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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

I dont think so.

I know it is difficult to believe that a glass of milk would cost more than a full mid-day meal, but mid-day meals do have a pathetically low budget.

This is from a MP govt. source:
  • Cooking cost central share Rs2.02 and state share is Rs. 0.67 for Primary schools and Rs.3.02 central share and Rs.1.01 state share for Upper Primary schools and providing Rs.1000 wages in every cooks in every month.
.:: Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Department ::.

Besides, the price of egg you have quoted below is the price of branded eggs available in shopping malls, in Kolkata retail price of one egg is Rs.4, in rural Bengal it is around Rs.3, schools buy eggs in wholesale rates, which costs lower than that.

Whereas, price of 500ml ordinary milk in Kolkata is Rs.18 to Rs.20, and more for premium quality milk. One glass of milk is equal to 250-300 ml.

Milk is likely to remain a distant dream in mid-day meals.

@Bang Galore

My research says this
View attachment 226744

and for eggs
View attachment 226745

That makes Rs 5.333 for an egg.
A child in anganwadi is given about 2 eggs in a week which would cost about Rs 11 while a glass of milk (250ml) would cost around Rs6.75. I dont see much difference. I'm sure the prices would come down further when bulk prices are taken into consideration.
So it Milk Vs Egg now??

Now would a nutritionist suggest an egg if you're a vegetarian??
Ofcourse not!
He would ask you to increase your intake of protein through pulses.

But why should a non-vegetarian compromise, or look for alternatives? :)

@levina I have heard that egg is very very cheap in some southern state, AP or Karnataka, I think.
I know it is difficult to believe that a glass of milk would cost more than a full mid-day meal, but mid-day meals do have a pathetically low budget.

This is from a MP govt. source:
  • Cooking cost central share Rs2.02 and state share is Rs. 0.67 for Primary schools and Rs.3.02 central share and Rs.1.01 state share for Upper Primary schools and providing Rs.1000 wages in every cooks in every month.
.:: Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Department ::.

Besides, the price of egg you have quoted below is the price of branded eggs available in shopping malls, in Kolkata retail price of one egg is Rs.4, in rural Bengal it is around Rs.3, schools buy eggs in wholesale rates, which costs lower than that.

Whereas, price of 500ml ordinary milk in Kolkata is Rs.18 to Rs.20, and more for premium quality milk. One glass of milk is equal to 250-300 ml.

Milk is likely to remain a distant dream in mid-day meals.

Milk is supplied in mid day meals in Karnataka, I think the cost of one meal from Akshaya Patra is calculated at around Rs.7/- and the state government pays about Rs.4/ to Rs4.5/-. The rest is private donations.

Those kids do in Akhada.
It is a tradition in Bharat to send their sons for "Kushti/Pehelwaan"(persian word), the real word is "Musthi yuddham" in SANSKRIT!
"Musthi Yuddham" This was made famous after Lord Sri Krishna and his Elder brother Lord Balaram who defeated, 4 Best wrestlers of Kamsa Kingdom when they were teens.Those wrestlers were named"Chanura Mustikulu".

We have our Hanuman Vyamshala Akhadas all around Bharat.,where it was strict regimen and people would stick to it.
You find it surprising, my two past generations followed that tradition.Well my profession is different now,but that fighting culture is still there in our family.

Arre chacha kushti Pakistan mein bhi hoti hai.. and their diet is milk, ghee, fruits. And they don't eat non veg whole day. But people living in hills, which are Paharis in your region, their diet is non veg mainly. Other wise if they eat daal only or sabzi they won't be able to do the hardship in less oxygen climate, harsh winter. Even most brahmins in hills eat non veg, who are not practising in temples. It is essential diet for them.

That's why your gurkhas, assami, garhwalis brahmin, rajput or whatever from cast are termed as best fighters in your army.

Every Haryanvi kid gets that ... and if you can google the amount of medals won by these guys it will be quite a substantial percentage. Unlike Punjab our kids didn't fall for drugs and government policy is such that a medal in Asian/CWG/Olympics would land you as DSP in Haryana Police.

Naah, it was few years back. No more. As your cities like Bhiwani have lost what you call Gowshala and now becoming a town with Mc Donalds. May be in some interior haryana. But those people eat it to work in fields not to do kushti.

And you cannot generalize that if it is in haryana, it is in overall India. Haryana though has better percentage of availability of these and even interior Rajasthan and your hills. Rest is just milawati.

In Pakistan, we do not have that much of Milawat/contamination even in cities.

The problem with vegetarians are, they depend on milk and etc. But the modernisation is snatching it from them and even outside they will not eat Non veg unlike a non veg.

So they are isolated from both Milk and Non Veg!
Milk is likely to remain a distant dream in mid-day meals.
Dray I am so sure it is already a part of mid-day meal. During my visit to an anganwadi, the lady in charge told me that they give milk to children, but of course it's not given regularly. I'm assuming it's given once or twice in a week).
But why should a non-vegetarian compromise, or look for alternatives?
No, I have not objected to adding eggs to the menu.
But the article says "egg is a source of protein" and the CM of MP has dissented from adding it to the mid-day meals.
We all know that pulses 're also a high source of protein, and that it gets better assimilated by our intestines. So I don't understand why the article tries to make a hill out of a mole??
I must tell you that my discussion with you and @Bang Galore on the milk vs egg topic, has made me realise that the cost of living for a vegetarian is much higher than that for non-vegetarians. :(

I am also a conjoined eagle holding a globe and a sphere in my feet and real name is augenblick :lol:
I think you should rename yourself as a baudet. :P
Milk is supplied in mid day meals in Karnataka, I think the cost of one meal from Akshaya Patra is calculated at around Rs.7/- and the state government pays about Rs.4/ to Rs4.5/-. The rest is private donations.

Akshya Patra is a NGO, they have their own sources of funding, govt. run mid-day meal programs are not that well-funded.
Akshya Patra is a NGO, they have their own sources of funding, govt. run mid-day meal programs are not that well-funded.

Milk is financed by the state government.That way is pretty much the only way to go. The Akshaya Patra system is the most efficient way possible to create a system where private participation can augment/equal government funding.
Well here is state wise list.
Arre chacha kushti Pakistan mein bhi hoti hai.. and their diet is milk, ghee, fruits. And they don't eat non veg whole day. But people living in hills, which are Paharis in your region, their diet is non veg mainly. Other wise if they eat daal only or sabzi they won't be able to do the hardship in less oxygen climate, harsh winter. Even most brahmins in hills eat non veg, who are not practising in temples. It is essential diet for them.

That's why your gurkhas, assami, garhwalis brahmin, rajput or whatever from cast are termed as best fighters in your army.
Yeah that is why we saw the meat eating wrestlers,lose against the Vegetarian Wrestlers.
I hope both of them stop preaching about how great Kerla is and how awesome their govt. is and how everyone is a fool to not vote "secular"

No Mid day Meal in Kerala During Ramzan.
I wonder where are the secular peeps now? @levina @nair
Kerala schools stop serving midday meals during Ramzan - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

I was not interested to respond to this....... but now i think i should......Did you see me responding to this thread (before tag)???? Which also can be termed as "Sanghi" logic, if i apply your own yardsticks......

By the way Show me one post in which i said Kerala govt is "Awesome", Where did you get such idea from???? Dont assume things on behalf of me just because i dont follow RSS line......You have no idea how critical we Mallu's are about ourselves......If you could understand malayalam a search in Kerala corner will give you an idea, If you cant understand malayalam then sorry...... Yes when some outsider comes and preaches us, we normally respond......

We know our short comings, much much better than any of those who sits in another state/country and depends on those headlines of their choice to come up with their own conclusion.......

Yes you like it or not We have a mixed population and we live in harmony....... Yes we have our own communal tensions which normally doesn't go out of control (barring 1 or 2 instances), I lived in a place surrounded by Muslims for about 600 meters, We never had an issue living there, neither they had an issue with us.....Infact there were several instances where i felt they were more helpful than some from my community..... So We are more or less a Secular community...... But we have decent presence of NDF, RSS,Jamaat e Islami, PDP, and other christian organisation too.......

I will be always a secular for a Hindu with extreme views because i wont agree to their ideology, Similarly i have been accused for being a HIndutwavadi in this same forum by muslims with extreme views..... I guess that should be a perfect example of a secular....... @levina

By the way you can have your own views on me and we Mallu's as a whole, Nothing wrong in it......
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I was not interested to respond to this....... but now i think i should......Did you see me responding to this thread (before tag)???? Which also can be termed as "Sanghi" logic, if i apply your own yardsticks......

By the way Show me one post in which i said Kerala govt is "Awesome", Where did you get such idea from???? Dont assume things on behalf of me just because i dont follow RSS line......You have no idea how critical we Mallu's are about ourselves......If you could understand malayalam a search in Kerala corner will give you an idea, If you cant understand malayalam then sorry...... Yes when some outsider comes and preaches us, we normally respond......

We know our short comings, much much better than any of those who sits in another state/country and depends on those headlines of their choice to come up with their own conclusion.......

Yes you like it or not We have a mixed population and we live in harmony....... Yes we have our own communal tensions which normally doesn't go out of control (barring 1 or 2 instances), I lived in a place surrounded by Muslims for about 600 meters, We never had an issue living there, neither they had an issue with us.....Infact there were several instances where i felt they were more helpful than some from my community..... So We are more or less a Secular community...... But we have decent presence of NDF, RSS,Jamaat e Islami, PDP, and other christian organisation too.......

I will be always a secular for a Hindu with extreme views because i wont agree to their ideology, Similarly i have been accused for being a HIndutwavadi in this same forum by muslims with extreme views..... I guess that should a perfect example of a secular....... @levina

By the way you can have your own views on me and we Mallu's as a whole, Nothing wrong in it......

I got nothing against Mallus, Bengalis or for that matter secularism, what I was pointing at was the hypocrisy of the media and their selective amnesia when it comes reporting such issues. I just wanted your opinion viz a viz this incident but I guess even a simple tag means that I want to mock you guys. Stop being this defensive.
I got nothing against Mallus, Bengalis or for that matter secularism, what I was pointing at was the hypocrisy of the media and their selective amnesia when it comes reporting such issues. I just wanted your opinion viz a viz this incident but I guess even a simple tag means that I want to mock you guys. Stop being this defensive.

It was not to you alone my friend.... More to the other post quoted....... :)

on Topic: Egg is not only the food that can nourish a child, I am ok with not providing it..... Similarly It is stupid to stop midday meals just because part of students is supposed to take roza.......

Yes part of media (like in any part of our country) has selective amnesia...... But you know in Kerala every party has channels and news papers, similarly there are channels based on religion too (they may not openly say it)

1) Media One : Is accused to be a Jamaat E Islami channel.......
2) Janam : Is alleged to be a RSS channel
3) Jeevan: Is Alleged to be Christian channel......

Now we are secular right?????:D
There is a rumour in other parts of Kerala that people from Malabar has some European features around 3 decades ago.This was the main reason.
I am not sure about European connection..
On an average North(Malabar) Malayalis are a bit fairer than Southern ones..
North Malabar Muslims are largely converts from high caste groups like Nair,Thiyya,Namboodiri castes(Thiyyas(often called as Eezhavas of Malabar) though belong to backward group but fairer than their southern counterpart Eezhavas.,eg-Malayalam actress Samvritha Sunil..+Some families have foreign orgin like Thangal family are of Yemeni orgin..
But southern Muslims are mainly lower caste converts from Eezhava,Araya,Paraiya nadar etc communities+many of them are of Tamil ancestry like maraikkar,labbai Muslims of Trivandrum,Pathanamthitta,kottayam,Idukki districts..
So they looks darker than Northern ones..
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