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No, Pakistan Won’t Sell Saudi Arabia Nukes

So, now this became a shia vs sunni thread
Gulf states are providing valuable leadership of Sunni nations of the world. If needed Sunni countries should go together and crush the Shia menace, where ever it raises its ugly head with their proxy.

Pakistan don't need to sell its nukes, they are right next to Iran, all they need to do is point a few missiles with warheads towards Tehran as target.

Iranian people need to remove these racist Persian Imperialist Mullah's from power, only then Iranian people can breathe free, become a normal country and a responsible global citizen.

Why should Pakistan point nukes at a friendly country?
I highly doubt it would work, the point at which Pakistan is standing there are atleast 1000-2000 powerful political and related to them who have illegal cash robbed from Pakistani Qoumi Khazana until and unless you don't literally destroy them in any military style or any revolutionary style deaths given to them Pakistan is not going to be clean i'd say even wipe out 30 personalities and their families and the rest would run away from Pakistan. This is my personal view ISI don't need to act like Angels pull the trigger at these bastar*ds and clean up the mess and detached from any so called future allies [taliban, molvies, jihadis, kashmir liberators] it is better We are on our own and not dependent on these crazy talibs.

Unfortunately it is 2013 you have no sipah moh but you have as many as 10+ major terrorist orignizations active in Pakistan would like to see the orginazations taken care of them too it has been too long 12 Years now, we shouldn't be blaming US for everything if they say Ops all over Pakistan I have come to the conclusion they were and are right until you don't pick and kill these bastar* terrorists with caring for bloody Pakistani judicial system and judges you won't do anything.

Saudi Arabia doesn't need WMD more than reluctant ummah West would come to help them.

That is the fact , West is providing full security to KSA and making sure they don't play with dangerous toy of nuke. A reason behind that , West already learn from Pakistan and Afghanistan experience where all terrorism strings end up linking with gulf states. All major terrorist captured in Pakistan are either Libyans or from gulf states and now Chechian terrorist recently killed in Quetta and FATA region. Where West see govts in middle east are not much stable and religious fanatics are working on their propaganda without any interruption .
Ummah things is bullcrap .
Beside the point we have lots of black sheep too, who sold national interest for the money. Instead of killing that OBL bastard, few people were busy milking the cow.

Osama bin Laden 'protected by Pakistan in return for Saudi cash'
That is the fact , West is providing full security to KSA and making sure they don't play with dangerous toy of nuke

Yeah, the same West countries sanctioning your masters. WhoTF is going to tell us should we do and shouldn't anyway? :D
Iranian people need to remove these racist Persian Imperialist Mullah's from power, only then Iranian people can breathe free, become a normal country and a responsible global citizen.

I have a feeling that what comes after mullahs is going to be even more racist towards Arabs.

I think a mutually agreed upon security blanket exists....proof of that is even before we went nuclear, when Pakistan sent troops to advise on the Mecca takeover/hostage crisis (in 79?)


They're 24/7 mad at us :D
I have a feeling that what comes after mullahs is going to be even more racist towards Arabs.

We are indifferent to them as long as they keep distance. The problem they have with us is historic, and their master-race supremacy is well-known to us :lol:
They're 24/7 mad at us :D

We are indifferent to them as long as they keep distance. The problem they have with us is historic, and their master-race supremacy is well-known to us :lol:

That's why i think that departure of mullahs would not solve the Iranian- Saudi rivalry.

The current conflict has both sectarian and Race angle but it's root lie in supremacist attitude that a lot of persians have toward arabs.

In any conflict, it is either supremacist attitude or fear rooted in self preservation which is the true cause. Group based constructs, whether based on sectarianism or Racism is that emotion taking form.

And even a secular government would not leave it's shia allies at sea as they would lose influence by doing so.
It might be! at least the Mullahs will give us a break, and atheism will flourish in Iran once more!

Their racism and supremacy isn't solely being practiced against the Arabs but others as well, but their hatred toward Arabs is because of the Muslim conquest of Persia.
That's why i think that departure of mullahs would not solve the Iranian- Saudi rivalry.

The current conflict has both sectarian and Race angle but it's root lie in supremacist attitude that a lot of persians have toward arabs.

In any conflict, it is either supremacist attitude or fear rooted in self preservation which is the true cause. Group based constructs, whether based on sectarianism or Racism is that emotion taking form.

And even a secular government would not leave it's shia allies at sea as they would lose influence by doing so.

I don't think the seculars will go softer on their neighbors either, but they have to understand that the Iranian people had enough, they have been living under sanctions for centuries, while other countries are flourishing, including yours and mine.

Well, if this is the actual status-quo, I'm happy with it.

I would also caution the Pakistani leadership in a friendly way to stay very very vigilant as to how their nukes are stored, and who's guarding them (pay 'm well, spy on 'm intensively (even what they do in their off-duty time)). The more nukes you have, the more chance of one 'being lost', and we can't have any of that if we want to keep trusting Pakistan as a responsible nuclear weapons state.
well saudis are not worth bellieveing on they are american israeli puppets each and everyone of them
well saudis are not worth bellieveing on they are american israeli puppets each and everyone of them

co-operating with other cultures does not make one a puppet of those other cultures..

too often, muslims will call cooperation 'puppetism'.. it's just not true, mkay..
Some people are gullible enough to buy a story like this. Just like some people - dreaming all days and nights - about capturing someone else's land.

Whose land would that be? a lizard filled desert called saudi arabia? :rofl:

I'm not worried about the US much ;), But, Actually, no one is more concerned about KSA's mask of ambiguity on this topic than the Republic of Iran.

I believe you fallow PressTV regularly right? A few months ago, there was an article being published about " Saudi Arabia arrests two Iranian-connected spy cells "

this news didn't contain vital pieces of information about the actual activities of the cells, we know - as a matter of fact - that Iran was trying to gather human-developed information about some facilities that may be related to nuclear military-related facilities within KSA.

Funnily enough, the whole operation was born dead since day 1, as these two cells themselves had Saudi officers :rofl: Nice try though ;).

How does that reply to my comment? If you don't have anything to reply with, don't post random trash.
Saudi arabia will get bombed back to the stone age (you're almost there right now anyway, with your desert lifetsyle) if you get out of line. If you think the Americans will allow the wahabi's to get a nuke then you're much more backward than I thought saudis were.

We wish you all the best :) I'm a trillion percent sure that Iran isn't willing to commit suicide, they just want to acquire these weapons to guarantee the survival of current regime.

Iran will get the bomb and all Saudi arabia will do is beg USA to attack just like wikileaks showed. Iran has dozen of underground nuclear enrichment facilities being developed and has many facilities right now. Let me know when saudi arabia figures out what a centrifuge is.

LoL, looks who's talking.

Another trash reply to my comment. If you don't have the IQ to reply then don't bother.

Who the hell are you to tell Pakistan to whom she should be friendly with?
Pakistan can be friends with however they want.
:pop: Sadam's Republican Gurad was kicked out in less than 73 hours by the Saudi National Gurad.

Saudi national guard :rofl:
The saudi national guard were hiding behind female American soldier.
If it were not for the western support, there would be not saudi arabia right now.:lol:
Saudis are the most incompotent,lazy people on earth.
Well, if this is the actual status-quo, I'm happy with it.

I would also caution the Pakistani leadership in a friendly way to stay very very vigilant as to how their nukes are stored, and who's guarding them (pay 'm well, spy on 'm intensively (even what they do in their off-duty time)). The more nukes you have, the more chance of one 'being lost', and we can't have any of that if we want to keep trusting Pakistan as a responsible nuclear weapons state.

Dude! Don't make me change my mind about your personality :pissed:

Pakistan is no fool to do such thing :lol:

well saudis are not worth bellieveing on they are american israeli puppets each and everyone of them

People are just mad at us for one reason or another :lol:

Unless Our Saudi Arabian Brothers always have them,they don't need to Buy these Expensive Toys...:)

Why not both? :-)
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