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Nobel committee warned not to award peace prize to Chinese dissident

It is true.
I am suffering of that from all my heart. Like most Iranians i wish better times to come and these crazy acts stop.
We need the Chinese and the World to remind our country to respect its citizens.
Supporting us is remind us the basic human rights and stop the barbary as you said yourself.

I accept the critics. If you could accept yourself about some point in your country. Like putting in jail a dissident : we do. You do. It is not good. ok with that?

Really the case, I have a feeling. You and we have something similar, 20 years ago, we all the simple vision of freedom, democracy, separation of powers, with a mere thought and passion, so we were 20 years ago, but not these "Chinese intellectuals", I do not want to say anything, however, that is Iran's problems, just want to say what you want, you must need be clear. With a wolf to drive away the other wolf, is not a good idea because the wolf may be more fierce.
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Concerned about the country's problems and support them, "Chinese intellectuals" is not the same, understanding of China's problems, do you think we do not?
It is true.
I am suffering of that from all my heart. Like most Iranians i wish better times to come and these crazy acts stop.
We need the Chinese and the World to remind our country to respect its citizens.
Supporting us is remind us the basic human rights and stop the barbary as you said yourself.

I accept the critics. If you could accept yourself about some point in your country. Like putting in jail a dissident : we do. You do. It is not good. ok with that?

I myself is a dissident, according to your definition of dissidence, as I am anti communist.

I won't be jailed. I guarantee that.

Lets visit Beijing together, agree?
another insult without quoting me to say what was wrong.
this is typically propaganda educated people who write like you.

let me answer about your out of topic points .

about what he said. if there is another source than the given one, which i can give more credit.

i disagree with stoning like large majority of Iranians. Well let me explain me . hopefully you can understand. in Iran a small part of the population believes that whatever "Islam" says (local mullah for exemple) it should be respected. only these people can accept such a thing. whatever during many years no stoning case and now there are sadly some.

you didn't need to insult my country now to answer me.
i respect your great civilization and you should respect ours.
what is the matter here is that we speak about nobel prize man. and the wish for the nobel prize commity that china can improve human rights. nobody said human rights are perfect in europe or usa.

for exemple the associations for human rights and even the european commity for human rights .. is severely condemning France for many matters . First of all, many times they condemn state of jails. It is a disaster here.
Second about some subjects like roms.

Democracy is not US origin.
How many times i need to explain this to people like you?
I am not fan of USA. So stop always saying this bullshit. I never lived there and i am not looking to live there.
Democracy is a human principle.
Here they believe everything comes from their civilisation. Maybe i exagerate abou this ... many people are open minded...
What i mean is for exemple in Iran we had the human rights principles far before the european and greek.
But they don't care about that.
In China as well you are the source of many good involvments on human society.

WHAT is the matter here is HUMAN. Not being US or Europe civilized like. I am myself not at all european like. We have in our country our civilizations, all, we have the elements to make a better country.

could you understand this before always saying that when we speak democracy then we are US minded.

Who is ruling my country? I don't understand what you mean?
Khamenei is ruling my country. And?

People's Republic of China is still the only country where one can expect social and legal justice.

I am saying this.

China is still the only remaining free society. China is the only country that is ruled by law.

How much you know about China? Have you ever visited China? Instead of listening to what the Angloids say about China, why don't you come to China for visit and see yourself the country?

Talking about human rights...? Let me tell you, China is the only country that cares about Human rights with utmost sincerity. Social problems are everywhere, in every corner of the world. Yes, there is corruption in China, it is due to some corrupt officials, some people may have been deprived of their legal rights, but you can't blame the over all system which follows a Constitution.

Here, please read the Constitution of the PRC.


Now, let me tell you, the party itself cannot violate the Constitution.

The PRC govt in fact praise and award those who champion the cause of human rights. Many human rights lawyers have been awarded in China by the Central Govt.

See this documentary on CCTV 9.

Rediscovering China 2010-05-27 Justice for all CCTV News - CNTV English

Liu Xiaobo is not a human rights activist. He is a colonial agent and threat to China's national security and territorial integrity. He wants China to be re-colonized for three hundred years.

What if someone awards an Iranian who says Iran should be colonized by the Angloids for three hundred years?

Communism has nothing to do with Liu. Democracy has nothing to do with him. Human rights issues have nothing to do with him.
People's Republic of China is still the only country where one can expect social and legal justice.

I am saying this.

China is still the only remaining free society. China is the only country that is ruled by law.

How much you know about China? Have you ever visited China? Instead of listening to what the Angloids say about China, why don't you come to China for visit and see yourself the country?

Talking about human rights...? Let me tell you, China is the only country that cares about Human rights with utmost sincerity. Social problems are everywhere, in every corner of the world. Yes, there is corruption in China, it is due to some corrupt officials, some people may have been deprived of their legal rights, but you can't blame the over all system which follows a Constitution.

Here, please read the Constitution of the PRC.


Now, let me tell you, the party itself cannot violate the Constitution.

The PRC govt in fact praise and award those who champion the cause of human rights. Many human rights lawyers have been awarded in China by the Central Govt.

See this documentary on CCTV 9.

Rediscovering China 2010-05-27 Justice for all CCTV News - CNTV English

Liu Xiaobo is not a human rights activist. He is a colonial agent and threat to China's national security and territorial integrity. He wants China to be re-colonized for three hundred years.

What if someone awards an Iranian who says Iran should be colonized by the Angloids for three hundred years?

Communism has nothing to do with Liu. Democracy has nothing to do with him. Human rights issues have nothing to do with him.
Thank you for your smart comments.
I just give my advice about part of what you said. It is just advice.
If i had a Liu Xiaobo guy as activist in my country. I would not put him in jail for what he said especially after he said he was sorry and it was taken it too seriously and out of context. Because he spoke about Hong Kong developped far better than other parts of China.
His comment was stupid he said himself.
If in Iran someone is doing terrorism act or planning it that we 100% sure is doing so, there is no pity: he should be in jail and we don't care what is said in Europe or USA. Did anybody care Rigi (Jundollah) executed?
Of course if someone says Iran should be colonized (it was not colonized, it was occupied and by many countries: russians and english for exemple) by english... you won't find anyone in Iran who will think he is smart and ALL intellectuals would say he is stupid.
People are smart. They know when someone says something stupid. If someone says such statement it is better for him he go to England because he would get no chance to get any credit, any respect. Except i he clearly says publically : "i am sorry for such stupid words"
Thank you for your smart comments.
I just give my advice about part of what you said. It is just advice.
If i had a Liu Xiaobo guy as activist in my country. I would not put him in jail for what he said especially after he said he was sorry and it was taken it too seriously and out of context. Because he spoke about Hong Kong developped far better than other parts of China.
His comment was stupid he said himself.
If in Iran someone is doing terrorism act or planning it that we 100% sure is doing so, there is no pity: he should be in jail and we don't care what is said in Europe or USA. Did anybody care Rigi (Jundollah) executed?
Of course if someone says Iran should be colonized (it was not colonized, it was occupied and by many countries: russians and english for exemple) by english... you won't find anyone in Iran who will think he is smart and ALL intellectuals would say he is stupid.
People are smart. They know when someone says something stupid. If someone says such statement it is better for him he go to England because he would get no chance to get any credit, any respect. Except i he clearly says publically : "i am sorry for such stupid words"

But you still do not know enough about, so you think that some of the stupid things by accident, not just some words, it is his consistent position, his claim is against all the Chinese culture, Chinese culture is all useless , China should all learn from the West, all concerned, everything is bad in China, the West everything is good, it is his basic theory, I suggest you go to learn more of his claims.
guys, I got a copy of Mr. Liu's interview, in Chinese, in 1988. Can someone translate it? :rofl:

He was correct in his description of some limited areas, but after all he is more a petulant youth than anything else.





























































































  刘晓波:三百年殖民地。香港一百年殖民地变成今天这样,中国那么大,当然需要三百年殖民地,才会变成今天香港这样,三百年够不够,我还有怀疑。 :taz:








If you know Chinese, you will know what he is, no personality and confidence.
如果我拍的话,我会拍出中国人如何的萎缩,软弱和 “操蛋”,而不加一句解说。但“河殇”潜在的意思还是在说中国是一个伟大的民族,中国人99%的萎靡状态和 那些画面表现的精神状态差得太远了。我在“新时期文学的危机”一文中,曾指出中国人从肉体到精 神统统阳痿!

If I shoot, I will shoot the Chinese people how to atrophy, weakness and "*******" instead of adding a commentary. But the "blue" or the meaning of the potential that China is a great nation, 99% of the Chinese state and sluggish performance of the mental state of those pictures was in passing. I am in the "crisis of Contemporary Literature," a paper had pointed out to the spirit of the Chinese people from all physical impotence!
The Nobel peace prize was always controversial in nature,it seems more like settling scores for the west

If u have a look at it over the yrs some of the personalities who had been awarded noble prize

Mikhail Gorbachev
For dismantling and dismembering Soviet Union,American born enemy,what else was his contribution to world peace

Barak Obama
For fighting 2 costly wars which resulted in immense lose of all NATO soldiers,Afghan and Iraqi life,what is his contribution to world peace

And finally this Liu
Waging a battle against communism in China,another American enemy,other than that what is his contribution to world peace,does fighting communism contribute to world peace

If that was truth every Member of parliament of India who defeat a CPM candidate in India should b awarded a Nobel prize since communism is defeated,one of the primary requirement for Nobel peace prize
Seems except insulting you didn't know how to use your brain

Using filtering doesnt mean that filtering is the same level of avoiding informations to come . for exemple facebook is forbidden in China and they asked filtering google because they don't want any political idea different than the 'strandard' to be welcomed.
In US for exemple or Europe, they allow even the websites that they insult directly the government even the people of the government.

be ok with that or believe it is better to avoid is a possible talk to have.
but the difference of censorship is big .

it is easy to say other know nothing
but it is another thing to give some credit to your insults.

about multi parti matter
lol you're really a joke. just get some education before speaking.
all minor (and about minor it is really minor) partis are under control of CPC
you were funny.. or not

Your statements reflect the deep defects in your mentality.

Why should China filter the internet the same as Westerners do?

Why should China have the same censorship as the Westerners do?

Why would you like to restrict China from thinking independently and acting independently?

Your lack of independent brain doesn’t mean you should force the others’ to think dependently!

In addition, without Westerners, China has been there happily for tens of thousands of years…
The Nobel peace prize was always controversial in nature,it seems more like settling scores for the west

If u have a look at it over the yrs some of the personalities who had been awarded noble prize

Mikhail Gorbachev
For dismantling and dismembering Soviet Union,American born enemy,what else was his contribution to world peace

Barak Obama
For fighting 2 costly wars which resulted in immense lose of all NATO soldiers,Afghan and Iraqi life,what is his contribution to world peace

And finally this Liu
Waging a battle against communism in China,another American enemy,other than that what is his contribution to world peace,does fighting communism contribute to world peace

If that was truth every Member of parliament of India who defeat a CPM candidate in India should b awarded a Nobel prize since communism is defeated,one of the primary requirement for Nobel peace prize

Frankly, I agree with some of Mr. Liu's point of view. I'm even somewhat against jailing him.

But this bestowment of prize won't help China's democratization, only reflects Westerners' sinister intention of sabotaging a unique system that is different from theirs, from their standards and their values.

As the unique system, nonconforming to Western norms, grows and ameliorates itself, the Westerners are puzzled, perplexed and, subsequently, scared: the they thought such an alien system should have collapsed and rotten just as Soviet long time ago. :lol:
Your statements reflect the deep defects in your mentality.

Why should China filter the internet the same as Westerners do?

Why should China have the same censorship as the Westerners do?

Why would you like to restrict China from thinking independently and acting independently?

Your lack of independent brain doesn’t mean you should force the others’ to think dependently!

In addition, without Westerners, China has been there happily for tens of thousands of years…
Again insults. You don't know how to speak without insults?

I never asked China to filter the same than Westerners do. Just try to understand and use your brain a little bit.
And what means "Westerners" about this filtering? In France there is NO filtering. People choose themselves to filter for exemple. But people can complain against a particular website if it shows racism, hatred and so.
Different countries in Europe => different ways to act.
Not speaking about your country that i dont care what they do. it is their business and it is not a model to me since i don't know anything about USA.

What is the matter with independant? Did i say something else?
I repeat and repeat in my messages that there are two elements that we should not mix:
- human rights and social progress and so about the society going better and better
- immitation of the so called model.
As i said human rights already existed before Westerns and many major social progess in humanity is not from Westerns.
Why always put Westerns in your words? you have a problem?

"My lack of independant brain"
Show me evidence about that except insulting me.
That's so stupid and childish to say to someone you dont know on tyhe web "you are that or that". Can't you just see what you write is ridiculous?

And about saying good things about China but put me in the opposition of these words: this is a Nazi behavior.

I see that many US people in this forum just like so much to make a hell and make people against each other. It is like with Pakistan they would enjoy so much Pakistanis having problems with Iranians.
As Julius Cesar said : "divide to reign". Fascist method used by your country.
Deception for you: i have no problem with China . Bye.
Again insults. You don't know how to speak without insults?

I never asked China to filter the same than Westerners do. Just try to understand and use your brain a little bit.
And what means "Westerners" about this filtering? In France there is NO filtering. People choose themselves to filter for exemple. But people can complain against a particular website if it shows racism, hatred and so.
Different countries in Europe => different ways to act.
Not speaking about your country that i dont care what they do. it is their business and it is not a model to me since i don't know anything about USA.

What is the matter with independant? Did i say something else?
I repeat and repeat in my messages that there are two elements that we should not mix:
- human rights and social progress and so about the society going better and better
- immitation of the so called model.
As i said human rights already existed before Westerns and many major social progess in humanity is not from Westerns.
Why always put Westerns in your words? you have a problem?

"My lack of independant brain"
Show me evidence about that except insulting me.
That's so stupid and childish to say to someone you dont know on tyhe web "you are that or that". Can't you just see what you write is ridiculous?

And about saying good things about China but put me in the opposition of these words: this is a Nazi behavior.

I see that many US people in this forum just like so much to make a hell and make people against each other. It is like with Pakistan they would enjoy so much Pakistanis having problems with Iranians.
As Julius Cesar said : "divide to reign". Fascist method used by your country.
Deception for you: i have no problem with China . Bye.

His manner and attitude I do not agree, but I also have the same feelings, you do not have enough understanding of China so much, he might think that this is a mean to offend, I do not agree, I think you just lack of understanding, no harm, no matter How, if the two sides, is very much in a lack of consensus, easy fight, stay calm, everyone, with a reason.
Again insults. You don't know how to speak without insults?

I never asked China to filter the same than Westerners do. Just try to understand and use your brain a little bit.
And what means "Westerners" about this filtering? In France there is NO filtering. People choose themselves to filter for exemple. But people can complain against a particular website if it shows racism, hatred and so.
Different countries in Europe => different ways to act.
Not speaking about your country that i dont care what they do. it is their business and it is not a model to me since i don't know anything about USA.

What is the matter with independant? Did i say something else?
I repeat and repeat in my messages that there are two elements that we should not mix:
- human rights and social progress and so about the society going better and better
- immitation of the so called model.
As i said human rights already existed before Westerns and many major social progess in humanity is not from Westerns.
Why always put Westerns in your words? you have a problem?

"My lack of independant brain"
Show me evidence about that except insulting me.
That's so stupid and childish to say to someone you dont know on tyhe web "you are that or that". Can't you just see what you write is ridiculous?

And about saying good things about China but put me in the opposition of these words: this is a Nazi behavior.

I see that many US people in this forum just like so much to make a hell and make people against each other. It is like with Pakistan they would enjoy so much Pakistanis having problems with Iranians.
As Julius Cesar said : "divide to reign". Fascist method used by your country.
Deception for you: i have no problem with China . Bye.

Because human rights are abused by the West, we all know, but you may be too believe in the West some nice slogans, no problem, I understand, even if we are the same 20 years ago. Against some of the things hidden by the West, not against human rights, this is our present attitude.

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