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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

Boiling up eggs does not require special equipment or PhD in culinary science an it is any day better for your health than idili which takes one whole day to prepare.
how long can you preserve an egg in a village where there is no electricity?
The kids you quoted do not take the meals in question which begin at ages 5+ .... your stats are not for the group in question.

Why don't you show me a credible source showing that those 60%+ malnourished kids at 5 become well nourished at 6 or 7? :)
I dont know percentage. why does it matter. Its well known that poorer you are, higher will be the use of carb for energy needs. I have seen poor people eating only rice and onion + salt.
If you don't know the percentage how can you distribute the stock in the first place?
You do understand, this was a topic created by those in Opposition.
Earlier they wanted to fan Anti-Christian Propaganda (They failed).
They fanned Anti-Muslim Propaganda against Modi for past 12 years( they failed).
Now who is left next?
Secularism vs Right wing? This Election showed them where they belong.
Now Meat vs Vegetarian this is the debate.
What next, after Meat and Vegetarian have made amicable terms?
They would look for new avenues to "Divide and Conquer" What the British did. But it will fail.
We had enough, Those [HASHTAG]#NewsTraders[/HASHTAG] better shape up right now and leave their anti-Bharat bias, or the Public will Lynch them in broad open daylight in DELHI! and no Government(Be it BJP/Congress/Third front) will be able to stop it.
Those things are coming soon.
Yes, you may be right there, unfortunately there are a lot of hidden agendas and I would not be surprised that the people dragging this out have personal political grudges and no interest whatsoever in the wellbeing of children.

However this is important, we are discussing the health of out future generations , it should be a purely scientific enterprise. The most nutritious and tasty meal that can be provided in the budget possible. Some nod towards religious feelings can be tolerated but religion can't simply be allowed hijack all common sense every time.
Why don't you show me a credible source showing that those 60%+ malnourished kids at 5 become well nourished at 6 or 7? :)
how about you show us a data where veg and non veg students are classified district and tehsil wise?

Yes, you may be right there, unfortunately there are a lot of hidden agendas and I would not be surprised that the people dragging this out have personal political grudges and no interest whatsoever in the wellbeing of children.

However this is important, we are discussing the health of out future generations , it should be a purely scientific enterprise. The most nutritious and tasty meal that can be provided in the budget possible. Some nod towards religious feelings can be tolerated but religion can't simply be allowed hijack all common sense every time.
so everyone must be force fed on egg?
If you don't know the percentage how can you distribute the stock in the first place?
Currently 1 egg is better than no egg. Without any data being available, and based on the info that poor kids get less protein and eat lostly carb, 1 egg certainly wont ruin their kidney.

It should be optional, infact the whole meal should be optional too. The teachers know how much to procure, it gets accurate within a few weeks.
Provide the data to back your argument.

What? Are you doing time pass here? Funds based on the number of students are provided to schools for sourcing daily items, it is impossible to supply perishable items centrally. You no how to search it, do yourself the favour.

thats an assumption you are making .. give me datas to back your claims.

You said Hindus don't eat egg, I said not all Hindus, now what data you want to back my claim? You believe all Hindus are vegetarians? Feel free to believe it and don't read the link below. :)

Is a majority of India non-veg? - The Times of India

how about you show us a data where veg and non veg students are classified district and tehsil wise?

How about you show us for a change?
Currently 1 egg is better than no egg. Without any data being available, and based on the info that poor kids get less protein and eat lostly carb, 1 egg certainly wont ruin their kidney.

It should be optional, infact the whole meal should be optional too. The teachers know how much to procure, it gets accurate within a few weeks.

Funds are provided to school on the basis of headcount, it's already a set process.

I know lots of NV brahmins including in your bengal ..... that is not the point ... the point is that 60% figure is trash. and anecdote=/=data

And the burden to provide source for your claim should be on us? :)
Yes, you may be right there, unfortunately there are a lot of hidden agendas and I would not be surprised that the people dragging this out have personal political grudges and no interest whatsoever in the wellbeing of children.

However this is important, we are discussing the health of out future generations , it should be a purely scientific enterprise. The most nutritious and tasty meal that can be provided in the budget possible. Some nod towards religious feelings can be tolerated but religion can't simply be allowed hijack all common sense every time.
The hidden agendas, will be the death of them, i say to them,They continue on the same path,they will dragged out of their houses along with their offspring and their line will be ended then and there itself, those who hide they will be hunted down and finished.

Coming to health of our future Generations,The diet was formulated by NIN(National Institute of Nutrition) The Scientists and Researchers are one of the best.They made this diet, but they are also continuously improving it.Due to our demands.
Let me say, The future belongs to Vegetarian, Vegan eggs, Vegan Meat, Vegan Seafood . what not.
Did you get your glow plant?
Glowing Plants: Natural Lighting with no Electricity by Antony Evans — Kickstarter
I know lots of NV brahmins including in your bengal ..... that is not the point ... the point is that 60% figure is trash. and anecdote=/=data
lot of hindus eat eggs but dont eat chicken or mutton. Without absense of data, your guess is as bad/good as mine.
Nobody is force feeding beef to hindus, pork to muslims or eggs to veggies. Its too much of a coincidence that BJP ruled states do not use eggs.
Some of the poorest people in these states are tribals and lower caste people, and they are not fussy eaters.
how about you show us a data where veg and non veg students are classified district and tehstil wise?

so everyone must be force fed on egg?
So you have quickly pivoted from bullying others to becoming a victim?

I think I repeated At least 20 times now,(see post [HASHTAG]#100as[/HASHTAG] an example ) that eggs should be made available to school children because they are a simple complete cheap protein BUT

If for any reason 1) religious 2) allergic /medical 3) don't like them 4 ) moral 5) any other esoteric reason

Children to not want to eat eggs they do NOT have to.

Only children who want to and enjoy eggs will eat them as a supplementary and it will do them a lot of good.

You cannot deny children who love eggs but do not have the opportunity to enjoy them at home from eating them if they like at school them because of your particular religious stand. don't feed eggs to your children but what right do you have to say that my children can't eat eggs?
lot of hindus eat eggs but dont eat chicken or mutton. Without absense of data, your guess is as bad/good as mine.
Nobody is force feeding beef to hindus, pork to muslims or eggs to veggies. Its too much of a coincidence that BJP ruled states do not use eggs.
Some of the poorest people in these states are tribals and lower caste people, and they are not fussy eaters.
Secular UP with 18% muslims does not have eggs too. stop blaming BJP

And the burden to provide source for your claim should be on us? :)
don't make claims then...I am sitting in MP....95%+hindu state.... that marxist @hinduguy was lecturing here on minority oppression ... lol
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