felt some problems than it was better if you went to responsible security officer of institution and tell me for what they are sitting there in your opinion? They sitting there to solve such problems and you as a good student bring your problem in mass media.

What a brilliant mind we have in PIEAS. Well done

you are really good at sarcasm:coffee:. I just let out my observations & draw some speculations; never said that something is sure to happen.
2ndly I gave test & was selected for interview; then they asked me for 7 year subservience which till day I never agree:azn:

....& by the way I am looking forward for admission in Bauman Technical Moscow univ.; you being in Russia wantto help or not
Pakistani nuclear weapons are secured till they reach their target(s)...
Even during flight one needs multiple arming codes (held by multiple persons) to properly arm the weapon...therefore there is no chance of a breach...
Naive enough. Zia was a BS and bigot. Let's see the other side now. We HAD to teach, militants and lunatics, self created Islam to make them fight for us (USE THEM) i.e. their jihad or we had to wait for USSR to knock our door. Otherwise, we had to send our regular troops to Afghanistan to fight. USSR intended to come to Pakistan or not is a separate topic. So, Zia was not the only man rather the U.S., military establishment at that time and political will.
I think that the situation was not controlled after the fact which made us to pay huge. I think that it was the necessity of that time to start a mercenary program as the U.S. could not afford to confront USSR directly in wake of nuclear war and same goes with Pakistan.

ZIA WAS A BIGOT along with military estab at that time who favoured Zia but at the same time, it was a necessity to make goons like.... Thing melts down to one point i.e. No one controlled the situation afterwards.

When you go about making a bomb you do your best to ensure it blows up where its supposed to and not in your face.
The way those "goons" were created was irresponsible..
The Americans wanted the soviets out.. if it meant using the entire population of eunuchs in Pakistan we would have created more..

But letting loose an unchecked volcano is entirely the establishments doing..
And what about after the war??
was it not time to back off?
the much celebrated idea of strategic depth against India took all priority in the face of curbing these elements.

plain and simple..
Have unprotected intercourse.. expect consequences..
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