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NRC to be implemented in Bengal, infiltrators will be thrown out: Amit Shah

Pakistan must assembled forces along with other like minded Muslim nations and initiate the liberation of India, otherwise our genocide will be on you.
You should consider yourself fortunate that I'm not.
Pandora box opened by Amit Shah President BJP RSS terrorist Goons, the world must note the cat is out of the bag. Amit Shah has made clear to Bangladeshis Muslims they are not at all welcome in India, and only others except Muslims may get refuge. I am seeing not too far India is going to break apart.
Modi is the best gift Pakistan could ever hope for. The BJP government will destroy India's social, ethical and moral fabric, such that India will not be able to recognize itself by the time they are done ruling that country. Only then will the Indian people realize that national success and happiness go beyond GDP per capita and growth rate statistics. But by then, it will be too late.
I am grateful to Jinnah and the founders of Pakistan, who had the foresight to know what life under Hindu-raj bigots would be, and fought to ensure we did not have to suffer that fate.
It is a wake-up call both to Indian Muslims and as well Sikh community because they are the next hinutva agenda.
Pandora box opened by Amit Shah President BJP RSS terrorist Goons, the world must note the cat is out of the bag. Amit Shah has made clear to Bangladeshis Muslims they are not at all welcome in India, and only others except Muslims may get refuge. I am seeing not too far India is going to break apart.
Modi is the best gift Pakistan could ever hope for. The BJP government will destroy India's social, ethical and moral fabric, such that India will not be able to recognize itself by the time they are done ruling that country. Only then will the Indian people realize that national success and happiness go beyond GDP per capita and growth rate statistics. But by then, it will be too late.
I am grateful to Jinnah and the founders of Pakistan, who had the foresight to know what life under Hindu-raj bigots would be, and fought to ensure we did not have to suffer that fate.
It is a wake-up call both to Indian Muslims and as well Sikh community because they are the next hinutva agenda.

Yes indeed We all should be thankful to Jinnah.
I am also thankful to my forefathers, who made it possible with the money, time and efforts under Jinnah to create Pakistan.
I had two photographs of my Dad with Jinnah, which I sadly lost due to extensions work in my house. Otherwise I would have shared it here.
In one photograph my then very young Dad, around the age of 6/7 sitting in the feet of Jinnah, who was seated in the chairs along with my Grand Dad in My Granddad's House.
The second photographs is of my young Dad in his early twenties, standing with Jinnah in a group of young volunteers supporting riffles. He was part of group who protected the migrant to Lahore at the time of Partition from the attacks of Hindus and Sikhs.
I am proud to say, my Dad practically had hand in saving thousands of Muslims lives, while bravely risking his.
Yes indeed We all should be thankful to Jinnah.
I am also thankful to my forefathers, who made it possible with the money, time and efforts under Jinnah to create Pakistan.
I had two photographs of my Dad with Jinnah, which I sadly lost due to extensions work in my house. Otherwise I would have shared it here.
In one photograph my then very young Dad, around the age of 6/7 sitting in the feet of Jinnah, who was seated in the chairs along with my Grand Dad in My Granddad's House.
The second photographs is of my young Dad in his early twenties, standing with Jinnah in a group of young volunteers supporting riffles. He was part of a group that protected the migrant to Lahore at the time of Partition from the attacks of Hindus and Sikhs.
I am proud to say, my Dad practically had hand in saving thousands of Muslims lives, while bravely risking his.
we should learn also from howdy Modi trip where we have seen Indian politics and individual objective are on the same page but on our side either Bilo rani or Sher democracy on the stake or the Diesel religion. we should reject all these stances and become Muslims and Pakistani. This is the only way and there's no other way left for us to become successful nations.

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