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‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF

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This only mean they didn't sided with India. Pakistan never claimed anything, it was US magazine quoting US officials, so it was US magazine + US officials VS India. They were the ones exposing bhart mata top to bottom.

@Topic, another propaganda by desperate bhartis.
US does not need to count the numbers with PAF. IT KNOWS. So this is all rubbish.
Dear India here is the link show me where USA is saying they never counted.

Press Releases

Now Funny Thing about Indians is that if you click the link you will see USA has not made any press releases in last 2 days lol and Indians are making claims like they run the USA state department. lol.

Press release 2019.jpg
Very clever game being played here by the US: first there's an info leak tru twitter although it's not an official US govt source. Cleverly done to put pressure on Bipin who is in the US on an official randi rona tour. US will tell him to persuade Modi to go for the F-21 or else they will confirm the PAF F-16 count with a MKI kill. This could be a master stroke for Modi if the info comes out before the election.
US has India by the balls and Trump/LM are smelling $12-15 billion FMS. Pak will get concessions elsewhere. This is how things have always worked between Pakistan and the US. :coffee:
And there is a similar case with Pentagon if you check their website they have also not made any press releases in Past 2 days. Dear India here is the link below for you to check.


Penta releases.jpg

If you think they still have to upload any thing on website then this will further help you they don't even intent to say anything at Pentagon.

DOD Postings: April 6, 2019
There are no advisories available for 4/6/2019.

There are no releases available for 4/6/2019.

Contracts are published each day at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

There are no transcripts available for 4/6/2019.

There are no speeches available for 4/6/2019.

There are no news stories available for 4/6/2019.

Here is the link to check it.

Why are our friends afraid of F16s?
Why should anyone allow counting or anything remote like that?

Ab to phainta par chuka janab.
Jo mukka maar parne kay baad yaad aye, wo apne mo par mar liya karaein janab.

Foreign Policy magazine claimed Pakistan's F-16s were found to be intact after a count by US defence personnel, which goes against India's position that it downed one of the jets on 27 February.


Washington: The United States defence department on Friday said it was “not aware” of any investigation that was conducted to ascertain if Pakistan had lost an F-16 in a dogfight with Indian fighter jets on February 27, contrary to a report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count revealed none was missing.

Foreign Policy magazine reported Thursday that US defence personnel conducted recently a physical count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found all in tact, none missing. It attributed the finding to two unidentified senior US defence officials and said the count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan..

A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.

The state department distanced itself from the news report saying in response to a direct request to confirm or deny it, “As a matter of policy, the Department does not publicly comment on details of government-to-government agreements on end-use monitoring of US-origin defence articles.”

And it went on to reiterate its stated policy on Pakistan: “It is important to note that since January 2018, the United States government has suspended security assistance to Pakistan.”

US government’s position appears to be in line with India, which in the backdrop of the attack, has reaffirmed its account of the downing of the Pakistani F-16, citing “electronic signature” as evidence. “During the aerial engagement that followed, one MiG 21 Bison of the IAF shot down one F-16,” Air Vice Marshal RGV Kapoor said Friday, “The Indian Forces have confirmed ejections at two different places on that day. These were separated by at least 8-10 kms. One was an IAF MiG 21 Bison and the other a PAF aircraft.”

India had scrambled its fighter jets to respond to a Pakistan air force intrusion into Indian airspace on February 27. Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who was flying a MiG 21 Bison, got a lock on a PAF F-16 and shot it before his own aircraft was hit, forcing him to bail, according to Indian officials.

The wing commander landed in Pakistan and was captured by Pakistan’s armed forces. Pakistani aircraft, on the other hand, fell in Pakistan, India has said and circulated pictures of one of its pilots and it has also said it knew the pilot’s name.

India has also complained to the United States that Pakistan used American-supplied F-16s in the attack in a possible infraction of the memorandum of sale of the aircraft, and handed over evidence, pieces of an AMRAAM (advanced medium range air-to-air missile) that Pakistani fighter jets had used in the dogfight — no other Pakistani air-force aircraft can fire these missiles.

The United States routinely inspects defence equipment sold by its companies to foreign countries, as part of their respective end-use agreements. Pakistan, for instance, is prohibited from flying F-16s out of the country without notifying the United States in advance, according to sale agreement.

Foreign policy magazine cited a senior US defence official to say the physical count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan. And it took a while because not all aircraft were immediately available for inspection due to the conflict.

The report went on to quote an unidentified senior defense official, “all aircraft were present and accounted for”. It cited a second official, who knew of the count, to say no Pakistani F-16s were missing.

The count included F-16s that Pakistan had acquired from Jordan under third-party transfer the report said, adding that they were subject to the same end-user agreement and its rules.

India has friends in Washington, India has friends in Lockheed Martin.
Pakistan has USA tech team with PAF's Squadrons, Pakistan has Lockheed Martin's regular visits.

Whats stopping India ?
A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.
I havent seen Trump go bonkers about it...usually he jumps on smaller issues...

I also havent seen any Americans deny it to anyone else except HT...HT is using the same unnamed version which indians so often picked out for the FP report....So how come this is authentic but not that?
Foreign Policy magazine claimed Pakistan's F-16s were found to be intact after a count by US defence personnel, which goes against India's position that it downed one of the jets on 27 February.


Washington: The United States defence department on Friday said it was “not aware” of any investigation that was conducted to ascertain if Pakistan had lost an F-16 in a dogfight with Indian fighter jets on February 27, contrary to a report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count revealed none was missing.

Foreign Policy magazine reported Thursday that US defence personnel conducted recently a physical count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found all in tact, none missing. It attributed the finding to two unidentified senior US defence officials and said the count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan..

A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.

The state department distanced itself from the news report saying in response to a direct request to confirm or deny it, “As a matter of policy, the Department does not publicly comment on details of government-to-government agreements on end-use monitoring of US-origin defence articles.”

And it went on to reiterate its stated policy on Pakistan: “It is important to note that since January 2018, the United States government has suspended security assistance to Pakistan.”

US government’s position appears to be in line with India, which in the backdrop of the attack, has reaffirmed its account of the downing of the Pakistani F-16, citing “electronic signature” as evidence. “During the aerial engagement that followed, one MiG 21 Bison of the IAF shot down one F-16,” Air Vice Marshal RGV Kapoor said Friday, “The Indian Forces have confirmed ejections at two different places on that day. These were separated by at least 8-10 kms. One was an IAF MiG 21 Bison and the other a PAF aircraft.”

India had scrambled its fighter jets to respond to a Pakistan air force intrusion into Indian airspace on February 27. Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who was flying a MiG 21 Bison, got a lock on a PAF F-16 and shot it before his own aircraft was hit, forcing him to bail, according to Indian officials.

The wing commander landed in Pakistan and was captured by Pakistan’s armed forces. Pakistani aircraft, on the other hand, fell in Pakistan, India has said and circulated pictures of one of its pilots and it has also said it knew the pilot’s name.

India has also complained to the United States that Pakistan used American-supplied F-16s in the attack in a possible infraction of the memorandum of sale of the aircraft, and handed over evidence, pieces of an AMRAAM (advanced medium range air-to-air missile) that Pakistani fighter jets had used in the dogfight — no other Pakistani air-force aircraft can fire these missiles.

The United States routinely inspects defence equipment sold by its companies to foreign countries, as part of their respective end-use agreements. Pakistan, for instance, is prohibited from flying F-16s out of the country without notifying the United States in advance, according to sale agreement.

Foreign policy magazine cited a senior US defence official to say the physical count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan. And it took a while because not all aircraft were immediately available for inspection due to the conflict.

The report went on to quote an unidentified senior defense official, “all aircraft were present and accounted for”. It cited a second official, who knew of the count, to say no Pakistani F-16s were missing.

The count included F-16s that Pakistan had acquired from Jordan under third-party transfer the report said, adding that they were subject to the same end-user agreement and its rules.

NFP victory.png

yea Actually Americans didn,t count the F-16s they just checked their transponders from their satellites and all were accounted for because there was one ISI agent working there who double counted one F-16 to hide the missing F-16 below that NDTV showed us

To be fair, the IAF is one of the weakest of all Air Forces in the world.
With all those hundreds of SU-30s, Israeli upgraded M2Ks and Bison, upgarded Mig-29s, and what not? All that is not sub-standard or weak. Rather it's Pakistanis who outperformed Indians, outshined their technologies, and fooled them into disgrace.
To be fair, the IAF is one of the weakest of all Air Forces in the world.
IAF is no joke. one cant just discount it after one areal defeat at the hands of PAF.

IAF is equipped and manned by trained pilots, groundsmen and planes to take on any modern conventional adversary.

man behind the gun was true in the olden days. it didnt work out well in 71 when the PAF was grounded in the early days of the conflict due to relentless IAF airstrikes rendering its only airstrip inoperable and without air support the war was a foregone conclusion.

Man behind maybe still true where there is some parity in terms of technology, equipment and personal but if there is a huge gap then that man behind the gun will be just swamped and overwhelmed.

IAF has the challenge to meet the demands of the Indian policy makers that have regional aspirations. PAF on the other hand only has to defend the airspace of Pakistan.
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