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No, Pakistan Won’t Sell Saudi Arabia Nukes

It's not any of your concern, Let only Iranian people decide about Iran, you better care about Bangladesh, but yet you are obsessed with Shias and spreading sectarian hatred among members.

If Syria and Lebanon in Arab world can be non-Arab Iran's concern, so can they be for Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei or any other Muslim country, if they so desire. I only speak for myself and you are not in a position to tell me what I should or should not do and who I should care for, as long my posts do not violate forum rules.
If Syria and Lebanon in Arab world can be non-Arab Iran's concern, so can they be for Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei or any other Muslim country, if they so desire. I only speak for myself and you are not in a position to tell me what I should or should not do and who I should care for, as long my posts do not violate forum rules.
I don't care much about what you write here, as long as it is concerned with my country.
I told you, only Iranians decide what to do or not, and you saying 'Iranians should blah blah' means you are saying something that is not of your concern or business.

And sectarian posts are against forum rules, if you didn't know that.
Islamic bomb my arse-SA is protected by the U.S anyway it does not need us anyway pakistan made those nukes and suffered the sanctions and propaganda consequently nobody else did.The "ummah" doesn't deserve pakistan's protection it's bled for them enough.Nukes are for pakistan's defence alone everyone can f uck off if you think you will ever get your grubby hand on them.

Yes the nukes are pakistani but give some credits when its due, Saudi Arabia stood by Pakistan during the sanctions.
Yes the nukes are pakistani but give some credits when its due, Saudi Arabia stood by Pakistan during the sanctions.

Do all Saudis have same opinion about everything - no - please don't expect Pakistanis to have a uniformed opinion either. Some Pakistanis have a rather ludicrous tendency to blame all of nations ills on Saudi Arabia, only Allah can help them.
If Syria and Lebanon in Arab world can be non-Arab Iran's concern, so can they be for Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei or any other Muslim country, if they so desire. I only speak for myself and you are not in a position to tell me what I should or should not do and who I should care for, as long my posts do not violate forum rules.

kalu bhai lots of people r dying in the namesake of shia salafism. its more like a game of power than a religious thing
Do all Saudis have same opinion about everything - no - please don't expect Pakistanis to have a uniformed opinion either. Some Pakistanis have a rather ludicrous tendency to blame all of nations ills on Saudi Arabia, only Allah can help them.

Most if not all Saudis are aware of the brotherly relations both countries enjoy and appreciate Pakistan and hold it in high regard and consider it as a major Islamic force in the world. I have never came across a single Saudi disrespects Pakistan or minimizes its efforts in any form or shape.
Yes the nukes are pakistani but give some credits when its due, Saudi Arabia stood by Pakistan during the sanctions.

Afghanistan was the deadliest nightmare to KSA and Pakistan. They literally worked 24/7 for 8 years. As for the sanctions, these sanctions didn't prevent Pakistan from developing atomic weapons, as much as it didn't work out with India as well.

The US decided to apply double standards, yet, General Zia never gave up Pakistan's ultimate goal.

With all the ups and downs that Pakistan had gone through, the day they conducted their tests approved to the whole world that hard work pays off.

They gave the middle finger to Bill Clinton :cheesy:
Most if not all Saudis are aware of the brotherly relations both countries enjoy and appreciate Pakistan and hold it in high regard and consider it as a major Islamic force in the world. I have never came across a single Saudi disrespects Pakistan or minimizes its efforts in any form or shape.

I share your experience. From the dozens of Saudis i have met and conversed with at the University and beyond none of them treated me as any different to that of their own countrymen. I found most of them to be interested into our nation's politics and shared our grief over recent spat of militant violence and chaos. Once actually, i was lined up for something in the University and a rather pretty looking girl with strong eye brows and a glowing green hijab was standing close to me in the line, i noticed her lifting herself multiple times on her paws. I couldn't figure out what it was, then i realize that she was carrying a green passport and so was i, so she was looking over my passport - she was a Saudi. :P - After the exam, i bought her a coffee and made fun of her about what she did. :lol:
You said you met Saudi people in real life, right? Ask them about their opinion on Pakistan :cheesy:

No, I won't tell you :coffee:
Do all Saudis have same opinion about everything - no - please don't expect Pakistanis to have a uniformed opinion either. Some Pakistanis have a rather ludicrous tendency to blame all of nations ills on Saudi Arabia, only Allah can help them.

I think @Arabian Legend was slightly offended by the language that was used by our friend @khanz , but I didn't really take Khanz's word seriously, because I know what is real and what isn't.
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Yes, you did. It means " O' the Nation of Islam " or the Ummah or اے اسلام
@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE - Ya Mahsharal Islam ! :)

Did I say that correct ? :azn:

I picked it up from the series Omar ! :ashamed:

There are many Saudi students studying in Pakistan. It's a good thing you met a Saudi girl, but I don't think the Saudi girls are prettier than the Pakistani girls :lol: ...

One of my students last year had left to Pakistan to study medical engineering while serving in the SANG ...
Also, One of my best friend had just finished the Sa'qah, he wanted to go after the SSG as well, luckily the PA approved his application, he's leaving next month.
I share your experience. From the dozens of Saudis i have met and conversed with at the University and beyond none of them treated me as any different to that of their own countrymen. I found most of them to be interested into our nation's politics and shared our grief over recent spat of militant violence and chaos. Once actually, i was lined up for something in the University and a rather pretty looking girl with strong eye brows and a glowing green hijab was standing close to me in the line, i noticed her lifting herself multiple times on her paws. I couldn't figure out what it was, then i realize that she was carrying a green passport and so was i, so she was looking over my passport - she was a Saudi. :P - After the exam, i bought her a coffee and made fun of her about what she did. :lol:

Even though you said you met dozens of Saudis, but you still have got no idea about how Pakistan is being looked upon by our people. Hellz, even our own young Saudis want to deport everyone to bring more Pakistanis.
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Revolutions result in what it has resulted in Egypt, if we Pakistanis get off our assess and work there is a 'feasible' way of bringing change but it would have to be brought from with in. It would require 'us western educated Pakistanis' to go back, bite dust in Lahore, Pindi, Karachi, become part of the civil/military/political/business/clergy/media/banking systems and bring change from within over a period of two decades with a robust network of cooperation through a rotary club system. How many of us are willing to give up driving Beamers for riding a rikshaw every morning, give up drinking cappuccino every morning and drink chai from a Lahori khokha instead?

I highly doubt it would work, the point at which Pakistan is standing there are atleast 1000-2000 powerful political and related to them who have illegal cash robbed from Pakistani Qoumi Khazana until and unless you don't literally destroy them in any military style or any revolutionary style deaths given to them Pakistan is not going to be clean i'd say even wipe out 30 personalities and their families and the rest would run away from Pakistan. This is my personal view ISI don't need to act like Angels pull the trigger at these bastar*ds and clean up the mess and detached from any so called future allies [taliban, molvies, jihadis, kashmir liberators] it is better We are on our own and not dependent on these crazy talibs.

Unfortunately it is 2013 you have no sipah moh but you have as many as 10+ major terrorist orignizations active in Pakistan would like to see the orginazations taken care of them too it has been too long 12 Years now, we shouldn't be blaming US for everything if they say Ops all over Pakistan I have come to the conclusion they were and are right until you don't pick and kill these bastar* terrorists with caring for bloody Pakistani judicial system and judges you won't do anything.

Saudi Arabia doesn't need WMD more than reluctant ummah West would come to help them.
I think a mutually agreed upon security blanket exists....proof of that is even before we went nuclear, when Pakistan sent troops to advise on the Mecca takeover/hostage crisis (in 79?)

nukes however are not commodities that you just dole out, sell, put on ships in crates and they end up in other countries...its a serious matter.

Pakistan did not sign Non Proliferation Treaty - we refused.

I dont think Saudi Arabia needs Pakistani nukes when America the worlds mightiest superpower would protect Saudi Arabia no holds barred.

If Iran gets nuclear weapons then it will be a problem because then an arms race will easily be started no doubt (Iran has a right to nuclear technology though - any country does)
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