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‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF

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Mar 18, 2010
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United Kingdom
The United States defence department on Friday said it was “not aware” of any investigation that was conducted to ascertain if Pakistan had lost an F-16 in a dogfight with Indian fighter jets on February 27, contrary to a report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count revealed none was missing.

Foreign Policy magazine reported Thursday that US defence personnel conducted recently a physical count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found all in tact, none missing. It attributed the finding to two unidentified senior US defence officials and said the count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan..

A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.


lol...so much of contradictions from all concerned parties in this matter...every day there is new claim and counter claims...
The United States defence department on Friday said it was “not aware” of any investigation that was conducted to ascertain if Pakistan had lost an F-16 in a dogfight with Indian fighter jets on February 27, contrary to a report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count revealed none was missing.

Foreign Policy magazine reported Thursday that US defence personnel conducted recently a physical count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found all in tact, none missing. It attributed the finding to two unidentified senior US defence officials and said the count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan..

A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.


lol...so much of contradictions from all concerned parties in this matter...every day there is new claim and counter claims...

No press briefing held by State dept or DoD on April 5 as mentioned on their official websites. Indian Media doing what it s known for and Indians falling for it as usual. In fact no other source reporting except HT lol
When Indians called Americans for a little help...

No press briefing held by State dept or DoD on April 5 as mentioned on their official websites. Indian Media doing what it s known for and Indians falling for it as usual. In fact no other source reporting except HT lol
Indians are falling for it. The know their govt and media is lying but still they are defending it. This is called being an Indian..no matter what, if you're an Indian, you will lie for the sake of nationalism.
Just report the thread for trolling since a thread already exists on the topic
we don't know what the reality is, anyway..on a lighter note - just imagine if the Pakistani F-16 had 100 million USD insurance with a global insurance company....:-) ..India would have resisted to claim downing of F-16 thinking Pakistan will get 100 mn USD and Pakistan was actually insisting that they have lost their F-16 in India's aggression on their soil! :cheers:
American inspectors comes here on rotating basis. We can't hide even if we want. And F16 is for defense purpose. I don't think we will cross LOC with F16 as indian media claimed. This will be act of aggression which U.S.A will never allow us.
Not sure about Indian media but Indian Gov should stop responding to this issue once it has confirmed about its stand in Feb...
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