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‘Not aware’ of Pakistani dossiers on India, says US

LOL how everyone start replying on this thread... Whenever Pakistan talk about Kashmir, NS in UN speech or something against India, all of sudden Indian Media and these Tv channels like Hindustan times, NDTV etc start such news... US reject Pakistan request, US not accept dossier etc even you never heard anyting from U.S. State department of U.S. Media. lol @ these Indian shitty media
Pakistan is wasting time on these dossiers, we should admit that our strongest point is not diplomacy but covert ops in other countries, we should concentrate on covert missions to make India sit on table, once there is a bomb blast they will always running towards table .... last time they found on table was after Mumbai attacks.

You scumbag, openly calling for the butchering of innocents is beyond reprehensible.

@waz sir, this is sickening behaviour

last time they found on table was after Mumbai attacks.

Are you being intentionally stupid? Mumbai was the reason talks between India and Pakistan were halted and have not restarted to date.

we are only doing this so if a war breaks out, the world cant blame it on us, like they did in 1965 and 1971, atleast we can say "we warned you before"
Except the world is adamant that you have told them nothing of the sort. If war breaks out few are going to side with the nation who harboured OBL....
Pakistan is wasting time on these dossiers, we should admit that our strongest point is not diplomacy but covert ops in other countries, we should concentrate on covert missions to make India sit on table, once there is a bomb blast they will always running towards table .... last time they found on table was after Mumbai attacks.

A potential terrorist spotted.
Everyone from across the border is without a thought advocating...nuclear bombs blast, covert operations in India to force India and blah blah. But they don't use simple common sense that, if they think they have legit right to do so in India then why doesn't India have right to do so in Pakistan. At the end of the day you should be paid in your own currency. Very immature statements from some forum members, they seem to have no care of local people who die because of such adventures.
Pakistan is wasting time on these dossiers, we should admit that our strongest point is not diplomacy but covert ops in other countries, we should concentrate on covert missions to make India sit on table, once there is a bomb blast they will always running towards table .... last time they found on table was after Mumbai attacks.
Was not aware of PDF policy to promote terrorism !!!
@Oscar @waz
Very smart move on Pakistan's end. People who think Pakistan's hopeless should think again.
Do ya really think Pakistan's Government's too dumb to understand U.S. won't act against India
irrespective of evidence? I don't think so. There's more to it, if ya ask me.

Do ya really think Pakistan and China are not hand-in-glove with regards to India?
Connect the dots.
the shame is on your navy/police/intelligence/ which failed and the incident resulted in many killings

with that logic its not the shame on the terrorist who killed the school children in pakistan but shame was on Pakistani security, and Govt which failed and resulted in that unfortunate massacre. agree?
with that logic its not the shame on the terrorist who killed the school children in pakistan but shame was on Pakistani security, and Govt which failed and resulted in that unfortunate massacre. agree?

Yes, I am agree on that.... They were failed to detect that terrorist incident and numerous other terrorist attacks in our homeland.

But since the zarb e Azb started the situation is getting better day in and day out, and till zarb e azb reach its logical end, there will be almost 95% less terrorists and their attacks Inshallah and its the resolve of our nation to eliminate each terrorist from our country.
Go to hindustantimes website or check on google news, it will be the first thing coming up in country affairs.

Pakistan has handed over to the US three dossiers with alleged evidence of Indian involvement in “subversive activities” but the Obama administration has not acknowledged Islamabad’s protest against New Delhi.

National Security Adviser Sartaj Aziz handed over the dossiers to the US side when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington on Wednesday.

“Kerry was briefed about the destabilising role of Indian agencies in FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas), Balochistan and Karachi,” said a statement issued by Pakistan’s foreign ministry after the meeting.

However, when State Department spokesperson John Kirby was questioned by reporters about the dossiers during a news briefing, he said he was “not aware” that the US had received the Pakistani dossiers. “I don’t know how much detail we’re going to be able to get into,” he said in response to several queries.

Kirby declined to “get into the specifics of the discussion” between Kerry and Sharif and said: “We continue to believe that India and Pakistan stand to benefit from practical cooperation, and we encourage both India and Pakistan to engage in direct dialogue aimed at reducing tensions.”

In recent weeks, Pakistan has repeatedly raked up the issue of India’s alleged involvement in fomenting unrest in Balochistan and the tribal areas – a charge that has been rejected outright by New Delhi.

Pakistan also handed over a dossier on India’s alleged role in fomenting unrest to the UN but the world body paid no heed to the allegations.

Following the talks between Kerry and Sharif, Pakistan’s foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said copies of the three dossiers will also be handed over to India when the two countries hold talks next.

“We will give these dossiers to India when we would talk to them,” he told reporters in Washington. Pakistan submitted the dossiers to the US because it is an important partner, he added.

Chaudhry said Pakistan is “not in a position to reveal the contents of the dossiers”. The contents will be made public only when a decision is made by the government, he said.

@Zarvan @Ifrit
The US must have misplaced it. Unless, the blank pages were fed to the goats. :(

we are only doing this so if a war breaks out, the world cant blame it on us, like they did in 1965 and 1971, atleast we can say "we warned you before"
Not applicable because you will nuke us first. :agree:
Yes, I am agree on that.... They were failed to detect that terrorist incident and numerous other terrorist attacks in our homeland.

But since the zarb e Azb started the situation is getting better day in and day out, and till zarb e azb reach its logical end, there will be almost 95% less terrorists and their attacks Inshallah and its the resolve of our nation to eliminate each terrorist from our country.

Appreciate you're honest admittance that it was not the shame on the terrorists to have killed the children. Good going. :tup:
Appreciate you're honest admittance that it was not the shame on the terrorists to have killed the children. Good going. :tup:

Isn't terrorist are meant to kill innocents ????? or they are there to do social work ????

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