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‘Not aware’ of Pakistani dossiers on India, says US

True. But 'I' still feel its a shame on them for killing innocents. which you don't.

I am trying to making a point that after billions of dollers spend of Police and armed forces, they are supposed to protect our life from these animals. Terrorists were and will be there to kill innocent peoples but its our secuirty forces supposed to tackle them and cut their heads from their throats.

In Pakistan some politicians were making hurdles for security forces but now the situation is changed and we as a "Nation" are fighting with them and we will win that war.
Go to hindustantimes website or check on google news, it will be the first thing coming up in country affairs.

Pakistan has handed over to the US three dossiers with alleged evidence of Indian involvement in “subversive activities” but the Obama administration has not acknowledged Islamabad’s protest against New Delhi.

National Security Adviser Sartaj Aziz handed over the dossiers to the US side when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington on Wednesday.

“Kerry was briefed about the destabilising role of Indian agencies in FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas), Balochistan and Karachi,” said a statement issued by Pakistan’s foreign ministry after the meeting.

However, when State Department spokesperson John Kirby was questioned by reporters about the dossiers during a news briefing, he said he was “not aware” that the US had received the Pakistani dossiers. “I don’t know how much detail we’re going to be able to get into,” he said in response to several queries.

Kirby declined to “get into the specifics of the discussion” between Kerry and Sharif and said: “We continue to believe that India and Pakistan stand to benefit from practical cooperation, and we encourage both India and Pakistan to engage in direct dialogue aimed at reducing tensions.”

In recent weeks, Pakistan has repeatedly raked up the issue of India’s alleged involvement in fomenting unrest in Balochistan and the tribal areas – a charge that has been rejected outright by New Delhi.

Pakistan also handed over a dossier on India’s alleged role in fomenting unrest to the UN but the world body paid no heed to the allegations.

Following the talks between Kerry and Sharif, Pakistan’s foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said copies of the three dossiers will also be handed over to India when the two countries hold talks next.

“We will give these dossiers to India when we would talk to them,” he told reporters in Washington. Pakistan submitted the dossiers to the US because it is an important partner, he added.

Chaudhry said Pakistan is “not in a position to reveal the contents of the dossiers”. The contents will be made public only when a decision is made by the government, he said.

@Zarvan @Ifrit
WASHINGTON: Pakistan handed over on Wednesday three dossiers to US Secretary of State John Kerry on India’s involvement in subversive activities in the country.

Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz gave the dossiers to Mr Kerry as he came to the official US guesthouse to meet Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

“Secretary Kerry was briefed about the destabilising role of Indian agencies in Fata, Balochistan and Karachi. Three separate dossiers containing evidence of the Indian involvement in subversive activities were handed over to the US side by the adviser,” said an official statement issued by the Pakistan Embassy.

The US State Department, however, said it could not confirm or deny receiving the dossiers from Pakistan.

“Have u received those dossiers?” a journalist asked State Department spokesperson John Kirby hours after the Kerry-Sharif meeting. “I am not aware that we have,” he said.

State Department declines to confirm or deny receiving the dossiers
“Can you take the question and confirm or deny it?” the journalist said. “I will take the question but don’t know how much detail we can give.”

“Can u say yes or no?” the journalist asked again. “I said we will take the question,” Mr Kirby said.

.. Doctored titles.. Poor Indian trolls!
Don't know why Indian and an desi American so happily jumping around, this is all a beginning of Pakistan diplomacy to prove India is involved in various type of terrorism acts in various of its neighbor country since long. It'd take time and USA is not so stupid that in first type of this contact they issue their verdict against any country ( notable thing is that India is their best buddy to keep threat Pakistan ) one more thing the state department statement is so diplomatic says Both country talk peacefully regarding MUTUAL terrorism.
Last but not least it's not Pakistan or India whole world knows what Pakistan put in Washington against India. It's working but slowly to face of India.
That time is approaching fast my friend, we will hit back and this time we will tell the world we have given evidences but US failed to do more or anything on it ..so we took things in our own hand ...

The moment you take things on your own hand....UN will announce, We lost a great friend...."Pakistan"...Take the name plate off...
The moment you take things on your own hand....UN will announce, We lost a great friend...."Pakistan"...Take the name plate off...

Day dreaming ? keep going on ... we know whats what you hindus want and your current terrorist actions are enough to open eyes ...
They will better if they accept them before a nuclear war in South Asia and tell India to behave.
Nope! It would be far better if they ask Pakistan to behave by ordering the Pak Establishment to stop their proxy war against India with the help of the LeT and JeM which are terrorist organizations banned by the UN itself!

Another Mumbai and it would be curtains for Pakistan!! :dirol:
The only reason USA would not "Be Aware":pleasantry: of your dossiers will be if FedEx didn't deliver them on time. But here's the catch, Nawaz handed them over personally:feminist:. When someone personally hands you stuff and you still don't acknowledge it means it has been fed to the shredder. Work on your comprehension buddy.

I was about to quote the link myself, if it was permitted.:undecided:
next time NS, received ki receipt sign kervalega .. itni kya tension bhai mere.... :D

if war breaks so what we can divert whole Taliban over there with Kashmir separatist, communist , dalits, sikhs, indian Muslims, India has so many groups willing to break it apart. a hungry population will do anything for aid food and weapons and some instructions. Maybe some beef as food will help with nutrition for separatist groups to fight better and harder.

:D tactical nuclear Nasr ka kya keroge chacha... ?
It seems pak foreign policy makers once again failed...
It seems pak foreign policy makers once again failed...
or maybe the question of letting go there personal and family interests in USA and west was too much for them to sacrifice :azn:
we fail with un we fail with china and now we fail with us. ganja making bum of pakistan. y rush 2 prove things when he must wait 4 isi 2 get full information 4 indian terrorism in pakistan and send good proofs 2 world. now pakistan become joke again
we fail with un we fail with china and now we fail with us. ganja making bum of pakistan. y rush 2 prove things when he must wait 4 isi 2 get full information 4 indian terrorism in pakistan and send good proofs 2 world. now pakistan become joke again
Even if pan provides solid proofs ,America won't act on it.. india is a growing economy with which American interests lie..Pakistan has got little to offer.. The US does not want to annoy india for pakistans sake.

I think in 2000 or in 2001 some sikhs were killed in JK by Lashkar e tayyaba..billl clinton was on the visit to india..indians urged him to take action on pakistan..he condemned the act but did not say anything about Pakistan..the whole world knew who was behind the attack but all bill Clinton said was the real murderers must be found out and punished..back then US' interests lay with Pakistan..so they didn't ask Pakistan to act on LeT..it was only after 9/11 that US started pressurissng pakisgn.
Brother it is how world politics run..no morals.no ethics..only self interest.

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