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North East Calls Boycott of Rebublic days (India).

Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura will gain their independence from New Delhi very soon. indians are very prejudiced toward people from the northeast and want to abuse them, to satisfy their petty desire to play 'imperialist.'

Right now, China is building infrastructure linking up Tibet and Southern Tibet (so-called "Arunachal Pradesh") to increase our trade and cultural influence. Once Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripur trade more with China than with the rest of india, they will finally break free from indian chains!

China should arm the rebels with advanced PLA weapons and bring the atrocities in india to the world's attention.

We are NOT CHINESE not even racially .. at best we are similar to Burmese ,tibetans or other southeast asians..not HANS chinese please ..
Northeast indians are basically Burmese. Tibetan are actually extremely close to Han Chinese.

They are there; borrowed their fancy name giving technique from the communists. Trust me, they ain't half as grande as their "names" are. :lol: These jokers try to spread their trash in Sikkim sometime back; some got lynched and others either ran away for their lives or got arrested by the state police. :P
You are laughing at torture? Cruel india has no human rights. Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura will one day finally be free.
NE should join Republic of Bangladesh and have access to Bay of Bengal. They will flourish like hell. They will have the right on their resources and not stolen by Bharat Mata.

They speak Bangla as well... good for them and the future lies there.

The ULFA in Bangladesh are pretty much on the run now.

Couple of years ago I even knew of one fellow's daughter studying with my neighbor. And as RAB were going to capture him at his house, he and his family fled...most probably to Bangkok.

Some of the reasons for supporting ULFA back in days was due to the fact that India supported the Shanti Bahini in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region back in the 70s and 80s.

The whole venture failed in the end for the Indians. Of-course, we had international support against that group, which is one of the reasons why we won against them. Shanti Bahini were officially dead in the mid-90s.

Now, army presence has been going down in the CHT region.

Some BNP people did support ULFA even after the Shanti Bahini fell. This coupled with the support of 'magic hands'.

But this is partly due to the fact that Bangladesh never did a good job at tying the loose ends of the Cold War past. Why do you think all this farce over 'war criminals', our laborers in the Middle East not being hired due to links with the 'Razakars', etc are happening? It is because of that very reason.

All that happened in the Cold War, and best if we move forward.

As far as ULFA is concerned, I wouldn't say they are completely dead. Most of their activities are actually the ones described by pmukherjee in post #54. I really do not think that the various insurgent groups have enough local support. In fact, most North Easterners want to be with India rather than China. And let alone with Bangladesh.
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura will gain their independence from New Delhi very soon. indians are very prejudiced toward people from the northeast and want to abuse them, to satisfy their petty desire to play 'imperialist.'

Please take care of Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mangolia who are dying hard to get independence from Cruel China instead of trolling here.
As far as ULFA is concerned, I wouldn't say they are completely dead. Most of their activities are actually the ones described by pmukherjee in post #54. I really do not think that the various insurgent groups have enough local support. In fact, most North Easterners want to be with India rather than China. And let alone with Bangladesh.
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura feel like they can't be on their own because they are geographically isolated and landlocked. Same situation with Nepal, although they are more independent. Once China builds infrastructure into Southern Tibet and northeast india to allow florishing trade, everything changes.

Look at how positively Nepal responds to Chinese trade. They don't need to over-rely on india anymore. india doesn't even bother to build infrastructure in the northeast, because they are 'chinis' and not considered indian.
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura will gain their independence from New Delhi very soon. indians are very prejudiced toward people from the northeast and want to abuse them, to satisfy their petty desire to play 'imperialist.'

Right now, China is building infrastructure linking up Tibet and Southern Tibet (so-called "Arunachal Pradesh") to increase our trade and cultural influence. Once Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripur trade more with China than with the rest of india, they will finally break free from indian chains!

China should arm the rebels with advanced PLA weapons and bring the atrocities in india to the world's attention.

(sigh) kids these days...

Northeast indians are basically Burmese. Tibetan are actually extremely close to Han Chinese.

North east indians are a mix of Han chinese, tibetan, bengali and burmese

You are laughing at torture? Cruel india has no human rights. Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura will one day finally be free.

Sure. and china does not have a manufacturing sector :rofl:

good luck with that. nothing wrong in dreaming.
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura feel like they can't be on their own because they are geographically isolated and landlocked. Same situation with Nepal, although they are more independent. Once China builds infrastructure into Southern Tibet and northeast india to allow florishing trade, everything changes.

India will never have any major infrastructure connecting with China. This is not just my opinion, but a fact.

Look at how positively Nepal responds to Chinese trade. They don't need to over-rely on india anymore. india doesn't even bother to build infrastructure in the northeast, because they are 'chinis' and not considered indian.

Almost all their goods on the market are Indian. I understand that it is a bit of a pain being sandwiched between two powerful countries. Trust me, I know what it is like.

Nepalese are...mixed. They are not pure Han. In fact, most North Eastern Indians and my country's eastern part relate themselves more to the Burmese more than to mainland India.
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura feel like they can't be on their own because they are geographically isolated and landlocked. Same situation with Nepal, although they are more independent. Once China builds infrastructure into Southern Tibet and northeast india to allow florishing trade, everything changes.

Reading Xinhua newspaper too much cause in Partial loss of mental health. :lol: :lol: :lol:
India will never have any major infrastructure connecting with China. This is not just my opinion, but a fact.

Almost all their goods on the market are Indian. I understand that it is a bit of a pain being sandwiched between two powerful countries. Trust me, I know what it is like.

Nepalese are...mixed. They are not pure Han. In fact, most North Eastern Indians and my country's eastern part relate themselves more to the Burmese more than to mainland India.

Nepal has two groups, the Paharis who are mixed people and India too have large population of those people. The people of Tarai or south known as Madhesi, they are identical to Biharis because both are Maitihilis and Bhojpuri people. The present President of Nepal is a Maithili. We Biharis often intermarry with Madhesis.
I am a Bihari but some of my relatives are Bengalis.

Talk about intra-national weddings; my fiance is a Punjabi and my sister is married to a Rajasthani.:D

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

Nepalese are...mixed. They are not pure Han. In fact, most North Eastern Indians and my country's eastern part relate themselves more to the Burmese more than to mainland India.

If you don't remember, Burma is culturally Indian too. That's why.

---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

Look at how positively Nepal responds to Chinese trade. They don't need to over-rely on india anymore. india doesn't even bother to build infrastructure in the northeast, because they are 'chinis' and not considered indian.

That's because manufacturing is negligible in Nepal itself. BTW thanks for your giveaway. We are as much Indian as any Indian on this forum is. Just to make it a point, I have spent a large part of my life in Delhi; born there and never was I or my family seen differently. Unlike how your own ethnicities are seen differently.
Talk about intra-national weddings; my fiance is a Punjabi and my sister is married to a Rajasthani.:D

My sister's husband speaks Bengali as first language. My sister made him almost Vegetarian. I stayed once during one summer with his joint family and I learnt some Bengali with them.
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