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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

It is the proof of of avoiding non veg in plains. Go eat non veg in 40°C, you will realize. Where as in Hills he cannot survive. That's my argument.

More over hez a pahalwan. lakhs of rupees must be spent on his diet. Pure ghee, pure milk, fruits etc.. now days which kid gets pure ghee milk from cow or buffalo daily?
Those kids do in Akhada.
It is a tradition in Bharat to send their sons for "Kushti/Pehelwaan"(persian word), the real word is "Musthi yuddham" in SANSKRIT!
"Musthi Yuddham" This was made famous after Lord Sri Krishna and his Elder brother Lord Balaram who defeated, 4 Best wrestlers of Kamsa Kingdom when they were teens.Those wrestlers were named"Chanura Mustikulu".

We have our Hanuman Vyamshala Akhadas all around Bharat.,where it was strict regimen and people would stick to it.
You find it surprising, my two past generations followed that tradition.Well my profession is different now,but that fighting culture is still there in our family.

muslims come from every part of the world... unless you meant islam.

but how is this relevant?? :what:
Describe Islam first and then Muslim afterward.
I am sorry Govt can provide only a limited menu, the mid day meal can't be tailored to the liking of every one ... if egg is allowed what stops them to give chicken? if chicken is allowed should it be halal or jhatka? So a basic veg meal is whats required. No appeasement.

Are you suggesting that GoI should make a religion wise spread sheet to provide eggs and chicken breasts through out the whole country?
what speardsheet? Nutritionists decide balanced diet, and based on what these kids get at home, we should complement it in midday meals. Thats the whole point of midday meal when it started(ok mainly to reduce burden on parents, so that they allow their child to study instead of working in field).
India has higher incident of malnaurishment compared to pakistan, even if we got higher per capita income. How do we fight that? well midday meal can help.

Now, govt needs to get best bang for their bucks, while keeping everything else constant. Can govt afford chicken. I very much doubt. Will eggs give us bigger bang for bucks, definitely.
Pulses cannot replace eggs, idlis cannot replace eggs. This is pure bs.

Like I said, this could be only decent meal for the whole day, for many. Those are the people midday meal was made for. Not those who can eat chicken at home or can have milk and ghee.
Listen the issue is not what is given to the children as long as they are able to easily digest it and it is easily absorbable. Remember that what you eat is not always totally absorbed by the body. If you want to go to vegetarian route it is fine, but then you have to increase the amount of and variety of protein, and try to make sure it is sufficient for the children.
Rather then making this a political debate one should insist that the budget is increased and more food is distributed to those who n need it. No child anywhere should sleep hungry or be nutritionally deprived. Maybe different diets to cater to the children according to their physical condition, I am sure if all parties work towards a proper solution, a lot can be managed. Food matters to these children not the debates.
what speardsheet? Nutritionists decide balanced diet, and based on what these kids get at home, we should complement it in midday meals. Thats the whole point of midday meal when it started(ok mainly to reduce burden on parents, so that they allow their child to study instead of working in field).
India has higher incident of malnaurishment compared to pakistan, even if we got higher per capita income. How do we fight that? well midday meal can help.

Now, govt needs to get best bang for their bucks, while keeping everything else constant. Can govt afford chicken. I very much doubt. Will eggs give us bigger bang for bucks, definitely.
Pulses cannot replace eggs, idlis cannot replace eggs. This is pure bs.
You have no proof that the Diet which is vetted by doctors is lacking in protein.... bring proof or go home.
I am sorry Govt can provide only a limited menu, the mid day meal can't be tailored to the liking of every one ... if egg is allowed what stops them to give chicken? if chicken is allowed should it be halal or jhatka? So a basic veg meal is whats required. No appeasement.

Are you suggesting that GoI should make a religion wise spread sheet to provide eggs and chicken breasts through out the whole country?
You answered your own question, meat brings out a lot of religious wrangling, there will be the issue of halal, beef, pork etc...all now very loaded questions in our part of the world . Eggs, however are harmless and other than a few more militant mustachioed Jain aunties, nobody has any strong feelings about eggs,

They are very cheap, they are a complete protein unlike any vegetarian protein, children tend to like them. So why not have them available , don't eat if your religious beliefs won't let you, but what harm in others eating ? It will do a world of good to the kids.
what speardsheet? Nutritionists decide balanced diet, and based on what these kids get at home, we should complement it in midday meals. Thats the whole point of midday meal when it started(ok mainly to reduce burden on parents, so that they allow their child to study instead of working in field).
India has higher incident of malnaurishment compared to pakistan, even if we got higher per capita income. How do we fight that? well midday meal can help.

Now, govt needs to get best bang for their bucks, while keeping everything else constant. Can govt afford chicken. I very much doubt. Will eggs give us bigger bang for bucks, definitely.
Pulses cannot replace eggs, idlis cannot replace eggs. This is pure bs.

Like I said, this could be only decent meal for the whole day, for many. Those are the people midday meal was made for. Not those who can eat chicken at home or can have milk and ghee.
you do know that in far flung areas of MP kids don't even get to eat two square meal forget about anything else. Stop being that elitist. a staple diet would be better suited to them.
what speardsheet? Nutritionists decide balanced diet, and based on what these kids get at home, we should complement it in midday meals. Thats the whole point of midday meal when it started(ok mainly to reduce burden on parents, so that they allow their child to study instead of working in field).
India has higher incident of malnaurishment compared to pakistan, even if we got higher per capita income. How do we fight that? well midday meal can help.

Now, govt needs to get best bang for their bucks, while keeping everything else constant. Can govt afford chicken. I very much doubt. Will eggs give us bigger bang for bucks, definitely.
Pulses cannot replace eggs, idlis cannot replace eggs. This is pure bs.

Like I said, this could be only decent meal for the whole day, for many. Those are the people midday meal was made for. Not those who can eat chicken at home or can have milk and ghee.
You stooge of Britain, why don't you post the daily caloric requirements of a Kid,Working man and Pregnant woman?
Not to mention the Protein required if you know how much it is.
Do you even know what Malnourishment on Proteins is called as medically?
You answered your own question, meat brings out a lot of religious wrangling, there will be the issue of halal, beef, pork etc...all now very loaded questions in our part of the world . Eggs, however are harmless and other than a few more militant mustachioed Jain aunties, nobody has any strong feelings about eggs,

They are very cheap, they are a complete protein unlike any vegetarian protein, children tend to like them. So why not have them available , don't eat if your religious beliefs won't let you, but what harm in others eating ? It will do a world of good to the kids.
do you think only jains are against eggs? even Hindus don't eat eggs. so stop trying to paint a different picture.
you do know that in far flung areas of MP kids don't even get to eat two square meal forget about anything else. Stop being that elitist. a staple diet would be better suited to them.
its you who is elitist.. not me.
Listen the issue is not what is given to the children as long as they are able to easily digest it and it is easily absorbable. Remember that what you eat is not always totally absorbed by the body. If you want to go to vegetarian route it is fine, but then you have to increase the amount of and variety of protein, and try to make sure it is sufficient for the children.
Rather then making this a political debate one should insist that the budget is increased and more food is distributed to those who n need it. No child anywhere should sleep hungry or be nutritionally deprived. Maybe different diets to cater to the children according to their physical condition, I am sure if all parties work towards a proper solution, a lot can be managed. Food matters to these children not the debates.
Ok I never thought I would give a thums up to a :devil: But hey bro, you make a lot of sense. People forget about the children and what's is best of them and try to push religious agendas into evrything. Children of every religion digest their meals the same way, it us not like Jain kids can't digest eggs! They don't have to eat it by why force your opinion on pinky from Punjab who eats two sunny side up every morning.
do you think only jains are against eggs? even Hindus don't eat eggs. so stop trying to paint a different picture.
If you don't eat eggs don't eat them! But what right do you have to force everyone to stop eating eggs?
Ok I never thought I would give a thums up to a :devil: But hey bro, you make a lot of sense. People forget about the children and what's is best of them and try to push religious agendas into evrything. Children of every religion digest their meals the same way, it us not like Jain kids can't digest eggs! They don't have to eat it by why force your opinion on pinky from Punjab who eats two sunny side up every morning.
It happens on both sides
Condition of Children hospital in Lahore ( Dont cry take a tour on Metro )
look at the smart people debating whose party is better while the children die because of lack of funding in hospitals. Parties are above humanity now :) as long as my party says it must be correct.... Brain washed people.... The White tiger is a book which defines both our societies perfectly
great .. thanks.
just to repeat what I said, we should try to give them what these poor kids will most likely miss in their own diet. Poor people eat carb rich diet already, but protein is missing mostly. Saying lets have a basic veggie meal and let them eat fancy stuff at home actually ignores who the meal is for.
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