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‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF

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History repeats itself - Check out the confidence level of PAF pilots

If I am not wrong the 3rd person who says, "It is impossible" is Arshad Sami Khan, recipient of:
  • Sitara-e-Jurat
  • Sitara-e-Imtiaz (M)
  • Military Medal of Honour from King Hussain (Jordan)
  • Military Medal of Honour from Shah Iran
  • Military Medal of Honour from Turkey
  • Served as ADC to Ayub, Yahya and ZAB.
Later joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He was father of Adnan Sami, who unluckily preferred Indian nationality over Pakistan.
Here is the full interview link:
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To be fair, the IAF is one of the weakest of all Air Forces in the world.

Dont think so... i guess problem of professionlism and strategy. I have never seen Airforce Chief of any airforce passing such ammature statements all the time. His body language is more like a operation manager of any small IT firm rather leading a force of big airforce to be very frank. Also another issue is morale. You're airforce is never invovled in any hardcore operations rather relying on only exercises from past 2 decades. Half of your officers retired and half reaches the level without even engaging in the battlefields (air and ground both). Another issue what I have seen from past many years that the lack of proper management. Huge airforce with less pilots and confused btw the higherups decision to relying on Russian or American or French for combating front line fighter agaisnt the opponent. You see even though JF17 is mature platform but still PAF never changed the status of frontline fighter F16 to JF, where as your Airforce pilots and trainers still confused if we get Rafale, whether over operational and war fighting capability shift from SU30 to Rafale or remain SU? The pshycology and strategy is very different...
IAF has the challenge to meet the demands of the Indian policy makers that have regional aspirations. PAF on the other hand only has to defend the airspace of Pakistan.
Was't they trying to fulfill the same demands of Indian policy makers? Indian Army has serious issue of fudging the facts and blunt lies when it comes to their capabilities. Their army chief openly claims about fighting and sustaining a two front war but when they day came it got beaten by smaller opponent. Their regional aspirations are always blocked by Pakistan so technically they are still standing at ground zero.
The United States defence department on Friday said it was “not aware” of any investigation that was conducted to ascertain if Pakistan had lost an F-16 in a dogfight with Indian fighter jets on February 27, contrary to a report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count revealed none was missing.

Foreign Policy magazine reported Thursday that US defence personnel conducted recently a physical count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found all in tact, none missing. It attributed the finding to two unidentified senior US defence officials and said the count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan..

A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.


lol...so much of contradictions from all concerned parties in this matter...every day there is new claim and counter claims...
There are like 2 other threads running on this same source....
Please use already opened threads to run the discussions!
US Not Aware Of Any Pak F-16 Count: Report
Our Bureau

10:04 AM, April 8, 2019


Lockheed Martin F-16
The United States Department of Defense on Friday said it was “not aware” of any counting of Pakistani F-16 aircraft to ascertain if the country had lost one in an aerial fight that ensued with Indian fighters on February 27.

On Thursday, a report by Foreign Policy magazine stated that the Pentagon recently counted Pakistani F-16 fighters and found none of the jets missing, “directly contradicting” India’s claim of bringing down a Pak F-16 during the aerial dogfight.

“Some of the aircraft were not immediately available for inspection due to the conflict, so it took US personnel several weeks. The count has been completed and all the (F-16) aircraft were present and accounted for,” the report quoted a US defense official with “direct knowledge of the count" conducted on ground on Pak soil as saying Thursday.

“US authorities on the ground found that no Pakistani F-16s were missing,” said another official.

According to a Hindustan Times report, the US defense department “was not aware of any investigation like the one doing the rounds”. The state department was quick to distance itself from the news report when they were requested to confirm or deny it. They made it clear that they did not publicly comment on details of government-to-government agreements, especially on articles related to defense.

They further went to reiterate their stand on Pakistan, citing that it was important to note that since January 2018, the United States government had suspended security assistance to that country, the HT report added.

Pakistan has long been denying India’s claims that F-16s were used in the combat.

In early March, a joint press conference was held by the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force where pieces of F-16 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) were displayed before the media as the evidence that falsified Pakistani claims of not using F-16 fighters.

Defense Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman said on Saturday, “It was an F-16 which our pilot had shot down. The evidence was shown. a piece of the AM-RAAM missile which can only be used in an F-16 aircraft.”

The Indian Air Force released a statement on Friday asserting it had shot down a Pakistan F-16 fighter aircraft on February 27, PTI reported.

There are about 2-3 threads on this issue!
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