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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

here is proof of beef power vs veg power... ;)


saffron tool, read my post where i mentioned artificial egg and meat ( Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states | Page 2 ).
Jamure poop,The world is going Vegetarian only ISIS and you still think about Revolution.
60% of children in MP are malnourished! And if you take only the poorer sections of the society who are the actual beneficiaries of the mid-day meal scheme, then the rate of malnutrition would probably be 80% and above. Mid-day meals are very low-budget schemes in terms of cost of each meal, and egg is one of the cheapest but rich sources of proteins and vitamins!

Besides, assuming that you are a vegetarian, would you like a non-vegetarian to compel you to become a non-vegetarian? No, right? Then why vegetarians are trying to impose their food habits on non-vegetarians? Those kids are the future of India, malnutrition not only harms the physical growth of the children, it harms the mental growth also, and those children are undeniably malnourished!
GOt a source bro....because here everyone is assured that veggie is 100% enough including the docs that approve the food.
Egg were removed from the menu to please an even smaller Jain community. I think it about time we Indians realize the fact that there are other minorities group in India beside Muslims.

Then Jain community shouldn't eat egg!
I hope somebody challenges them in court.. its crime against humanity...
Why don't you do it? You carry the flags?Why take refuge in Britain,come here fight for your Motherland or you just like giving Online lectures?
60% of children in MP are malnourished! And if you take only the poorer sections of the society who are the actual beneficiaries of the mid-day meal scheme, then the rate of malnutrition would probably be 80% and above. Mid-day meals are very low-budget schemes in terms of cost of each meal, and egg is one of the cheapest but rich sources of proteins and vitamins!

Besides, assuming that you are a vegetarian, would you like a non-vegetarian to compel you to become a non-vegetarian? No, right? Then why vegetarians are trying to impose their food habits on non-vegetarians? Those kids are the future of India, malnutrition not only harms the physical growth of the children, it harms the mental growth also, and those children are undeniably malnourished!
and eating egg will make all this disappear !
60% of children in MP are malnourished! And if you take only the poorer sections of the society who are the actual beneficiaries of the mid-day meal scheme, then the rate of malnutrition would probably be 80% and above. Mid-day meals are very low-budget schemes in terms of cost of each meal, and egg is one of the cheapest but rich sources of proteins and vitamins!

Besides, assuming that you are a vegetarian, would you like a non-vegetarian to compel you to become a non-vegetarian? No, right? Then why vegetarians are trying to impose their food habits on non-vegetarians? Those kids are the future of India, malnutrition not only harms the physical growth of the children, it harms the mental growth also, and those children are undeniably malnourished!
so shall we stuff the egg white down every vegetarian kid to give them proper Protein diet?

Then Jain community shouldn't eat egg!
I guess Modi must answer it.
Jamure poop,The world is going Vegetarian only ISIS and you still think about Revolution.

abe jaahil, the world is not going vegetarian, unless you count the hippie fools and popstars who one day find kabbalah their life and six months later start yoga.

the world will have to adapt to artificial egg and meat, which will need a new definition probably.
does not matter what I do... do you use same logic when you sprinkle pdf with your views.. :p:
the issue is, those who dont want to eat egg, they need not. We all know we need to respect other's religious belief. But why would you stop the whole state?
MP has significant tribal population... and muslims too.. we are not talking about upper caste hindus, their mom and dad can afford cakes.. they dont need bread in school. For others this might be the only decent meal they eat in the day.
Let me ask where do Muslim come from in Bharat? First answer that and then we can go ahead.
and eating egg will make all this disappear !
Who are you to decide what a person eats, why should vegetarianism be forced down the throats of children who eat non vegetarian food.it is as bad as forcing vegetarians to eat meat.

There are several vitamins available only in animal products. You can decide how to treat your own Body and be responsible for it. but you don't have the right to push that into other people specially vulnerable children.
These kids should be getting two eggs everyday. They don't to have to eat it if it's against their religious beliefs but the option should be available.
abe jaahil, the world is not going vegetarian, unless you count the hippie fools and popstars who one day find kabbalah their life and six months later start yoga.

the world will have to adapt to artificial egg and meat, which will need a new definition probably.
I heard that people ate Gaddafi's beating heart raw. Is it true?
Who are you to decide what a person eats, why should vegetarianism be forced down the throats of children who eat non vegetarian food.it is as bad as forcing vegetarians to eat meat.

There are several vitamins available only in animal products. You can decide how to treat your. Body be responsible for it. but you don't have the right to push that into other people specially vulnerable children.
These kids should be getting two eggs everyday
Govt is paying for the meal ... I think they have a major stake in deciding what must be served. If one loves chicken or eggs that much doors of madrasa and convent are always open.
I heard that people ate Gaddafi's beating heart raw. Is it true?

not his but those nato agents certainly ate of others... are you into eating hearts too?? or into trishul-ing people??
GOt a source bro....because here everyone is assured that veggie is 100% enough including the docs that approve the food.

For Madhya Pradesh:

"Surveys carried out by NFHS 3 recorded high prevalence (over 60%) of malnutrition among children under six in MP" - from a Government source (page 28) : http://wcd.nic.in/icds/apip/APIP 2012- 13 _Final (MP).pdf

Also check this: Madhya Pradesh | UNICEF

and eating egg will make all this disappear !

It helps to some extent, and that help matters to a poor kid.

Besides, the core issue is why non-vegetarians should be deprived of egg, vegetarians can choose not to eat it.

so shall we stuff the egg white down every vegetarian kid to give them proper Protein diet?

Please read the article, nobody is forcing vegetarians to eat egg.
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