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North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"

Should south breakaway from India?

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They do use some South Indian soldiers/pilots as cannon fodder. Including our famous Abhinandan.

They used Abhinandon to prove that Dravidians always gonna mess it up and justify recruiting only from north. Even when they knew poor Abhi had no chance against Pakistani air force.
Everyone is looser who doesn't have similar opinion as yours. How convinient, just like those TTP terrorists who declare other Pakistanis as murtid and looser for not following TTP.

I am done sirjee, warna main ban ho jaoonga.
I am from south. It is absolutely true that except for bjp nutjob morons most of us are very unhappy with the bias we have been facing. If given an option we would every much like to come out of this tumour called bimaru states. The second best option would be to move the capital to the south and kick carve out these cowbelts as a seperate country.

That is because you have capability of thinking properly and realizing the systematical damage done by north to Dravidian states. Your thoughts echoes those of many Dravidians here in US.
I am from south. It is absolutely true that except for bjp nutjob morons most of us are very unhappy with the bias we have been facing. If given an option we would every much like to come out of this tumour called bimaru states. The second best option would be to move the capital to the south and kick carve out these cowbelts as a seperate country.

Where are you from in the south?
They used Abhinandon to prove that Dravidians always gonna mess it up and justify recruiting only from north. Even when they knew poor Abhi had no chance against Pakistani air force.

I wish your Imran Khan had kept him in Pakistan at least three months longer. Made him do circus tricks in a Pakistani comedy show.

That would have angered all the South Indians in the country, and would have been a PR disaster for Narendra Modi. BJP would have perhaps won less seats in the coming elections.
That is because you have capability of thinking properly and realizing the systematical damage done by north to Dravidian states. Your thoughts echoes those of many Dravidians here in US.

A country without cowbelt will be a true secular country but more nationalistic. Our decisions will not be bound by religion.
Am sure the place has a name and PDF mods aren't going to give me.your IP address? Breathe easy and tell the name.
I am breathing easy dude. Stop asking random ppl online where they are from. It's creepy AF.
I wish your Imran Khan had kept him in Pakistan at least three months longer. Made him do circus tricks in a Pakistani comedy show.

That would have angered all the South Indians in the country, and would have been a PR disaster for Narendra Modi. BJP would have perhaps won less seats in the coming elections.

IK was hoping to get things solved between the 2 countries in his term, as he was elected nto too long ago at that time. He have lost all the hope.
A country without cowbelt will be a true secular country but more nationalistic. Our decisions will not be bound by religio

I am breathing easy dude. Stop asking random ppl online where they are from. It's creepy AF.

What do you call a person who tells random people where he is from? Creepmagnet?
A country without cowbelt will be a true secular country but more nationalistic. Our decisions will not be bound by religion.

True, I agree. Religious nutcase like TTP or Bimarus are threat for the progress of this world. I do hope secular dravidian state and Pakistan with IK will have great relations.
Er.....I don't think the discussion was related to what is currently happening. It was hypothesizing on what events or scenarios would lead to situation where the southern states would seek to divide from India.

It is entirely related to the topic. It clarifies that how the northern laborers going to South do not make the South insecure and thus this cause must be ruled out from your imagination.
What do you call a person who tells random people where he is from? Creepmagnet?

True, I agree. Religious nutcase like TTP or Bimarus are threat for the progress of this world. I do hope secular dravidian state and Pakistan with IK will have great relations.
Not gonna happen in our life time. There are enough low iqed morons inpin who can't see beyond religion, language , race etc.
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