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North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"

Should south breakaway from India?

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Oh so now they are friends. Usually on this forum they have to face Racist comments too apart from usual slurs thrown to Hindus and Indians in general.
Nothing more racist than a north Indian saying,
2020-05-10 12.23.08.png

And poor Dravidians be like,


This is how you see Dravidians.
I know how people think on the ground, you hear from people. Primary va secondary knowledge.
Yeah man, I am the tamil guy here but you are the expert. H1b professional told you? LOL. Some frustrated guy will have such grand theories.

Multiple Dravidian states? There are only 4 and each have their own culture and I am aware of all that. North indian labour are eating south indian jobs? North Indian labour work for peanuts and some of them are Bangladeshi also. South Indian labour is busy drinking and enjoying freebies given by the government. Your mind is made up as per your wishlist and you seek evidence for the same.

I see the sadness in your "lol".

It is ok, I feel you. Keep acting loyal to north indians, who knows when will they declare you desh drohi.
Most US NRI's are Telugu people (me too) and we divided our state into two(for petty politics) and u dreaming 'we somehow form a new utopia state of Dravidnadu with different languages'? :rofl:
That's what the north want. Keep you divided and fighting among each other, while they s c u k last drop of your blood. No wonder why they had Dravidians Tamil fighting with Sri Lankan Sinhalese.
You are wrong. You are so brainwashed that you don't even acknowledge the fact that the name india itself came from my province of Sindh. Even your religion came from the same province so is your culture. You dance on the civilization which was primarily in modern day Pakistan, be it Gandhara, Harrappa, MahenJoDaro, MehrGarh, Taxila or any other. Keep getting brainwashed by north indians, instead of feeling proud about your own culture and promotion of Dravidianism. In fact you are forced by north Indians to follow a foreign culture, civilization and religion like a zombie.
LOL. Sorry man, I am not bothered enough to respond.

If you are interested why don't you call yourself India, we ll use the name Bharat. Lord Shiva is the god of Tamilnadu since eternity, he is also.the god of kashmiri pandits and crores of hindus all over India. He was the god of those of Harappa and Mohenjodaro also and the pashupati seal clarifies that. We know what we are much more than most others in the subcontinent.
Yes we south Indians need advice and guidance from Pakistanis seeing the way you guys have run the country? We people of India will fight with each other. Hell all 4 south Indians states fight with each other. But we have realised in the past being divided has helped colonisation and invaders. At the end of the day when D Day comes we will be united. This Wuhan virus scare is a great example.when everyone gelled together as one.

You don't need to take my advice, but do seek advice from those Dravidians who live here in US.

LOL. Sorry man, I am not bothered enough to respond.

If you are interested why don't you call yourself India, we ll use the name Bharat. Lord Shiva is the god of Tamilnadu since eternity, he is also.the god of kashmiri pandits and crores of hindus all over India. He was the god of those of Harappa and Mohenjodaro also and the pashupati seal clarifies that. We know what we are much more than most others in the subcontinent.

Humans always seek progress, we left that name and religion to move forward. But then you borrowed it without giving credit to original owners.
Nothing more racist than a north Indian saying,
View attachment 631294
And poor Dravidians be like,

View attachment 631293

This is how you see Dravidians.
View attachment 631292

Such an accurate analysis. It really happens. South Indians are often mistreated in North Indian/Hindi-dominated environments but they have learned to suck it up like the slaves they are, and move on. It's some kind of weird inferiority mixed with lots of insecurity. That is why they lash out so angrily at you when you point out the obvious facts.

Watch any South Indian cinema (even more unwatchable than Bollywood) and their obsession with fair skin/Northern Indians is a bit too much cringeworthy.

I wish their self-pride was just not limited to their mother tongue languages.
You don't need to take my advice, but do seek advice from those Dravidians who live here in US.

Humans always seek progress, we left that name and religion to move forward. But then you borrowed it without giving credit to original owners.

Those dudes are nobodies. Perhaps typical H1B onsite losers.
Such an accurate analysis. It really happens. South Indians are often mistreated in North Indian/Hindi-dominated environments but they have learned to suck it up like the slaves they are, and move on. It's some kind of weird inferiority mixed with lots of insecurity. That is why they lash out so angrily at you when you point out the obvious facts.

Watch any South Indian cinema (even more unwatchable than Bollywood) and their obsession with fair skin/Northern Indians is a bit too much cringeworthy.

I wish their self-pride was just not limited to their mother tongue languages.

No wonder why Indian army is mainly made up of North indians. They rather hire people of Nepal than a dravidian. Luckily you could see that unlike few who are scared to get the label of desh drohi.
Oye chhad ennu..:p::p::p: inna mat ghaseet. Bachya nu rulaa ditta:woot:

Kaun ro raha hain fattu?
You don't need to take my advice, but do seek advice from those Dravidians who live here in US.

Humans always seek progress, we left that name and religion to move forward. But then you borrowed it without giving credit to original owners.

LOL. I don't wanna get banned, I ll stop now.
No wonder why Indian army is mainly made up of North indians. They rather hire people of Nepal than a dravidian. Luckily you could see that unlike few who are scared to get the label of desh drohi.

They do use some South Indian soldiers/pilots as cannon fodder. Including our famous Abhinandan.
I am from south. It is absolutely true that except for bjp nutjob morons most of us are very unhappy with the bias we have been facing. If given an option we would every much like to come out of this tumour called bimaru states. The second best option would be to move the capital to the south and kick carve out these cowbelts as a seperate country.
I am from south. It is absolutely true that except for bjp nutjob morons most of us are very unhappy with the bias we have been facing. If given an option we would every much like to come out of this tumour called bimaru states. The second best option would be to move the capital to the south and kick carve out these cowbelts as a seperate country.

Ye hui na mardon wali baat. Sorry, I will not speak Hindi as I know how much it offends you. Sincerely
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